Re: multithread

2004-06-16 Thread Jeremy Braden
Can you please explain what you want LabVIEW to do? The structure in the excel sheet can be most closely implemented with a tree. Or do you want LabVIEW to control the excel worksheet? Or do you want help with writing a multithreaded app in LabVIEW. (It is automatic by the way)?

Re: How can I easily step through Matrix Combinations in Labview 7.1?

2004-06-16 Thread Jeremy Braden
I agree. I cannot find a combination or permuation way to manipulate the matrix to get the expected outcomes. An example will be exreemly helpful.

Re: UDP problems when building executables

2004-06-15 Thread Jeremy Braden
There could be a number of reasons for this behavior. It may be that the function is not working properly on the run time engine (RTE). The best fix for this is to see if the problem persists in LV 7.1. It is the best version of LabVIEW to date. If you can post code that shows the problem then i

Re: Cannot open Labview 7 without "not enough memory" error

2004-06-15 Thread Jeremy Braden
I figure there are two possiblities. LabVIEW is poorly installed on your system causing the error or your VIs are corrupted. You can test the former by installing LabVIEW on another computer. If you can open the VIs there, consider contacting NI for ways to more throughly remove NI products fro

Re: Is the SVT Zoom FFT really more accurate than a regular full FFT with a large sample?

2004-06-15 Thread Jeremy Braden
What are the basic differences between Baseband, Subset, and Zoom FFTs and when should I use each? Enjoy!!

Re: How do I fit a curve with two independant variables

2004-06-15 Thread Jeremy Braden
Your code is awesome. I have taken a number of informal cracks at making a 2d lev mar function and have given up. I also want to complement you on your nice UI in the toplevel VI. It is clean and intuitive (plus it has directions if it is not so intutive for someone). Great Example!

Re: 0X1D8 error

2004-06-08 Thread Jeremy Braden
You can check this in the bios when your computer boots. You can also check it in Windows XP by going to start >> settings >> control panel >> system >> hardware (tab) >> device manager (button) >> ports (tree) >> double click on printer port >> resources (tab). The memory address will be somethi

Re: Open Independent Mulitple sessions with oracle in a LabVIEW exe

2004-06-07 Thread Jeremy Braden
Your two other postings:";>"Parsing an SQL statement coming in the way of reentrancy."

Re: NEW!! Parsing an SQL statement coming in the way of reentrancy.

2004-06-07 Thread Jeremy Braden
Your other posting:";>"Open Independent Mulitple sessions with oracle in a LabVIEW exe"

Re: Parsing an SQL statement coming in the way of reentrancy.

2004-06-07 Thread Jeremy Braden
Your other posting:";>"Open Independent Mulitple sessions with oracle in a LabVIEW exe"

Re: BREATHING TRAINER stimuli program to maintain constant etco2?

2004-06-07 Thread Jeremy Braden
I am not sure how much of the program you need help with. There are several shipping examples for function generators. (open LabVIEW >> help >> find examples). These can be used to create sine waves so that you subjects can follow for breathing. Is this want you need? There are many people on t

Re: formatting of a chart works on a vi in labview but not with the same program as a .exe

2004-06-07 Thread Jeremy Braden
I have not tested your code in 6.0 to verify the behavior. You are right about some properties not working in the Run Time Engine (RTE) but those properties work in the development environment. You can find out which ones by right clicking on the property >> help for (whatever the property name i

Re: Storing Data

2004-06-07 Thread Jeremy Braden
There is not one document that describes the pros and cons of the different methods. Spreadsheets--cheap but usually limted in size if you intend to use with excel. No limit with diadem. Database connetivity toolkit--used with your own database. (it is the pros of the database but with the toolk

Re: formatting of a chart works on a vi in labview but not with the same program as a .exe

2004-06-07 Thread Jeremy Braden
I read your thread, followed the directions and I was able to create a LV71 executable that allows the user to select from the menu ring, rerun the VI, and the multicolumn listbox is resized. Is this not what you intend or do you want the program to run continiously? This way you start it once, i

Re: Step function generator

2004-06-07 Thread Jeremy Braden
To elaborate. The function generators can be found on the functions >> waveform >> analog waveform >> waveform generation palette. There are shipping examples that show how to control the analog output of DAC cards. Open LabVIEW 7.1 >> help >> find examples >> Choose "Hardware Input and Output".

