Re: LabView7 and NT4

2004-01-09 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
no problem regards Werner

Re: How to create a clock with: a reset, start and stop

2004-01-09 Thread William Strijks
i get this message, Labview load error: 9 vi version (7.0) is newer than version(6.1). So i was refering to more vi's what i downloaded from dev . board from ni. William

Re: cpu utilization is 100 % !!!

2004-01-09 Thread Rolf Østvik
Shakes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in news:506500080094B7- [EMAIL PROTECTED]: I created a simple vi to switch a boolean LED on or off. The vi has just a boolean control and indicator. On running the VI the CPU utilization in task manager shows 100 %. How can this happen??? It is

password to formula node

2004-01-09 Thread ramssted b
I=B4m doing a VI which will be protected. My problem is that, can i protect my formula node so, that only the formula can be changed or modified with the right password, without a possibility to see or modify the whole block diagram? -Balle-

Re: Como puedo hacer una lectura paralela de dos puertos...

2004-01-09 Thread tmh
Thanks for the translation! Gracias!

Re: unable to speak with the HP34401A per my soft, despite it is possible with MAX

2004-01-09 Thread Hideaki
I've tried to use the example VI found on the driver library but it didn't work. I still have an error at the opening of the VISA session. I'v tried to reinstall the VISA 2.5 many times. But the VI still bug at the same moment as before. I'm sure that it is the right version of the driver, because

Re: I am using serial communication and always having error...

2004-01-09 Thread tmh
In LabVIEW versions up to 5.1, the VISA resource name for COM1 on a PC is ASRL1::INSTR, for COM2 ASRL2::INSTR etc. I believe LabVIEW 6 and later allow you to use the COM names as aliases but I'm a late adopter ;-) In any case I believe the ASRL notation should still work (someone else can probably

Re: IMAQ application; measuring gas volume

2004-01-09 Thread CatLabMan
tmh Thanks for valuable and very good feedback. I'm talking about, lets say 50 ml of H2-gas over 15 minutes, and I think we can accept a back-pressure on about half a bar overpressure without problems. The linear displacement sensor sounds interesting, and I'm completely unfamiliar with anything

Re: executable vi files in windows!

2004-01-09 Thread Fonsi
thanks, but i say to get a file .exe to execute without use labview runtime, i dont worry if in the folder also be the files .dll. But how can i to transform the join files into dll to exe?. any manual... I send you the example program, its runing in windows without problem and its labview

Getting Eigenvectors of a large array for PCA analysis

2004-01-09 Thread smacamar
Hi, I am writing code for PCA analysis based on Karhunen-Loeve decomposition. This involves getting eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a very large array i.e. 944x944. I'm getting the error -20062 which indicates that I have exceeded the maximum iterations of this VI. Does anyone have a suggestion as

Re: unable to speak with the HP34401A per my soft, despite it is possible with MAX

2004-01-09 Thread Hideaki
I do not think that the GPIB card nor the cable or deadm because if it asm I couldn4t speak with them with MAX. I4ve already re-install Labview 3 times yesterday... I am desesperate...

Re: IMAQ application; measuring gas volume

2004-01-09 Thread Brian Beal
There probably isn't a cheap way to do this. Even short stroke LVDTs are expensive, and they are spring loaded, so I would be concerned about them affecting your measurements. Depending on how familiar you are with IMAQ, that may be the way to go. You would have to do a calibration routine to

Re: I have program which work for GPIB system,now I want to...

2004-01-09 Thread JoeLabView
Let me understand what you are trying to do.. Do you want to use the GPIB commands and send them through the COM port? Or Do you have a set of serial commands that you want to send through the COM port? I don't think you can send GPIB commands through the serial port. The embedded software

Re: cpu utilization is 100 % !!!

2004-01-09 Thread Greg McKaskle
I created a simple vi to switch a boolean LED on or off. The vi has just a boolean control and indicator. On running the VI the CPU utilization in task manager shows 100 %. How can this happen??? This has already been answered, but just to be clear, your loop wasn't told to run at a

Re: LabView7 and NT4

2004-01-09 Thread notaclue
Thank you very much!

