Thanks for this tip, I see the biggest difference between the command you
supplied and the command I was using is the version of the SNMP
implementation. I was under the impression that the version was v2 so I
apologize for assuming, and not trying earlier. Fortunately, using your
step, I
I did go through the shorewall rules, and opened up the tcp and udp ports
161, here is the relevant line from netstat - na
firewall: -root-
# netstat -na
Active Internet connections (including servers)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State
isandro belli wrote:
it will freeze with 2 leds blinking (one looks like a pine tree the other
like a square with up-down arrows inside)
I have a newer thinkpad (770) but if your indicators are the same then:
- The 'pine tree' indicator should have an 'A' or else a '1' in it -
these are your c
Hi, try the floppy on another machine , if it doesn't work either you might
just have a bad floppy or drive (linux is pretty sensitive about floppy
Good Luck
- Original Message -
From: "isandro belli" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, April 25, 2004
Thanks for the suggestion, I modified syslinux.cfg from Win95 but
no difference so far...
Unfortunately the 755 lacks a HD...
Actually I did report a wrong error message, it should read:
VFS: Mounted root (minix filesystem).
Mounting a 6M TMPFS filesystem...
end_request: I/O error, dev 02:2c (f
* isandro belli ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [040425 01:48]:
> hi all
> trying to boot a Bering 2.4.16 on a
> Tinkpad 755c(floppy, 486DX, 75MHz, 2 3com 589d pcmcia)
Heh, that's funny! I have a ThinkPad 755CSE 486-DX4 100 MHz but I
did a hard drive install of Bering... still using syslinux, not
hi all
trying to boot a Bering 2.4.16 on a
Tinkpad 755c(floppy, 486DX, 75MHz, 2 3com 589d pcmcia)
got error:
end_request: I/O error, dev 02:00 (floppy), sector 2
checked floppy.txt in source files found this:
LILO configuration options (Thinkpad users, read this)