Re: Application Builder for Labview 7.1

2004-05-13 Thread Joe Guo
On my machine, LV7 does not load LV7.1 build file correctly. An errors pops up everytime it finds a chance. -Joe p.s. It is frustrating to keep multiple versions of LVs on a single computer. NI should at least consider to make the file format consistent among the minor versions of the same

Re: Beep in labview.

2004-05-07 Thread Joe Guo
Try to put the beep code into a separate loop. -Joe

Re: Save path of options

2004-05-06 Thread Joe Guo
Don't know if such property exists, but there are INI VIs under FileIO Configuration File VIs. Just read the key and you are all set. -Joe

Re: memory allocation

2004-05-06 Thread Joe Guo
. when reading large files, read small chunk at a time. Other people may have additional tips. At the mean time, check the Application notes from Labview Help Search Labview Bookshelf Application notes and white papers Labview performances and memory management -Joe

Re: I am using the Menu Selection With example...

2004-05-06 Thread Joe Guo
If your menu tag Exit case, assign True to your Stop variable. -Joe

Re: In my table i want to make one column act as toggle button on double click event in Labview

2004-05-06 Thread Joe Guo
It is quite easy, use the combination of Mouse Up event and Edit Position property. The Edit Position property returns the cell position where the mouse is clicked. -Joe

Re: Calling C++ DLL function in labview

2004-05-06 Thread Joe Guo
Rolf, I have hard time to find the LabVIEW library. What's the exact name? Thanks. -Joe

Re: Calling C++ DLL function in labview

2004-05-06 Thread Joe Guo
I found it. It's in Labview.exe . Thanks, Rolf. -Joe

Re: Remote Access

2004-05-05 Thread Joe Guo
I would use datasocket in this case. -Joe

Re: How to add plot areas?

2004-05-05 Thread Joe Guo
No, you can not add / remove plots on a Chart during runtime. You need to create multiple charts, each with desired # of plots. -Joe

Re: Save path of options

2004-05-05 Thread Joe Guo
... \National Instruments\Labview 7\Labview.ini Same directory as labview.exe -Joe

Re: Remote Access

2004-05-05 Thread Joe Guo
Well, It hides you from the lower level TCP/IP work, data integrety is ensured, and it is easier to upgrade your software in the future. You application can run on multiple clients without code change. -Joe

Re: Save path of options

2004-05-05 Thread Joe Guo
Can you try to change it, save the option, and see if it's in labview.ini? The default options are not shown in the ini file, however, once it is changed, you can see it. -Joe

Re: Calling C++ DLL function in labview

2004-05-05 Thread Joe Guo
Thanks for the info, Evan. -Joe

Re: Calling C++ DLL function in labview

2004-05-05 Thread Joe Guo
, -Joe

Re: make the DB Connectivity TS much faster!

2004-05-05 Thread Joe Guo
hmm, haven't received the files yet. Maybe I forgot attach my email, here it is: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Thanks again. -Joe

Re: Calling C++ DLL function in labview

2004-05-05 Thread Joe Guo
Rolf, the error type def is a record/cluster, consists of an integer and a fix length char array. -Joe

Re: remote control

2004-05-04 Thread Joe Guo
the remote panel in Labview, which also allows your to control a remote vi. Hope this helps. -Joe

Re: I want to remove buttons in favour of a Windows menu...

2004-05-04 Thread Joe Guo
whater version of LV are you using? From v6 there is event structure, which allow you to track menu selection easily. You can still use the menu VIs with LV v5 and below. -Joe

Re: make the DB Connectivity TS much faster!

2004-05-04 Thread Joe Guo
Thank you, Robert. I would like to have a copy as well. -Joe

Re: resize controls proportionally

2004-05-04 Thread Joe Guo
Tab control is also painful to resize. I basically gave up on resizing my VIs when Tab control is used. NI said it has been fixed in LV7 but obviously they didn't do enough test. -Joe

Re: Customized button changes size on win98

2004-05-03 Thread Joe Guo
Rolf, I used the dialog button. I might try using a different type when I have time. The win98 machine uses normal font size (96 pixles), same as the XP machine. Thanks, -Joe

Re: How do I get a print dialog window ?

