Re: how do I de-multiplex and sample signals that shares 1 input analog channel?

2004-04-24 Thread student researcher
I do need to know exactly which one is on. Briefly, my project is a sensor that will detect blood oxygen saturation level. The sensor needs to detect the concentrations of hemoglobin(potential oxygen carrier) and oxyhemoglobin(oxygen carrier)in the blood. They have different light absorption patter

Re: how do I de-multiplex and sample signals that shares 1 input analog channel?

2004-04-24 Thread student researcher
There will be very small difference in the sensor output depending on which LED is on, and when they are both off, the output will have a distinctive smaller voltage range. So if this is not doable in LabVIEW, I need to use an intermediate circuit that will control the LED turning on/off sequence,

how do I de-multiplex and sample signals that shares 1 input analog channel?

2004-04-24 Thread student researcher
Here is the deal: There are 2 LEDs(1 RED and the other Infrar Red) share 1 light sensor; I need to have a sampling sequence of RED on and IR off, IR on and RED off, and both OFF and then repeats. Since they share 1 light sensor so there is only 1 analog input to my DAQ board. How do I set up the I/

I need to open/import a .bin file in to LabView

2004-02-25 Thread Researcher
I would like to open a .bin file in LabView for DSP purposes.