Re: password to formula node

2004-01-09 Thread Greg McKaskle
I´m doing a VI which will be protected. My problem is that, can i protect my formula node so, that only the formula can be changed or modified with the right password, without a possibility to see or modify the whole block diagram? Make a second subVI and either don't password protect it, or

Re: programmatically place structures in a VI

2004-01-09 Thread Greg McKaskle
Thanks for your response. I would like to create an application using which one can create a simulation tool that simulates the logical flow of a process comprising various boolean case structures one within the other wherein I want the number of such case structres to be a variable that the

Re: white tunnel in a case structure at every output

2004-01-09 Thread Al S
A white tunnel on an output of a case structure indicates that the tunnel is unwired in at least one case. If you're using LabView 6.1 or 7, one option is to right-click on the tunnel and select Use Default If Unwired. But I prefer to wire to the output tunnels in every case: it removes any

white tunnel in a case structure at every output

2004-01-09 Thread Joe123
I=B4m working with a TCP READER in a case structure. But every output fron the case get white tunnel. What`s happening?

Re: IMAQ application; measuring gas volume

2004-01-09 Thread matthias.richwin
Depending on the travel range and accuracy, a simple linear potentiometer could do the job.

The eig() instruction in my matlab script is causing an insane object error

2004-01-09 Thread smacamar
I have matlab script in a vi that I want to use to calculate eigenvectors and eigenvalues of a large array. I started with a small array (3x3)and it calculated them incorrectly. However when i ran the same script in Matlab the correct values are returned. On top of that when I try and save the vi

Re: programmatically place structures in a VI

2004-01-09 Thread Belur
Many thanks for the very quick response. My need is really the former ie., see the highlighting-of-wires-to catch-the-interactions thing. I think your second approach would be a better choice for me! Thanks again. - Sheela

SMTP send error

2004-01-09 Thread huang256
I tried to send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] using SMTP Send File vi and then I got an error 2100 saying 500 Syntax error, command MIME-Version: 1.0 unrecognized How can I send email to address like [EMAIL PROTECTED] Thanks.

two vis different timings?

2004-01-09 Thread Tiago Louro
I'm creating a VI that must have two different cycles of execution. That is one that get's data from a source during a cycle of 10 seconds and another that updates the gui all the time (10ms) how can i update the gui and still have the other one running independently? thank you

Re: What would cause this error?

2004-01-09 Thread Anibal Reñones
Do you have installed in the client XP the patch to avoid the effects of the MS blast virus?. This virus causes the randomly reboot you talk about. Search Microsoft to find this patch. --- Subject: What would cause this error?

Re: How do I copy recordsets from one database table to another?

2004-01-09 Thread Crystal
Is it necessary to read all the data back into LabVIEW first? The reason I'm asking is that it is much more efficient to just use SQL statements to get the data you need and write that directly to the second database. I did a quick Google search on it and came up with lots of responses on what

Re: How do I copy recordsets from one database table to another?

2004-01-09 Thread Brian Beal
Crystal- I do not need to view the data in Labview. I have used SQL statements quite a bit, but never between 2 databases. I will try this method, since it seems like it would be the easiest way to go. Thanks

Re: Discrete cosine transform(DCT) in Labview

2004-01-09 Thread altenbach
JPEG compression is based on truncated 2D cosine transforms. It's probably not worth to invent your own if there is a highly optimized industry standart format that does the same thing. You can read and write JPEG files using the Formats palette.

Database Variant To Data

2004-01-09 Thread Markus Manninger
I need help with the Database Variant To Data module from the database connectivity toolkit. This module needs one input called type to split the input data (variant) to an array. But i dont't know what's ment with type. If i create an constant i get an array but i don't know what to put in. I

Re: Bad VI repair

2004-01-09 Thread altenbach
It crashes in any LabVIEW version I tried. I can open it in LabVIEW 4.01, but if I try to see the diagram, it crashes. It seems to me that the file got corrupted somehow. You might want to send it to NI support for a salvage attempt.

