Re: problems with serial communications

2004-01-08 Thread Rolf Østvik
JoeLabView [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in news:5065000500474A0100- [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Shakes, You can post your vi as an attachment in this thread. That way, many people can help you. :o) JLV Be aware that wherever you are posting from/to, this is also sent to comp.lang.labview as

Re: IMAQ application; measuring gas volume

2004-01-08 Thread CatLabMan
tmh Have used hundreds of MFCs from Brooks and Bronkhurst (Porter) in my LabVIEW applications, so I'm aware of their functionality. On this potential new application, it could be that they are not good enough because the amount of gas could be to small over the time range in question, so I have

Re: Can two subVI show up at the same time?

2004-01-08 Thread Mads
Yes as long as there is no data flow dependancies that stop one call (e.g. if sub-VI no.2 gets an input that is the output of the first one). You don't need to stop at 2 either, you can have multiple far as it's practical and user friendly.

Is it possible to automatically create file names?

2004-01-08 Thread timohe
If i do a set of measurements and i want to save each measurement in own file is it possible to automatically create filenames? For example ...

Re: problems with serial communications

2004-01-08 Thread Shakes
Thx rolf. I can e-mail you the VI if you want. You can send your e-mail address to me at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: unable to speak with the HP34401A per my soft, despite it is possible with MAX

2004-01-08 Thread nayisoe
GPIB::XX is wrong, it suppose to be GPIB0::XX or GPIB1:XX. Check with the manual. If it doesnt sovle the problem, post your vi that cant work. May be somebody can help here.

What would cause this error?

2004-01-08 Thread E. Blasberg
Hi All, One of my clients received the following error on a 3 GHz, 2 GB RAM Pentium 4 with Windows XP Pro and LabVIEW 6.1/NI-DAQ 7.0: An exception occurred within the external code called by a Call Library Node. This may have corrupted LabVIEW's memory. You should save any work to a new

Re: Is it possible to automatically create file names?

2004-01-08 Thread timohe
Hi, i want to save my data as a text file so that each measurement data would be in own file and LabVIEW would automatically create filename for each file. I must do a lots of short measurements and it would be faster if i don=B4t have to write a new name every time i save.

Re: Is it possible to automatically create file names?

2004-01-08 Thread nayisoe
Hi timohe, I dont know what you really want to do. If you want to save your measured data as a text file, there is a lot of option in File I/O functions. Or if you want to save your front panel image, you can use property node to get your front panel image. Or you can do the datalogging of your

check RTSI functionality?

2004-01-08 Thread Foeth
Being new to Labview and data acquisition, I've changed a simple RTSI example VI for 2 E-series boards. I cannot see any difference in VI execution if I wire the RTSI triggering to the second device (AI start) or not.How can I be certain that device 2 is really triggered by RTSI0? Current setup

Re: Como debe ser estructurado el arreglo de 16 bits al usar la tarjeta de sonido?

2004-01-08 Thread sense:sentit
Alguien ha intentado realizar una FFT (power spectrum) con el se=F1al que captamos a trav=E9s de la tarjeta de sonido mediante SND Readwaveform? Los resultados que yo obtengo no son correctos!!

How can I collect data via PC DB9(RS232)using labVIEW?

2004-01-08 Thread chuliang
Is there a way to communicate between RS232 and LabVIEW? My data can be collected and displayed via RS232 DB9 port using by Hyper Terminal, but I want to collect the data by labVIEW directly.Is it possible?If so, how can I do? Thanks.

Re: Dialog Box automatic field selection + Enter key OK button mapping.

2004-01-08 Thread Dennis Knutson
Bothe things are easy to do. First, right click on your text b0x and select CreateProperty Node. Next, right click the property node and select PropertiesKey Focus. Make sure the property node is set to write and wire a True Bollean constant to it. For the OK button, right click and select

Re: Dialog Box automatic field selection + Enter key OK button mapping.

2004-01-08 Thread Mads
Use a porperty node and write a true to the key focus property of the text control. If you need the OK button to react to an enter just right click on it, select advanced and key navigation and set the shortcut to enter. Instead of using a dialog box to retrive the keyboard input though I would

Re: Dialog Box automatic field selection + Enter key OK button mapping.

2004-01-08 Thread SimonG
yup, that did the job. many thanks.

Re: Como puedo hacer una lectura paralela de dos puertos...

2004-01-08 Thread tmh
If I understand correctly, you want to read from two serial ports where the data arrives at different rates? Just use separate, independent loops to read from each port. Use queues to send the data from each loop to where it is needed, which could be another VI or a third loop in the same VI.

Re: How to use fread in call library function .