2004-04-24 Thread Joe Guo
without loosing details (unlike labview graph, which you capture a piture of the graph but the picture is not scalable) Hope this helps, -Joe

Re: How do I get a print dialog window ?

2004-04-24 Thread Joe Guo
both tools are external applications. -Joe

Re: How do I get a print dialog window ?

2004-04-24 Thread Joe Guo
Unfortunently there aren't many options except using windows API. -Joe

Re: Modifying cluster values via refnum/property node freezes VI on quit

2004-04-24 Thread Joe Guo
You can create reference for individual element in the cluster explicitly. To do so, right click on an element inside the cluster, goto Create Reference. See if this helps. -Joe

Re: How to determin wich control has focus

2004-04-24 Thread Joe Guo
use the Value Change as event condition. Is it possible that you may choose a different condition, such as Key Down, Key up, etc? -Joe

Re: saving excel files using report generation toolkit

2004-04-24 Thread Joe Guo
It seems like you already doing it, but not complete, you need to close the report reference by using Dispose Report, one of the input for this VI is Save Change?. -Joe

Re: How accurate is the wait function when using really long waits?

2004-04-24 Thread Joe Guo
19 minutes to the Time Out input of the event structure. The VI only executes when either some monitored events happened or timed out. In your case, when it times out, just exit the loop. -Joe

Re: Modifying cluster values via refnum/property node freezes VI on quit

2004-04-24 Thread Joe Guo
It might worth to try to close the reference after each loop. Creating a reference is an expensive (CPU cycles) operation. If the reference is closed, labview will close them when closing the VI, so, the longer it runs, the longer it takes to clean the memory. -Joe

Re: Modifying cluster values via refnum/property node freezes VI on quit

2004-04-24 Thread Joe Guo
sorry, only after posting my comment did I noticed your own response. You got it! -Joe

Re: I'm haveing a problem saving my test results to excel using the report generation toolkit.

2004-04-24 Thread Joe Guo
After the Save Report to File vi, dispose the file reference by using Dispose Report VI and wire True to Save Changes? input. -Joe

Unable to access labview general zone from NI's website

2004-04-20 Thread Joe
Hello, can anyone else access it? What's the best alternative to it? I use google group but it seems not all the posts are updated at comp.lang.labview . Thanks, Joe

Re: custamizing controls

2004-04-20 Thread Joe Guo
for the application note: LabVIEW Custom Controls, Indicators, and Type Definitions, for more detailed help. -Joe

Re: Can we run two while loops independently in one application?

2004-04-20 Thread Joe Guo
You could sample both channels at higher rate (4K/s), then downsample for each channel. -Joe

Re: How to determin wich control has focus

2004-04-20 Thread Joe Guo
For each control and indicator there is a property, Focus. When it is True, the control / indicator has the key focus. -Joe

Re: if no screen activity happens for a predefined time show dialog

2004-04-20 Thread Joe Guo
what application), ther is also a Mouse VI Library which monitors any mouse movement and clicks for any application. Search these two files in the Developer Exchange at NI's site. -Joe

Re: stand alone exe errors using report generation vi's

2004-04-20 Thread Joe Guo
to build the executable. Most time you need to build different executables for each office version. -Joe

Re: How can I show every x-th point of my data measured?

2004-04-20 Thread Joe Guo
Another way is to use the Decimate 1D Array. -Joe

Re: accessing parameters from activex server while running

2004-04-20 Thread Joe Guo
If you can change both application, consider using datasocket. It is much easier and very reliable as well. In the VB application, add datasocket activeX control to use it, not only you can read data in labview application, you can update data as well. -Joe

Re: *.gif in Labview

2004-04-20 Thread Joe Guo
to display the image on the front panel. -Joe

Re: accessing parameters from activex server while running

2004-04-20 Thread Joe Guo
In Labview, it is under Communication - Datasocket. In VB, I believe it is called something like Datasocket . In Labview, goto Help - Find Examples and search for datasocket, there should be some examples. -Joe

Re: How can I open a VI as an independent program out of an other program?

