> the ROI thread has some good advice.
> to program well you have to program often to get and keep the
> experience. reading about it almost doesn't count.
Thanks for the reflection, it helps. I bridled at the last thought for
a moment or three, and then I applied to the realms where I have an
On Nov 17, 4:12 pm, Matt Wilkie wrote:
> Hi Folks,
> I've been doing some reading, trying to expand my basic (very fuzzy)
> understanding of just what programming or software development is.
> This thing[1] led to that thing[2] to the other thing[3], as is normal
> on this infinite distraction
Hi Folks,
I've been doing some reading, trying to expand my basic (very fuzzy)
understanding of just what programming or software development is.
This thing[1] led to that thing[2] to the other thing[3], as is normal
on this infinite distraction machine, and I found myself reading and
trying to gr