2004-01-08 Thread Greg McKaskle
How to use fread in call library function . i am using it to read a binary file. If you are having problems compiling, #include stdio.h or whatever the appropriate header file is that defines the fread function for your compiler/OS. If you can compile the C code, but can't link, you need to

Re: Is it possible to automatically create file names?

2004-01-08 Thread Greg McKaskle
i want to save my data as a text file so that each measurement data would be in own file and LabVIEW would automatically create filename for each file. I must do a lots of short measurements and it would be faster if i don´t have to write a new name every time i save. You don't mention which

Re: unable to speak with the HP34401A per my soft, despite it is possible with MAX

2004-01-08 Thread nayisoe
Is It Sorry, I never try that before! Thanks, I try it tomorrow.

Re: difference between 488.2 and 488

2004-01-08 Thread Brian Powell
I find this pretty surprising. Can you provide us with more information? Were you using an instrument driver? What instrument commands were you sending? What errors did you get? Thanks. Brian

Re: Label alignment in LabVIEW

2004-01-08 Thread tbob
I have opened your example and changed the font size of label 2, back and forth between 14 and 18. The label expanded to the left and did not overlap with the numerical indicator. When contracting, it contracted from the left. The anchor point stayed at the right as it should. I am using LV7.

Looking for information on flow injection analysis kit

2004-01-08 Thread Tom Hawkins
I'm looking for drivers, manuals or any information really on the following instruments: Severn Analytical SA6504 programmable absorbance detector FIATron FIA-Lite detector FIATron peristaltic pump FIATron 8-port valve Both manufacturers appear to be defunct. Any ideas? Where do the rest of you

Re: unable to speak with the HP34401A per my soft, despite it is possible with MAX

2004-01-08 Thread Les Hammer
The error code means VI_ERROR_INTF_NUM_NCONFIG - The interface type is valid but the specified interface number is not configured. The program doesn't like the number (or lack thereof) of the GPIB interface. Les

Re: check RTSI functionality?

2004-01-08 Thread Foeth
The example I downloaded did not terminate the RTSI connections by routing the RTSI line used to none after VI completion (Another example had both master and slave board waiting for a digital trigger leading to time outs, leading to cross-wired example confusion). Apparently RTSI connections

Re: Label alignment in LabVIEW

2004-01-08 Thread Peter Vijn2
Thanks to tbob's comment I have just found the solution to my own problem: when a label is moved, its anchor point is redetermined: it must work approximately like this: if the right side of the label is left of the centre point of the indicator, the anchor point is set to the right of the label.

Re: Label alignment in LabVIEW

2004-01-08 Thread Peter Vijn2
Many thanks for trying and can't explain the different behaviour on your machine. I'm using 7.0 too and even after a cold start of LabVIEW and loading my own vi from the NI site I get the undesired effect (stretching to the right instead to the left). Is anybody out there able to shed some light

Re: unable to speak with the HP34401A per my soft, despite it is possible with MAX

2004-01-08 Thread Hideaki
My VI bug at the first step of the initialization. When the NI VI wants to open a new VISA. I'v try my VI on an other computer,(with the same driver). and then there was no problems (but it was with LabView 6.1). So I think that there is something missing on my computer, but I don't know what (the

Re: How do I detect number of transitions in my acquired data?

2004-01-08 Thread ldrummon
I tried using the threshold array vi. However, I am expecting the signal to go high at some point. When I put the threshold vi in a while loop it returns every index at which the signal is high and the array that is extremely large. I am wanting to check before and after the signal goes high

Re: unable to speak with the HP34401A per my soft, despite it is possible with MAX

2004-01-08 Thread Les Hammer
MAX may be more forgiving on GPIB interface numbers - since it has a list for you to choose from. On the other hand, programs don't assume default interfaces so you need to be more precise. Les

Alarm lines on a chart

2004-01-08 Thread RBujwid
Hello, I use a chart to display up to four waveforms selected from the listbox. I can also select alarm limits to be displayed for each individual waveform. Currently, I display these alarm limits by creating waveforms with Y value equal to the alarm limit. This seems to be an awkward way of doing

Re: Como puedo hacer una lectura paralela de dos puertos...

2004-01-08 Thread Erin B.
En espanol: Si quieres leer dos puertos seriales en que los datos llegan a velocidades distintos, la surgerencia es usar dos ciclos while paralelos y usar queues para transferir los datos de los ciclos a otro VI o a un tercer ciclo.

Re: executable vi files in windows!

2004-01-08 Thread skupper
Even a simple VI will require the use of the labview run time engine. Why do you need to run it without that dll?

Re: executable vi files in windows!

