Re: Setting up an initialization routine to run once

2004-06-09 Thread John Rich
Are you wanting to set default conditions? One simple way is to let LabVIEW handle this for you. Make sure that all values are set to the proper defaults and that all controls/indicators that you want hidden are hidden and then go to Make Current Values Default under the Operator menu. This

Re: Logging Occasional User Events

2004-05-27 Thread John Rich
I'm not sure how you're passing your DAQ data from the DAQ to the file writing portion of your algorithm, but if you use a queue you could easily add an entry from the captured user event to the queue so that it is written to the file in sequence.

Re: how to add changing 1D array to 2D array for update

2004-05-25 Thread John Rich
If Altenbach's answer has been helpful then you should give him four stars.

Re: Event programming (continuous run)

2004-05-25 Thread John Rich
While it's not clear as to exactly how your program is set up, you will clearly experience difficulties with this type of setup. I suggest that you utilize the Timeout of the Event structure as your timed loop. If you'll set the timeout to 1000 ms and put your code to update the graph inside the

Re: How do I display a progress bar which obtains its value from the loop of a sub-vi?

2004-05-04 Thread John Rich
Why not just pass a reference to the subvi? With a reference you can update indicators on the front panel of the main vi from the subvi.

Re: Graphing Problems...

2004-04-14 Thread John Rich
In its current state your vi is very difficult to read. I don't understand why you have the sequence structure in parallel to your main loop. This appears to be an initialization stage but could cause problems since it is running in parallel. I think, though, that you may have already run into

Re: how to reduce the process time in a while loop

2004-03-30 Thread John Rich
The while loop will only process as fast as everything that you are doing within the loop. Without seeing your code it is difficult to determine what might be causing your slowdown. I suspect that the problem is likely with your array handling. If you'll post your code you will receive more help

Re: Can you have nested event loops?

2004-03-23 Thread John Rich
Event structures are not intended to be nested. I suspect that your problem can be easily handled without nesting the event structure. There are several possible ways in which this can be handled depending upon exactly what you are trying to accomplish. With a more detailed description of what

Re: Set device and channel variables

2004-03-21 Thread John Rich
There are several ways that you can do this. Since you apparently already have all of these as front panel controls (this may not be the best way to do this for your GUI), one very simple way is to put the desired values into the controls and then make this the default. You can programmatically

Re: Fire an Event automaticaly

2004-03-09 Thread John Rich
I agree that always was a little strong. There are many instances where the timeout could be avoided. However, in my experience it is good practice to include the timeout in most instances as it eliminates the possibility that you get stuck endlessly waiting for an event to occur and you don't

Re: Fire an Event automaticaly

2004-03-08 Thread John Rich
If you set the timeout then if the time is expired the timeout event will execute. This can be an empty event or you can put appropriate code, depending on the application. You should always include the timeout event in your event structure.

Re: setting up position of front panel objects using input from file

2004-03-04 Thread John Rich
Does the program run properly when you just press the run button instead of run continuously? I try to avoid using run continuously, even during development, and instead program my own run continuously with a button on the front panel which is monitored to determine when to put the program into

Re: Test

2004-02-18 Thread John Rich
I've been having problems with the forum (I can't see recent posts). This is why the test.

Re: How to synchronize the Acquization part and control part?

2004-02-05 Thread John Rich
I'm still on LV 6.1 so I can't read your vi. I would be happy to take a look at it if you would repost it in 6.1 format.

Re: curve fitting

2004-01-07 Thread John Rich
Assuming that your data has a Gaussian distribution then the Gaussian (normal) curve is defined by the mean and the standard deviation, both of which can be found using the Standard Deviation and Variance function under the Probability and Statistics portion of the Mathematics menu. Based on your

Re: library sub vi's

2004-01-07 Thread John Rich
All of these should be present in your LV installation. If these are absent from your installation then I suggest that you reinstall LV so that these vi's will be installed.

Re: library sub vi's

2004-01-07 Thread John Rich
Ed, Thanks for correcting me. Since I install LV and NI-DAQ at the same time I tend to think of them as a single install. John

Re: How can you create a local variable from a boolean control?

2003-12-30 Thread John Rich
I expect that switching will work fine for your application. Try changing the boolean control to switching (you do this by right clicking on the control and selecting the appropriate switching action). Most likely this will work for your application. Just make sure that you change the value