Re: Application Builder for labVIEW 7 Doesn't support any report generation function

2004-06-07 Thread Jeremy Braden
The following KB discusses the error with having two different versions of Office when building executables. Ignore the 214... error number.";>Error 2146959355 When Running Exe on Machin

Re: Upgrading from LabVIEW 6.1 to 7.1, get a MS C++ Runtime Error

2004-06-03 Thread Jeremy Braden
I assume you get this error message everytime LabVIEW starts. This is not normal behavior. It is not even a common error. Have you tried reinstalling?

Re: dstp Hlp(refering to Messenger vi in the tutorial provided by ni: TCP ip intro

2004-05-28 Thread Jeremy Braden
You can find the VI by opening LabVIEW 6.0 >> help >> examples >> communication >> datasocket >> ds You can also just remove it as I mentioned in the last posting and launch datasocket server manually. I chose to read the file as characters out of convienice. This does not mean that t

Re: dstp Hlp(refering to Messenger vi in the tutorial provided by ni: TCP ip intro

2004-05-26 Thread Jeremy Braden
It would be helpful if you could give the URL to the tutorial. I have not been successful in finding "TCP ip intro". Datasocket works like a bulletin board you would see if you were driving down the road. If something writes to the bulletin board (an advertiser), then your datasocket reader(you

Re: dstp Hlp pls

2004-05-26 Thread Jeremy Braden";>Your other posting

Re: dstp Hlp pls

2004-05-26 Thread Jeremy Braden";>Your other posting

Re: Cannot locate menu for the PID Toolkit

2004-05-19 Thread Jeremy Braden
Sorry for the delay. It bothers me that your palettes do not show the proper VIs. You can however edit them by hand.";>How Do I Create a Custom Sub-Palette in the Functions Palette in

Re: Datalogging and multiplot graphs/

2004-05-19 Thread Jeremy Braden
There exists no LV7.1 eval.

Re: Datalogging and multiplot graphs/

2004-05-19 Thread Jeremy Braden
LabVIEW 5.1 is pretty old. If you want to review LabVIEW 7.0, you can download the eval";>here.

Re: extfunc.cpp

2004-05-17 Thread Jeremy Braden
There is no telling. I suspect you got this from a message in LabVIEW. I recommend chosing to send the error message to NI with the automated submissions. Chances are the error is random an there is nothing they will be able to do. Occassionally the errors are systematic with LabVIEW and they

Re: Triggering Elapsed time measurements

2004-05-17 Thread Jeremy Braden
See your other";>post

Re: I have a problem when using LabView6i and Office 2000.

2004-05-13 Thread Jeremy Braden
Which object you can select depends on the kind of control you are creating. If you intend to launch and run Excel, drop an automation reference. If you want excel in a container, consider using an activeX document. You can also instert IE in the container and point it to an excel file. Take a

Re: Microsoft Excel 9.0 Object Library

2004-05-13 Thread Jeremy Braden
Look at the LabVIEW shipping examples. There are excel examples that you can inspect and use.

Re: How to show only 10 channels at a time in a Chart

2004-05-13 Thread Jeremy Braden
I think what you are going to have to do is use three overlayed plots each with its own data. When you move the slider you make the chart you want to see visible and the other invisible. It takes a little bit of coding and a lot of alligning of controls but you can pull the illusion off.

Re: Install directory

2004-05-13 Thread Jeremy Braden
This is not possible with the LabVIEW built installer.

Re: LabVIEW crashes when I paste to the diagram

2004-05-13 Thread Jeremy Braden
Does this happen for a particular VI or for any VI? If it is for any VI, you should consider reinstalling LabVIEW, update your OS to the latest service pack, and updating your video drivers. If this is for a particular VI, then it is probably corrupted. Take a screen shot of your diagram (just i

Re: Block diagram expansion criteria

2004-05-13 Thread Jeremy Braden
Sometimes I have to do it 4 or 5 times before I can get the expansion to work(that is repeatedly pressing the control and drawing a new rectagle). I have come to expect this behavior. I do not know how to fix it or whether it is a problem with the OS or LabVIEW.

Re: Can not set "Remove Panel" to "No" for dynamic VI

2004-05-13 Thread Jeremy Braden
I am in agreement with Dennis. I am using LabVIEW 7.1 and I had to trouble setting "VI Settings" on dynamic VIs.

Re: problems running version 5.1 vi's on version 6i, the computer freezes after loading all vi's.

