There was an email from Geoff Rasmussen on keeping the old source
(basic) and creating a new source (sourcewriter) and copying and
pasting from the old into the new. I did a silly thing in combining a
basic source into a sourcewriter source, there are some elements that
appear in the displays that
I have had to bite the bullet... with 17,000 names because the clean up takes
me longer than the manual entry... set FTM beside the legacy and just type
away... at same time find things need to further work on that person also
because I started many years ago with FTM and didn't at first put al
Kirsten Bowman wrote
Those of us who want EE-style source formats are doing manual
It's a long slow process if you have a lot of individuals to work on,
but tackle it in "bite size" chunks so that every few days you can say
"Finished!" which gives you a feeling of achievement and
Since the Source convertor from Legacy to Legacy is not operational yet, I
would wait until it works. I have 5000 sources for my 25000 people. I wait. I
am fixing other things while waiting. I would just make a small gedcom, about
20 people, your immediate family. Send it, then see what has gone
Re-entering 9300 records would be terribly time-consuming and unnecessary.
Go ahead and make the transfer from FTM to Legacy, then for your initial
file cleanup I'd suggest making use of the Master Lists (View > Master
Lists). From there you can clean up your surname and location
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