2004-04-20 Thread Joe Guo
User VI server, under Application Control, to load and run the second VI. This way the original VI can exit after the second VI is running. For examples, goto Help - Find examples and search for VI server. -Joe

Re: I get the error code -2146827284 when trying to run an Ecxel macro from LabVIEW.

2004-04-20 Thread Joe Guo
In Excel, goto Tools - Macro - Security, check all the boxes so it trust all macro source (you can test to find out which one works, or check all of them), also try to lower the security setting from highest to medium or even lowest. -Joe

Re: *.gif in Labview

2004-04-20 Thread Joe Guo
There are some free graphics, irfanview like m3nth mentioned above, that you can call externally to convert a gif file to jpg or bmp so it can be loaded into labview. -Joe

Re: Why are shift registers are so slow

2004-04-20 Thread Joe
The slowness is due to memory relocation everytime the array size is changed. Try to initilize a fixed sized array (65000x15)and wire it to the shift register, then use Replace Array Element to replace a single element, a row or a column depends on what you need. Joe

Re: MSWord ActiveX

2004-04-14 Thread Joe Guo
It is possible to record a macro that corrects the alignment, and call the code inside the labview. -Joe

Re: excel version at VI start

2004-04-13 Thread Joe Guo
there should be some examples of using registry keys. Help - Find Example. -Joe

Re: ploting new plot in xy graph on button click

2004-04-13 Thread Joe Guo
You need use the build array function to append the new plot to the previous plots. Help - Find examples has some good examples. -Joe

Re: To associate the value of a control like a value of a selector of a CASE Structure

2004-04-08 Thread Joe Guo
The Case selector value can only be decided during edit mode. It can not be dynamic in execution. Joe

Re: how do I run a labview application as a server service?

2004-04-08 Thread Joe Guo
Hope this link is what you are looking for: Joe

Re: Black menu with Labview 7 on Win2K

2004-04-08 Thread Joe Guo
In Labview 7, Tools - Options - colors, what does it show for menu background? the default should be grey. -Joe

Re: Need help trying to create a ActiveX registered event

2004-04-08 Thread Joe Guo
Using the To Variant (communication - ActiveX) VI to wrap the control reference. or just use a global variable. -Joe

Re: Serial communication to read single character

2004-04-08 Thread Joe Guo
tokens are available. -Joe

Re: Serial communication using serial compatibility VIs does not return correct bytes at Bytes at Serial Port vi

2004-04-08 Thread Joe Guo
the Bytes at port and serial read in a loop. -Joe

Re: Serial port Write then Read issue

2004-04-08 Thread Joe Guo
software (strip off the typed commands). -Joe

Re: How can I get command values from a VI executed by reference ? NEWBIE

2004-04-08 Thread Joe Guo
If you have access (can open and edit the subvi called by reference), you can use either global variable, or pass the value as output (use strict VI ref when calling the subVI). -Joe

Re: Problem loading VI's on a different laptop

2004-04-08 Thread Joe Guo
I think the drop shifted the arguments to the wrong places :) . Do all the old VIs experience the same problem? When you check the propery of the files, what do they show? Can you upload one small vi that we can try it out? Maybe someone has the system than can open your file. -Joe

Re: Closing excel

2004-03-30 Thread Joe Guo
I believe the method to use is application.exit. You need use the Excel.application reference. If you use report generation VIs, then use Dispose Joe

Re: second scale on xy graph not showing up

2004-03-30 Thread Joe Guo
check if this entry, EnableAutoscales=False, is present in labview.ini (in labview directory). Change the False to True if it is there. Joe

Re: Closing excel

2004-03-30 Thread Joe Guo
Yes, you indeed used the Report generation toolkit. :)

Re: How to control the size/position of LabVIEW DLL front panel in MFC application?

2004-03-30 Thread Joe Guo
is to get a windows handle to the panel (WinAPI - FindWindowA) and then change the size and positions. I am not familiar with MFC so I am not exactly sure how to accomplish this. Joe

Re: Cutom Multicolumn list box or table

2004-03-30 Thread Joe Guo
your button actions accordingly. This way, you avoid maintaining an array of buttons and adjust the buttons positions due to list scroll. Joe

Re: Cutom Multicolumn list box or table

2004-03-30 Thread Joe Guo
For the single column list, it is TopRow. For a multicolumn list, it is Top Left Visible Cell. Joe

Re: How to control the size/position of LabVIEW DLL front panel in MFC application?