2004-05-13 Thread Jeremy Braden
Try upgrading LabVIEW 6i to 6.0.2. You can also see if LabVIEW 7.0 evaluation has the problem. Finally, you may need to isolate the VI that is causing the problem. It may be corrupted and require copying its block diagram to a new VI to fix the problem with upgrading.


2004-05-13 Thread Jeremy Braden
I cannot tell you any specific information about your device but if you want to plot your data in LabVIEW, I recommend using an XY Graph. This graph allows you to associate a specific y with a specific x. Consequently you can plot data where the time between the sample changes. Look in the LabVIEW

Re: LabView 6.1 crashes now and then when I try to get rid of an...

2004-05-13 Thread Jeremy Braden
This is strange behavior and I have can't find anything on it. Do you get an error message? Do you see this problem on another computer? You might try reinstalling LabVIEW or seeing if LabVIEW 7.0 Evaluation resolves the issue.

Re: is symbol computation possible if I use string variable?

2004-05-11 Thread Jeremy Braden
LabVIEW does not allow for a variable to be placed in a matrix. For a workaround, consider writing out all the math in LabVIEW. It is very ugly for high dimensions. For instance, |2 4| |3 a|= 2a -12 The right hand side of the equation would be easy to code in LabVIEW and it allows for altering

Re: Horizantal Scroll

2004-05-11 Thread Jeremy Braden
There is no setting that I have seen that will work for horizonally scrolling mice. I think this might be because if you hover your mouse over the horizontal scroll bar, scrolling on a regular wheel makes it scoll horizontally.

Re: Cannot locate menu for the PID Toolkit

2004-05-11 Thread Jeremy Braden
If you have multiple copies of LabVIEW on your computer, see if it was installed to another version. If so, you can uninstall and then reinstall making sure that the installer is pointed to the correct LabVIEW folder.

Re: smtp send has a wrong send time

2004-05-11 Thread Jeremy Braden
There is a bug in the way the LabVIEW treats daylight savings time in LabVIEW 7.0. Date/Time To Seconds primitive currently ignores it and that is the function used in the email VI.

Re: Customized button changes size on win98

2004-05-07 Thread Jeremy Braden
Hi Joe, I have not been able to find a working 98 box. I still have no idea what could be the problem.

Re: How do I optimize the design/test cycle?

2004-05-05 Thread Jeremy Braden
I have dug through all the corners I could find on the web and there is no documentation on this subject. I do not like posting a negative answer but you have been waiting for a week and I spent 2 hours on looking.

Re: Error:The specified network address is currently in use when exe file is run

2004-05-05 Thread Jeremy Braden
I am not sure what you are doing but I think this is the information you are looking for:";>Can I Make My LabVIEW 7.0 Executable Use Remote Front Panels? There are several other simmlar

Re: remote control

2004-05-05 Thread Jeremy Braden
Here is something you might find useful";>Remote Front Panel Tutorial If you want to search NI's site, I recommend the

Re: LV exe doesn't see support files

2004-05-05 Thread Jeremy Braden
This is really strange. Have you been able to isolate the problem any? Have you tried building an installer for distribution?

Re: Customized button changes size on win98

2004-05-04 Thread Jeremy Braden
Are you using a strict type defn? Can you post one of your controls?

Re: password protection on a control

2004-05-04 Thread Jeremy Braden
Be careful with the mouse down? event and the dialog message box. You can get really strange behavior if you postion the front panel so that the message box appears over the numeric control. What happens is that you mouse down, this fires the even, the dialog box appears, you mouse up (but this m

Re: How to apply 1/3 octave bandpass filter of about 10Khz on a signal

2004-04-18 Thread Jeremy Braden
There is a toolkit for octave analysis.";>NI LabVIEW Sound and Vibration Toolset

Re: Is it possible to programmatically set the size and names of...

2004-04-18 Thread Jeremy Braden
What you are asking to do is not possible with the present release of LabVIEW. As Dennis points out, there are some unreleased features that might do what you want. You can learn about them on the LAVA forum but to find exactly what you need may require a lot of patience if it even exists.

Re: How to apply 1/3 octave bandpass filter of about 10Khz on a signal

2004-04-18 Thread Jeremy Braden
Can you post a simple example program?