2004-01-08 Thread Fan Zhang
You can build executable programs by using LabVIEW Application Builder, which is a separate software from the main engine. -Fan Fonsi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED] hi, Is it possible to compile my aplication to executable file, to use directly in windows, without

Re: What would cause this error?

2004-01-08 Thread Greg McKaskle
An exception occurred within the external code called by a Call Library Node. This may have corrupted LabVIEW's memory. You should save any work to a new location and restart LabVIEW. VI was stopped at node 0x1C94 of subVI AI Buffer Read (scaled array).vl Any idea

Re: curve fitting

2004-01-08 Thread Fan Zhang
I am not very certain if you can do it, if you do not have any guess coefficients. It is a known problem that if the guess coefficients are too far away from the real values, the fitting can go wild. However if you have some sort of idea what the coefficients-area, offset,FWHM and center are, you

How do I copy recordsets from one database table to another?

2004-01-08 Thread Brian Beal
I am using the Database Connectivity Toolset, and would like to copy either one recordset or multiple recordsets from one Access table to a table in a different database. I would like to do it directly with the data in variant form, but I can't get it to work. I can get it to work(on a small

Re: How to decide the port of RS232 ?

2004-01-08 Thread JoeLabView
Hi Whuili, From your block diagram, go to your Functions Palette. Within that, look under Instrument IO. First go to VISA, then VISA Advanced. Place a VISA Open on your block diagram. Go back to Instrument IO, but this tiome go into Serial. In there you will find the vi's to configure the

RE: Wouldn't it be nice if you could put a tab control in a cluster

2004-01-08 Thread Randy Riggs
Chuck Lippmeier wrote: I was just using a Tab control with a lot of only controls on it. I was just wishing I could wrap the whole thing in a cluster so I could clean up my diagram. You can, however, put a cluster into a tab control... If you just clustered-up all your controls like you would if

Re: Errors and bad image printout with Standard Reports generation VI's.

2004-01-08 Thread Liz F
Hi Raffaele, Thank you for taking the time to compile and send all of those files. I was able to run your VI and I did get the error you were talking about. However, I think I narrowed down the problem. It looks like the file path for the location of the .jpg image was being constructed

Re: unable to speak with the HP34401A per my soft, despite it is possible with MAX

2004-01-08 Thread nayisoe
Post your vi to the forum and somebody can help you out.

Re: programmatically place structures in a VI

2004-01-08 Thread Greg McKaskle
I am interested in building an application that can create a tool that builds a multi-loop case structure (one within another). I would like to keep the number of such loops as a parameter that the user can specify. I would like to know if it is possible to programmatically create a VI and

Are there any advanced user manual for Application Builder?

2004-01-08 Thread Bill Choy
Hi, I want to find Application Builder user manual that can teach me how to set the Install Settings. For example, I want to know what libraries will be included in the installer if I enable Serial Port Support and Port I/O Support. What's the function of Enable ActiveX server in Application

Re: I am using serial communication and always having error...

2004-01-08 Thread Physics
How to find out the right visa resource name? you mean com 1,com2 etc or ? another problem is my program doesnot have error when i run first time then after somtime it produce error what si the reason behind this?

Problem of the Agilent 5462XX instrument driver in single mode operation.

2004-01-08 Thread Bill Choy
Hi, I have a question about the 5462XX instrument driver. I'm using LabVIEW7.0 to develop a program for capturing Agilent 54622D waveform data. However, I can't use the original instrument driver to captrue wavefrom in Single mode successfully. I found that there is some problem of the ag546xx

Getting menu items without clicking

2004-01-08 Thread Sam Behashtei
G-Day, Is there any way you can get the menu (tags or names) as you move the mouse(selection) though the menu. I want to get the menu tags while I am moving the mouse over the menu names without clicking. Thanx -Sam

Programatically Changing Cluster Size

2004-01-08 Thread Eric Scott
Hi all, I want to programatically change the cluster size value in the Array-to-Cluster function (when you right click and select Cluster Size..). I have a cluster that I convert to an array, do some number manipulation, and change back to a cluster. The problem is I can't seem to find a way

RE: Programatically Changing Cluster Size

2004-01-08 Thread Jason Dunham
Eric: No you can't change the cluster size value at runtime. There have to be a million other ways to do the same thing. My first idea is to uses a property node for your cluster and get array of references to each control within it. Using this array, you can read the value property of each

Re: Programatically Changing Cluster Size

2004-01-08 Thread Jean-Pierre Drolet
Eric, It is not possible yet for the Array to Cluster node to adapt to the size of the output it is wired to. However in the OpenG LabVIEW Data Tools, there is a VI Array to VCluster that converts an array into a variant cluster of the same size of the array. Wire your array to the input of