Resample Waveforms (single shot): Pair of X and Y Arrays - Interpolation Mode?

2004-05-25 Thread matthias.richwin
Hi all, I am currently trying to resample x/y-data. In the waveform utilities, there is a polymorphic routine that is able to perform resampling on pairs of x and y arrays. So far, that's fine. However, when using the waveform version of the polymorphic vi, I can set i.e. FIR filtering and the

Re: Resample Waveforms (single shot): Pair of X and Y Arrays - Interpolation Mode?

2004-05-25 Thread matthias.richwin
Hi LocalDSP, I will try spline. So for x/y-pairs, coerce, linear and spline are supported? Thank you very much for your fast help! Regards, Matthias

Re: Resample Waveforms (single shot): Pair of X and Y Arrays - Interpolation Mode?

2004-05-25 Thread matthias.richwin
One further question regarding spline: Is that suitable when I try to drastically reduce the sampling frequency of my data? I.e., I have data at 1 kHz, and reduce it to 5 Hz. Linear interpolation just interpolates between the two neighbouring points AFAIK. What about splines in this context?

Re: Resample Waveforms (single shot): Pair of X and Y Arrays - Interpolation Mode?

2004-05-25 Thread matthias.richwin
Hi, good point. But we have some noise, so low pass filtering is really desirable. I will try the two-step process. Thanks a lot, Matthias

Re: Unit indicator is not updated in Numeric Control

2004-05-24 Thread matthias.richwin
Yes, that's it. Thanks a lot! Matthias

Unit indicator is not updated in Numeric Control

2004-05-19 Thread matthias.richwin
Hi, I observe the following problem in LabView 7.0: I have a numeric control with unit indicator. Depending on the value, the unit indicator should change its prefix (kilo,milli,etc.) and the displayed value is scaled accordingly. However, this does not work correctly: The value gets scaled, but

Re: Unit indicator is not updated in Numeric Control

2004-05-19 Thread matthias.richwin
Hi, from a physical point of view: A physical quantity is a number and a unit. I can convert the unit into any other compatible unit without losing information. I can express the length of my finger in inches, cm or km. The corresponding number changes, but the physical quantity stays the same.

Re: Unit indicator is not updated in Numeric Control

2004-05-19 Thread matthias.richwin
Hi, I should have mentioned that I use the SI Notation in the indicator. So that is really a feature, not a bug. But the prefix isn't updated correctly. Matthias

Re: Fix axes in intensity graph with cursor

2004-04-15 Thread matthias.richwin
Hi, thanks, that hint at least reduced the effort as I don't have to set the scale min/max values every time. Regards Matthias

Re: Fix axes in intensity graph with cursor

2004-04-15 Thread matthias.richwin
Hi, yes: Gregs comment was right, setting that property keeps the axes fixed. However, it is possible, to drop the cursor outside the visible area. So I check every time and move the cursor back to the border of the allowed area, when it is outside. Regards Matthias

Fix axes in intensity graph with cursor

2004-04-14 Thread matthias.richwin
Hi all, I try to use the intensity graph as an xy-input device. The user should be allowed to drag the cursor to enter the value. However, the user can always move the cursor outside the plot area, which causes the corresponding axis to rescale. I want to have strictly fixed upper and lower

Re: Fix axes in intensity graph with cursor

2004-04-14 Thread matthias.richwin
Hi, thank you for your answer. Autoscale has always been turned off for both scales. The problem is not the scales being rescaled due to data, but due to cursor movement. This does not seem to be affected by the Autoscale properties. Matthias

I have problems getting readings from an Agilent 34401 using...

2004-04-08 Thread matthias.richwin
I have problems getting readings from an Agilent 34401 using the LabView drivers from the IDN. I get VISA timeouts, error code is -1073807339. From time to time, it works, but most of the time (90%), it doesn't. I have LabView 7 Express, VISA 3.0.1, communication is supposed to run via GPIB.

Re: Using Labjack U12 to control stepping motor with Labview

2004-03-03 Thread matthias.richwin
Hi, no, this is not possible as I explained before. Just use the vis delivered with the LabJack or downloaded from the website. Regards Matthias

Re: Using Labjack U12 to control stepping motor with Labview

2004-03-02 Thread matthias.richwin
Hi, the LabJack cannot be set-up for regular LabView DAQ. But: There are vis in the LabJack distribution, located somewhere under C:\Programs\LabJack (look out for ljackuw.llb). There are also several examples. The vis simply mirror the corresponding c library functions, as they are described in

Re: writing unique record to file

2004-02-12 Thread matthias.richwin
Hi, try the Configuration File vi's (a subpalette of File I/O). They support a unique key / value structure as in typical windows .ini files. You would only have to convert your data into a string which can be saved as the value in the file. The data can also be saved in different sections, thus

Re: IMAQ application; measuring gas volume

2004-01-09 Thread matthias.richwin
Depending on the travel range and accuracy, a simple linear potentiometer could do the job.