2004-03-30 Thread Joe Guo
on how to build the DLL, but I believe it can be done (multiple VIs as multiple functions in a single DLL). To get the windows bonds for a vi, you need to use VI server property. Check out the examples under labview directory. There are plenty of them to demostrate how to use this feature. Joe

Re: Strange error with Save Report to File (html)

2004-03-30 Thread Joe Guo
According to your code, the operation should work. Can you post either your vi or a picture of it so we can see what exactly are wired? Joe

Re: how to add new entry, in table on button click.

2004-03-30 Thread Joe Guo
array manupilations. Try out some of the array VIs to see how they work. Joe

Re: How to import .C code to Labveiw 7 ?

2004-03-10 Thread Joe Guo
You might study the c code and port the code to LabVIEW, without using DLL or CIN nodes. Check out the serial port or VISA functions from the Instrument I/O part. The output command won't work in LabVIEW, you will have to display the output yourself to an indicator. -Joe

Re: Controlling VI or front panel size when published to a web page

2004-02-26 Thread Joe Guo
to one of the corner of the window, the mouse shape will change, click and hold the left mouse button, drag mouse.) Finally, save your vi. Joe

Re: Pasting an Excel 2000 Chart into Word 2000 using ActiveX

2004-02-26 Thread Joe Guo
Excel 2002 Power Programming and Excel 200 VBA are two of the books I use from time to time. The VBA Editor help file in Excel is also an excellent soure. You may need to write some VBA code yourself to copy a Excel chart into word. Joe

Re: excel version and Labview

2004-02-26 Thread Joe Guo
successful so far to compile the VI using Excel 97 and be able to use it under Excel 2000 and XP. My guess would be if the VI is compiled with a lower version Excel, it would (or most of the time) work with later Excel version. Joe

Re: How to count occurences of a certain string in incoming...

2004-02-26 Thread Joe Guo
is about 128 bytes long): BEXUS H M S BEXUS H M S Data (112 bytes) If this is not the case, then the VI need to be modified. Joe

Re: labview problem

2004-02-25 Thread Joe Guo
There are two VIs called Wait and Wait Until Next Multiple from the Time Dialog pallette which you can use to delay your each send operation. Joe

Re: How can I programmatically change the number displayed on a digital control?

2004-02-25 Thread Joe Guo
Right click on the digital control and select Create Local Variable, write to a default value if the user input is invalid. or, right click on the control and select property Data Range, you can change the data range which will be forced upon when user enter data. Joe

Re: Alignment of front panel

2004-02-20 Thread Joe Guo
to move the control a little bit to align them. Joe

Re: Programatically advance Scroll bar in Listbox

2004-02-19 Thread Joe Guo
Use the property node Top Row, this will make the input row to be the first visible row. Joe

Re: chart y axes overlap

2004-02-19 Thread Joe Guo
I don't know whether this will work, but it worth the try. Put this line into your labview.ini : EnableAutoScales=False If this works, then you need to put it in your application ini file. Joe

Re: I used to working with Labwindow CVI and i would like to ...

2004-02-17 Thread Joe Guo
to use the property node Panel-Open. See the attached image. Joe --7281109.1077023661011.JavaMail.quiq.tekken Content-Type: image/gif; name=Snap1.gif Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=Snap1.gif Content-Description: snap R0lGODdhoAFyAOMAAOTuxAQCBOzu7AR+BPz

Re: how can I allow labview to answer a call from a cellular...

2004-02-17 Thread Joe Guo
. Joe

Max OS X Snooping on Serial comms

2004-02-16 Thread Joe
Hi, I'm looking for a software for snooping on serial port for max os X. Any Idea ? Thank you. __ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! Finance: Get your refund fast by filing online.

Re: 3D surface plots with intensity value to overlay at each point?

2004-02-16 Thread Joe Guo
You probably can use the cursor property of the 3D surface graph. Joe

Re: Finding the generated html via www in a LAN?