Re: Graph Xscale properties don't work well with multipliers

2004-04-15 Thread Jeremy Braden
The deal is that the image you see is not the image stored in memory. For sample sets with points larger than the pixels on your screen, LabVIEW will truncate/interpolate/labview magic the dataset to create an representation of your data for display. Setting your mouse to a specific data location

Re: unload dll

2004-04-15 Thread Jeremy Braden
You cannot programatically unload dlls. You have to either shut down your VI or close LabVIEW.

Re: Trying to control a car using the Digital Control Unit

2004-04-14 Thread Jeremy Braden
You may want to post to the daq forum and include information about your hardware. Are you using any hardware? Do you have drivers? The speed of dc motors depends on the voltage applied to them but the problem is that motors can require lots of current. If you are just using a daq card to suppl

Re: FIR Windowed Filter Coefficients

2004-04-14 Thread Jeremy Braden
NI's coeficients are not normalized.

Re: asynchronus functions and Active X

2004-04-13 Thread Jeremy Braden
Creating Call Back VIs without using the utility is very, very difficult. It did not even occur to me that you were not doing it this way. As a note, you can pass data into the callback by bundling it together and sending it to the User Parameter terminal. If you decide to change the cluster lat

Re: LabVIEW does not handle some .NET method calls correctly

2004-04-13 Thread Jeremy Braden
I do not believe that LabVIEW can handle overloaded functions. You may need to dig through the class and find the exact function you want to call. If this not possible, you can always create a assembly that handles the calls for you and then call that from LabVIEW.

Re: asynchronus functions and Active X

2004-04-13 Thread Jeremy Braden
I do not follow exactly what you are describing. I do know that the call back VI can be called at anytime by the ActiveX object. It does not matter what part of your VI is currently executing. If the event occurs, the callback VI will run.

Re: Trying to control a car using the Digital Control Unit

2004-04-13 Thread Jeremy Braden
I have no idea what you are asking and I suspect that I am not the only poster in this situation. I surmise that Vernier has software for their new digital control unit and that it is written in They have not created LabVIEW VIs for the new hardware yet. Are their dlls you can access or

Re: Has anybody been able to develop labview vi's for the...

2004-04-13 Thread Jeremy Braden
If you are going to write the LV code yourself, you should read "Using External Code in LabVIEW." You can find it by opening LabVIEW >> help >> search the LabVIEW bookshelf. This is the best source of information concerning calling dlls. You may also want to look at a LabVIEW 7 shipping example,

Re: I encountered a problem with Peak

2004-04-09 Thread Jeremy Braden
Thank you very much. I am glad to help.

Re: using the parallel / serial port to drive 7-seg display

2004-04-09 Thread Jeremy Braden
I am lurking the discussion forum so my posting here is independent of whether you are on trial or not. In response to your email that you sent NI support, I activated your trial support period. This gives you 1 on 1 access to NI support engineers via email (like myself) or phone. The support I

Re: I encountered a problem with Peak

2004-04-08 Thread Jeremy Braden
When I set your threashold terminal to 0.0015 and a width of 3, I got 7 peaks with the appropriate corresponding amplitudes. If you want more peaks, then decrease the threashold. When I set it to 0.4, I got 23 peaks. Since you are interested in getting all the peaks, I think you need a diffe

Re: error code no 6

2004-04-08 Thread Jeremy Braden
Here is a link to your other";>posting. Although I miss guessed your answer, it has info on finding this kind of information on

Re: what causes the problem no 6

2004-04-08 Thread Jeremy Braden
You can find answers by searching on the";>advanced search page. Look forlabview error 6 . You can also look up the error code in LabVIEW. Open LabVIEW >> help >> explain error >> enter 6 in the numeric field. You should get: Lab

Re: Can I change the order plots are written to an XY graph...

2004-04-08 Thread Jeremy Braden
You cannot reorder the layering of the plots. More percisely, the ordering of the plots (like on the plot legend) is the ordering of the layering. Khalid is right on the money for a workaround. I give him 4 stars.

Re: How to enable Thread Local Storage in a DLL generated by application builder?

2004-04-08 Thread Jeremy Braden
You might try making the VIs renterant (vi properties >> execution )before you build the application.