Key navigation in subpanels - How to?

2004-01-09 Thread Andreas Nilsson
Hi, I'd like to set keyboard shortcuts for two controls. The problem is that key navigation doesn't seem to work when the frontpanel of these two controls is displayed as a subpanel inside another frontpanel. The disabling of key navigation is understandable indeed. Two subpanel controls with

Analog Out Error Help: AO Buffer Write Error Code -10687

2004-01-09 Thread shabu
I am Using PCI-6713 Card for ouptutting some data. The problem that I am running into is that when I run the VI for the first time it gives me AO Buffer Write Error Code -10687 error. When I run the VI again it works just fine. I am using the buffered output AO_ContGen VI. Can someone please tell

Re: LabVIEW md5 algorithm

2004-01-09 Thread altenbach
Thanks. SHA-1 is a quite similar algorithm to md5, so it should not be difficult to adapt. Looks like a useful toolkit.

Re: LabVIEW md5 algorithm

2004-01-09 Thread altenbach
Thanks. Let me know when it's ready.

Are DLL's version proof?

2004-01-09 Thread CAW
If LabVIEW VI's are built into a DLL, could any version of LabVIEW call the DLL? Does a DLL built in LabVIEW include a LabVIEW Runtime?

Re: Database Variant To Data

2004-01-09 Thread DD
The type input tells the function how to format the output. So, if you want a string output, wire a string constant, such as a space, to the type input. I haven't tried using the function on arrays, only single elements, so I don't have any advice on wiring an array to the type input. Markus

AppBuilder - Error 1 at undisclosed location

2004-01-09 Thread R Hibbert
I keep getting this error when trying to build an application. What is Error 1, how can I find out more? This error message is particularly unhelpful! Labview 5.1, Windows 2000 I have tried removing my change and still get the same error. I am using a build file that was used previously. I

Compare revision status of two large .llbs?

2004-01-09 Thread WStockwell
I'm taking over a project from an engineer who left. I now have two separate large .llb's that are not well documented. Supposedly one is a later rev. I would like to find out what is different between the two revs. The librarys have different top level names (i.e., rev1 and rev2) but all of

using Eseries manual cal library call

2004-01-09 Thread Eric_Turner
Hi, when using the Ni library call I16 Get_Cal_date(I16 device, Char* CalDate) we have a problem. If we connect a string constant to the Char* input of the lib call, we get the proper data out of the string out of the library call, yet Labview then crashes. If we leave char* unwired,

AW: using Eseries manual cal library call

2004-01-09 Thread roland . kaenzig
String Input is a buffer. First use Initilize Array (20xU8) then use Byte Array to String then connect this to Char* short int Get_Cal_Date(short int device, CStr CalDate); Hope this help Roland -Ursprüngliche Nachricht- Von: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Gesendet:

Re: Programatically Changing Cluster Size

2004-01-09 Thread stephen . mercer
Eric: Although lots of posts have given you some workarounds, I want to offer you an explanation of why what you are asking for is logically impossible. The cluster is a fixed size datatype. Take a control of a cluster of two elements and wire it to an indicator of the same type. Now add an

program ini

2004-01-09 Thread Jim Hinchliffe
I'd like to build an app and have the executable ini file include the HideRootWindow=True key after install. Possible? I've tried to add a properly formatted ini to the files section of the installer tab in app builder. no luck TIA Jim

Serveral questions about Labview programming

2004-01-09 Thread whuili
Hi, sirs, I have some questions about the labview programming: 1. How can I click a button on the Panel so that a small window can be poped up or a menu can be pulled down? 2. How can I flash the button when some values are bigger than a certain value by showing the button's color between red

Re: need a simple VI to convert voltage into sound

2004-01-09 Thread nayisoe