Digital Destitution: A Mechanism of and for Inequality
Blanca Gordo, International Computer Science Institute, UC Berkeley
October 23, 2014 4:30 PM - 6:00 PM
Wallenberg Hall
450 Serra Mall, Building 160
Stanford, CA 94305-2055
Open to the public.
No RSVP required
The result of not pre
"FBI Director James Comey has been widely taken to task for his discussion
of what some people trivialize, calling, "kiddie porn". I will engage in
no such trivialization.
Child rape matters. We need better security and better protection for
everyone, particularly vulnerable people. Bett
Hi all,
A team of undergrads and med students has put together a discussion on
ebola and human rights with Scott Smith, head of Infectious Diseases at
Kaiser Redwood City. Join the discussion this *Saturday from 6-7pm *after
the football game, at Arrillaga dining. You are all welcome, regardless