Re: lvrt.dll error on Windows XP

2004-04-08 Thread Jeremy Braden
Do you get the error everytime you run your program? Since you cannot edit your code, you might try reinstalling the drivers and the LabVIEW RTE. There is not really a whole lot to be done for troubleshooting because of the lack of source code. You might see if you can transfer the application b

Re: Reading characters in a buffer

2004-04-08 Thread Jeremy Braden
Thanks for attaching the dll and the headers. It helped. Take a look at a LabVIEW 7 shipping example calledCall . You can find it by opening LabVIEW >> help >> find example >> Communicating with External Applications >> Using External Code >> Integrating Dlls. It has an example on usi

Re: using the parallel / serial port to drive 7-seg display

2004-04-08 Thread Jeremy Braden
If you are using the parallel port in ssp mode, you have 8 digital lines you can play with. Just use on of the lines for your clock. I believe the other modes (ecp ,epp) of the port use a clock, but use it will be more trouble than it is worth. Toggling a digital line of an ssp port is very easy

Re: Newbie: Debugging external code

2004-04-08 Thread Jeremy Braden
To add to Rolf... Look in the "Using External Code in LabVIEW" manual for creating a debugable CIN that allows you to step through the code. The directions are not extensive but they are all that is avaliable. You can find the manual by opening LabVIEW >> help >> search the LabVIEW bookshelf.

Re: Exe with Application Builder

2004-04-08 Thread Jeremy Braden
I believe so. What you will need to do is build just one application. The deal is that you cannot share data across different applications but different VIs within the same application is fine.

Re: I encountered a problem with Peak

2004-04-08 Thread Jeremy Braden
I recommend this KB:";>How Does the Peak Detector VI Work?

Re: web conferencing in labview?

2004-04-08 Thread Jeremy Braden
LabVIEW RT is not going to help. It is essentially a headless deterministic computer. LabVIEW can easily transmit data across the net but I do not know if you will get the throughput you want especially if remote desktop is considered slow. You will have to experiment to see if LV's performance

Re: An anolog signal will be received by my computer through the...

2004-04-08 Thread Jeremy Braden
If you have the frequency, you can find pulses per minute by multiplying by a scalar.

Re: PCMCIA card communication with LabView

2004-04-08 Thread Jeremy Braden
Niko is right. The functionality Vanessa is looking for is not availiable from LabVIEW. The only people that would have implemented this feature would be the hardware manufacturer, and they are likely to have built the function into a dll that LabVIEW can call. I recommend contacting the manufact

Re: Motors - Code is getting messy... I'm not smart enough to use arrays and clusters.

2004-04-08 Thread Jeremy Braden
I agree with Satans Little Helper about the unitialized shift registers. There are a couple of docs online (";>advanced search) but";>LabVIEW Per

Re: Best way to pass an array of waveforms inbetween VIs

2004-04-08 Thread Jeremy Braden
If you think Coastal Marine Bird rules, be sure to give him 4 stars. The rating shows up on his profile.

Re: why my labview 7.0 shut off automaticlly?

2004-04-08 Thread Jeremy Braden
This is not normal behavior. I recommend reinstalling LabVIEW to see if that resolves the problem. You might also see if you can install LabVIEW on another machine. This way you can see LabVIEW work and can use that machine as the "correct" machine for troubleshooting.

Re: Adjusting Bitmap color range

2004-04-08 Thread Jeremy Braden
Take a look at Mask It is a shipping example that shows how to mask of areas of a picture control for coloring. I am think that you can put your image in a picture control and then overlay an image having custom color regions. You can then adjust the custom colors.

Re: Combobox pausing operation of other VIs

2004-04-08 Thread Jeremy Braden
I have been trying to reproduce the behavior and I cannot. Can you post a simplified version of your code. I suspect what is happening is that your User Interace (UI) is being locked by the combobox. You might see if turning off multithreading helps (open LabVIEW >> tools >> options >> performan

Re: Need to output time

2004-04-08 Thread Jeremy Braden
I believe the buffered counting could be the problem. You might consider posting to the daq forum for help on this aspect of your code. Were you able to learn anything when you auto indexed your wires? I was thinking over lunch that the default values for numerics is zero and when you concatenate

Re: VI loading times-out for 50 seconds when another networked PC is shut down

2004-04-08 Thread Jeremy Braden
I agree with Dennis. I also want to point out that mass compiling would solve the loading delay problem for all of your VIs.

Re: LabView 7 Express will not shutdown completely?

2004-03-30 Thread Jeremy Braden
Be sure to check your firewalls. SP2 has the firewall turned on by default. Consider turning it off or allowing LabVIEW privledges. It may be that a LV process like the NI license manager cannot finish behind the firewall.