2004-02-16 Thread Joe Guo
server is using (which can be different than port 80). Check your router manual to see how to do it. Similarly, you need to open the port 8080 for wan-to-lan access in order to use your webcam. Joe

Re: 3D surface plots with intensity value to overlay at each point?

2004-02-16 Thread Joe Guo
The 3D Surface VI has a reference out, wire a property node to it and select Cursors, wire a method mode to this Cursors reference, and you should be able to add cursors with coords. Joe

Re: Finding the generated html via www in a LAN?

2004-02-16 Thread Joe Guo
to control the application as well. The answer is no. You must contact your IT and tell them what you want exactly. They probably can work out something for you. Your application works in a lan environment because your request never went outside your lan. Joe

Re: Finding the generated html via www in a LAN?

2004-02-16 Thread Joe Guo
the Tools-Options from whithin Labview. The ports used by labview can be changed. When everything is setup and labview web server is running, you can use Http://ip:port/software.htm to access the pages. Joe

Re: Main VI stops when using control references.

2004-02-13 Thread Joe Guo
Assuming you use the VI server to load the subvi dynamically, when loading the vi, the Wait to finish must be set to false, so your main loop does not wait for the subvi to finish. When the main loop is waiting for the subvi to finish, that case (loop) is halted. Joe

Re: Size Max Of a pathName for an open File

2004-02-12 Thread Joe Guo
It is windows OS limitation, 128 characters for path name. Joe

Re: Event structure

2004-02-12 Thread Joe Guo
server (check the snapshot for this. Note the vi path need to be the path to your vi). Joe --2153655.1076616571558.JavaMail.quiq.tekken Content-Type: image/gif; name=Snap7.gif Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=Snap7.gif Content-Description: snap

Re: how can I allow labview to answer a call from a cellular...

2004-02-11 Thread Joe Guo
I have used labview to pick up a call on a cell phone. It is easy as long as you know the protocol used. I'm sure you can do it with landline phone/modem as well. Joe

Re: dragdrop mouse over - special effects

2004-02-10 Thread Joe Guo
Unfortunately I don't have the code anymore. My harddrive was damaged sometime ago, and puff, everything was gone. Search for some examples from HelpFind Examples ... Try to search for structures or mouse. The examples are straightforward. Joe

Re: example labview VI with intensity graph for four inputs

2004-02-10 Thread Joe Guo
Create SubVI, Joe

Re: Ring Control displaying digital display when cleared on exit

2004-02-09 Thread Joe Guo
When you clear the items, also set the value to '0'. -Joe

Re: priority in events

2004-02-09 Thread Joe Guo
important Event is detected. Joe

Re: Any way to tell when an image display has been updated?

2004-02-09 Thread Joe Guo
is 'forced' to update the indicator with latest data. -Joe

Re: Microsoft Report Generation Toolkit Error Running VI's

2004-02-09 Thread Joe Guo
I would also suggest to mass compile the office VIs. Looking at the image I notied there are coercion dots which indicate the report references not quite match. Joe

Re: My data like +5.00824E-04 becomes 0.00 after through Extract (labview 7), what is wrong?

2004-02-06 Thread Joe Guo
Extract simply demostrate extracting decimal numbers. It is not used to extract exponential numbers. To do this, you need use the BFract/Exp string to from BString String/Number conversion/B. Or Bthe Scan From -Joe

Re: How do I call another event from the current event in an event structure ?

2004-02-05 Thread Joe Guo
You need Labview 7. 1) using dynamic event or 2) using value (signal) as an event condition. any changes to the value will signal the event -Joe

Re: Automation close (windows) does not work.

2004-02-04 Thread Joe Guo
that level (decrease and increase to that level again). Therefore I don't think there is a memory leak. The memory profile I did also does not indicate any memory leak. -Joe


2004-02-01 Thread Joe
Hi, I'm trying to read data packets from a sensor that is connected through a serial port and is configured to transfer data every 100ms. what is the best way to synchronize the reading intervals? Thank you. __ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! SiteBuilder - Free web


2004-01-29 Thread Joe
Hi, I'm new to labview. Is there anyway to handle the intrupt like keybord intrupt in labview ? Thank you. __ Do you Yahoo!? Yahoo! SiteBuilder - Free web site building tool. Try it!

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