LL:ART:Job hunters rise to new level

1999-02-25 Thread Snez Plunkett
>From ABC news on-line (Wednesday, 24/2/99) Job hunters rise to new level The number of people actively looking for work has risen to its highest level since 1975. The Bureau of Statistics says 922,600 were either job hunting or available for work in September last year. It found there were ar

DDV: Multi-cultural Benefit to Beat Union Busting

1999-02-25 Thread a . thorne
You are invited to the next meeting of the No More Intimidation of Teacher Unionists Campaign Committee Tuesday 9 March, 6 pm at the AEU, Trennery Cres Abbotsford The committee, which is organising against the sacking of unionists and casualisation at Northern Melbourne Institute of TAFE, is cu

LL:PR:mardi gras build up

1999-02-25 Thread Paul Canning
+ How to join the reconciliation float + how to watch it + Corroboree for Gay, Lesbian and Transgender Aboriginal people and our friends and lovers back from our first briefing for the black, white + pink (bwp) float for reconciliation in the mardi gras. went extremely well. now we're all pray

LL:Argentina: $70 million utility bill

1999-02-25 Thread Thomas Collins
- $70 MILLION UTILITY BILL Argentine regulators have levied a $70 million fine on the electric company that serves the southern part of Buenos Aires because of blackout that lasted eight days. A total of 100,000 people are still without electricity since a fire Feb. 15 started the blackou

LL:ART:Unis battle new threat to funding

1999-02-25 Thread Kerrie Christian
I confess that I find the implications of the following article extremely alarming - in terms of the Howard Government's increasing efforts to gag political debate Kerrie Christian http://www.theaustralian.com.au/index.asp?URL=/national/4312696.htm Unis battle new threat to funding By GUY

LL:DDV:invitation to function

1999-02-25 Thread david keegan
The students of the VUT Community Development subject Management in Non Government Organisations Summer School Program are organising a function to celebrate the end of their subject. The function will include a variety of entertainment from the Pacific. There is also food avaliable. Most cos

LL:ART: Million more jobless revealed

1999-02-25 Thread Trudy Bray
The Sydney Morning Herald http://www.smh.com.au/news/9902/25/text/pageone8.html Million more jobless revealed Date: 25/02/99 By TOM ALLARD The true state of Australia's jobs market was exposed yesterday with the release of figures showing 1.7 million want work but can't find it - almosta mill

LL:URL:Visit Disney's SWEAT-SHOP-LAND !!

1999-02-25 Thread margaret
Anyone else fed up with Disney who needs to know more check out this site. -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: DISNEY!! Disney is a big time oppressor in Haiti, where they contract with companies that use sweatshop labor, and that practice anti-labor and anti-union t

LL:URL:Practical history website

1999-02-25 Thread margaret
PRACTICAL HISTORY Website This is to let you know about the new Practical History website, which you might be interested in. The address is: www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/Senate/7672/ So far the site includes: "Do you remember the first time? - resistance to the Gulf Massacre 1991" "Iraq: a

LL:International Conference on economic sovereignty

1999-02-25 Thread Democratic Socialist Party
Urgent Announcement ** INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE Economic Sovereignty in a Globalising World: Creating People Centred Economics for the 21st Century 23-26 March 1999 Bangkok, Thailand * REGISTRATION For more information an


1999-02-25 Thread Sussex Street Community Law Service
Media Release. February 24th 1999. Prisoner Support Group calls for Urgent Talks between all stakeholders. It is now two months since the Casuarina 'Lockdown'. No one has been charged. Police are investigating prisoners. An Inquiry by the Ministry for the Ministry has yet to make its

LL:ART:Y2K and Labor

1999-02-25 Thread margaret
Hello there, A Wobbly (IWW member) in US sent me this and I thought it might interest you too. Margaret >From what I have read recently, Y2k failures will not be an event of one single day or week, but rather will stretch from the end of 1998 until 2002 or so. However, approximately 30% - 50%

LL:International conference invitation

1999-02-25 Thread Democratic Socialist Party