Re: add support information

2004-03-30 Thread Jeremy Braden
I strongly suspect the "Click here for support information" is an option with the microsoft installer or MSI. Although LabVIEW uses the MSI for its executables, this functionality is not exposed. I have tried several times in the past to edit a MSI and it is nontrivial. There are software packag

Re: Crash of LabVIEW executeable after some hours

2004-03-30 Thread Jeremy Braden
I normally suggest using the evaluation version of LabVIEW 7.0 to see if errors like this have already been solved, but you mention the problem does not occur in the developemnt environment. LabVIEW evaluation does not come with application builder. There are a lot of things that multithread in L

Re: want to convert an array to image in gray scale

2004-03-30 Thread Jeremy Braden
I am not sure what you are doing. Can you post a simple example program?

Re: want to convert an array to image in gray scale

2004-03-30 Thread Jeremy Braden
I am not sure what you are doing. Can you post a simple example program?

Re: second scale on xy graph not showing up

2004-03-30 Thread Jeremy Braden
Sometimes the charts and graphs become so customized that they stop working properly. This happens all the time and you will save yourself hair loss and heartburn by just placing a new one and starting over (like you suggested). Good luck with your code.

Re: Stopwatch which can save split/ Laptimes to a file

2004-03-21 Thread Jeremy Braden
I am not really clear what code you need. Here is an example program for measuring split time.";>Using LabVIEW as a Stop Watch to Trac

Re: HELP!!!What is TIME LIMIT parameter in triggered acquisition???

2004-03-21 Thread Jeremy Braden
I am a lot rusty on my daq. I think this is what you need.";>Acquire Analog Input Data Using a Software Analog Trigger You may want to post to the daq forum. I high

Re: Invoking the Tools->Compare VI's functionality from my LV program

2004-03-21 Thread Jeremy Braden
The VI is called procmpheir.llb\CMP compare two . Its UI is not the same as the one you get from the menu, but it looks to me like NI wrote a pretty wrapper for this VI (which really does the work). You can do the same in your application.

Re: while loop causing problems with sent commands?

2004-03-16 Thread Jeremy Braden
I cannot see anything wrong with the telnet side of your code, but I am no telnet expert. On the LV side of your code, you may want to move the boolean terminals inside of the event that pertains to them. This way your buttons will pop up after the event is fired.

Re: Webserver with Direcway

2004-03-15 Thread Jeremy Braden
For those of you who do not know, Direcway is the satellite download service for broadband internet access. I searched the website and could find no references to anyone else having problems with the LabVIEW webserver and Direcway. This may be due to few people having the system. I suspect the p

Re: Invoking the Tools->Compare VI's functionality from my LV program

2004-03-15 Thread Jeremy Braden
Compare VIs is a VI. You should be able to find it in .\labview\project\procmpheir.llb. I did not check to see what was password protected. You will not be able to get the passwords from NI, but you might be able to use the subVIs.

Re: pass complex array into matlab scrip

2004-03-15 Thread Jeremy Braden
The matlab script node does not take complex numbers. You might try passing two real arrays into the node--one for the real component and one for the complex component. Once inside you can try to merge the arrays or just use the information separatly. I do not have matlab so I cannot offer examp

Re: How can we change the name of dynamic events selector label in Event Structure

2004-03-12 Thread Jeremy Braden
I have used dynamic events a bunch and I do not thing there is a better way to do this. Your VI is an excellent example!!

Re: 3D surface plots with intensity value to overlay at each point?

2004-02-25 Thread Jeremy Braden
I have some beta software on my machine for the 3d graph activex control. Just delete the plot, drop a new one, and hook it up. I do not think there are any settings in the plot properties, so it the replacement should work like a champ.

Re: Controlling Khepera Robot 'Invalid page fault' errors using khepera gripper

2004-02-20 Thread Jeremy Braden
I had no idea what you were talking about until I searched Google. The company K-Team manufactures the khepera robot. I recommend contacting K-Team to see if they have seen the same problem. You can attempt a reinstall of LabVIEW and possibly the OS if they have no information. If you would cons

Re: how do i make a the black area of the graph transparent.

2004-02-20 Thread Jeremy Braden
You need to use the paint tool and right click in the black area. A window should pop up to select the color. Choose the T in the upper right corner. This should make the black dissapear. You will then need to make the rectangle decoration of the waveform chart invisible too. It is done in a s

Re: Is there a common or standard list of words to "ignore" or omit in the meta word search?

2004-02-19 Thread Jeremy Braden
You may want to post";>here.

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