Re: Microsoft's revenue structure

2024-05-18 Thread Federico Leva (Nemo)
Il 15/05/24 04:49, Marc Sunet ha scritto: Which reminds me, how is it still legal for an OEM to ship a "default" OS in a computer without giving the customer any choice [...]? Has this been an avenue of research for the FSF or some other organization lately? It's already illegal in the EU,

Re: Truth Social as an example of the limits of free software

2023-09-06 Thread Federico Leva (Nemo)
Truth Social is a success story for free software. People who could have been subjected to some proprietary software due to their interest in one certain celebrity are now using a (largely/mostly) free software service, thanks to Mastodon and the AGPL. They can benefit from years of

Re: very specific project proposal Re: What does Elon Musk say about free software?

2022-05-11 Thread Federico Leva (Nemo)
Il 02/05/22 01:23, Thomas Lord ha scritto: Here, broadly, would be the technical infrastructure: Set up instances dedicated to the "celebrities" in one field of interest.  It is good to make these redundant and distributed. This already happens, indeed. An example was

Re: Should distros take steps to reduce russian access to Free Software?

2022-03-13 Thread Federico Leva (Nemo)
Il 13/03/22 05:52, Aaron Wolf ha scritto: The inventors of nuclear technology might feel guilty about their role in the threat of nuclear war, but it's too late now to undo that. The same is true or any invention or creation. You can hope to keep it secret if it's so dangerous, but once it's

Re: Should we take steps to reduce russian access to Free Software?> the headache of it all dissolves in forgiveness

2022-03-09 Thread Federico Leva (Nemo)
Il 08/03/22 13:01, Jacob Hrbek ha scritto: use of free software in russian military to do war crimes That's pretty much like asking how to stop people who do crimes by... * ...talking over the phone (shut down the phone companies?) * ...reading and writing paper notes (fire all primary school

Re: Is Telegram or Signal acceptable for harm reduction?

2021-08-07 Thread Federico Leva (Nemo)
Il 05/08/21 02:30, Jorge P. de Morais Neto via libreplanet-discuss ha scritto: Telegram/does/ have free clients on GNU Guix and PureOS repositories, which is great, but it is a centralized network, the server code is hidden, and it doesn’t even have end-to-end encryption! So is it a real

Re: Were Intellectual Property to be abolished altogether, would you or FSF support it?

2021-07-13 Thread Federico Leva (Nemo)
Il 13/07/21 00:37, Yasuaki Kudo ha scritto: In a worker cooperative, there is one-person-one-vote democracy. So I cannot just dictate that the Software Licensing we use will be GPL. You can if you put it in the articles of incorporation or bylaws (depending on your jurisdiction). Federico

Re: Were Intellectual Property to be abolished altogether, would you or FSF support it?

2021-07-11 Thread Federico Leva (Nemo)
Il 12/07/21 02:04, Yasuaki Kudo ha scritto: the spirit of abolishing the Intellectual Property would perhaps also need to be stated If you mean abolishing the *term*, see the link I sent earlier: If you mean abolishing any and all things

Re: Were Intellectual Property to be abolished altogether, would you or FSF support it?

2021-07-11 Thread Federico Leva (Nemo)
Il 11/07/21 02:44, Yasuaki Kudo ha scritto: abolishing the concept of intellectual property Can you be more precise, please? "Intellectual property" doesn't exist. Thanks, Federico ___

Re: MS Teams and Windows 11

2021-06-27 Thread Federico Leva (Nemo)
Il 26/06/21 10:01, Paul Sutton via libreplanet-discuss ha scritto: I am not sure if the FSF legal department can take a look at this, as it may be something that the FSF, FSFE, EFF and others need to scrutinize to see if there is a violation in competition law. AFAIK the European Commission

Re: Ethical and inexpensive mailing list service?

2021-06-14 Thread Federico Leva (Nemo)
Il 13/06/21 15:18, Jorge P. de Morais Neto via libreplanet-discuss ha scritto: Do you recommend an inexpensive [...] and ethical (privacy and software freedom) mailing list service? The GNU mailman wiki lists a few hosting services: For

Re: Avoiding paying Windows license in the US

2021-05-30 Thread Federico Leva (Nemo)
Il 30/05/21 06:46, Julian Daich ha scritto: I got a new HP laptop and still did notl open it- Any idea how to avoid paying the Windows license before installing GNU/ Linux? In what jurisdiction? In the EU/EEA, the CJEU ruling on case C‑310/15 applies.

Re: [OT] Blind people, advocates slam company claiming to make websites ADA compliant

2021-05-24 Thread Federico Leva (Nemo)
Il 24/05/21 22:23, ha scritto: Reference #18.176727b5.1621884113.6ce7ff7a That's a typical Akamai error, famously served to every Tor user for instance. Federico

Re: The anti-GNU defamatory group of Ludovic Courtès - Re: assessment of the GNU Assembly project

2021-04-28 Thread Federico Leva (Nemo)
Il 28/04/21 18:27, Andreas Enge ha scritto: This cannot be qualified but as personal harrassment. What exactly? Naming a person 4 times while commenting their actions? Do you propose to apply such a standard universally, e.g. to an email criticising actions by an FSF or GNU office holder? (I

Re: Support RMS

2021-04-16 Thread Federico Leva (Nemo)
Dear Deb, thank you again for participating in the conversation here and for all your work promoting free software! In relation to outreach and promotion efforts, it's worth remembering that sometimes well-meaning actions can lead to unexpected results, or even the exact opposite of what was

Re: chromebooks

2020-11-06 Thread Federico Leva (Nemo)
Óscar, 06/11/20 13:00: > Recently, the public school that my 9-year-old daughter attends has > imposed on us the acquisition of a certain Chromebook. Imposed on what grounds? Surely the only thing they care about is that it has certain performances and can login to the Google apps? Any netbook

Re: The sad decline of copyleft software licenses? :(

2020-09-22 Thread Federico Leva (Nemo)
Pen-Yuan Hsing, 22/09/20 13:02: > (2) WHY do copyleft licenses seem to be in steep decline? Are they? People have been claiming so for decades, but there's no compelling evidence. Counting the number of throw-away git repositories is not sufficient to answer the question. Federico

Re: What forums/groups/listservs/etc. are available about Knoppix?

2020-09-16 Thread Federico Leva (Nemo)
Don Saklad, 16/09/20 00:06: > What forums/groups/listservs/etc. are available about Knoppix? Taking the question at face value: the #knoppix IRC channel on freenode has some people. Depending on your language you may find a dedicated forum or forum section, for instance I see in Italian there's

Re: Sacrifices made for Free Software

2020-08-03 Thread Federico Leva (Nemo)
Paul Sutton, 29/07/20 21:31: > In the UK I guess on main piece of software is SIMS, this is a school > management software system seems to have been around for decades. so it > helps to manage all sorts of essential school, and student data. Ah yes, that's a whole other story. Do students ever

Re: Sacrifices made for Free Software

2020-07-29 Thread Federico Leva (Nemo)
LM, 29/07/20 14:11: > I really don't understand, why is the FSF petitioning schools ( > > ) to use Free Software if there is no available Free Software > alternative for what they're specifically looking for Uh?

Re: Sacrifices made for Free Software

2020-07-29 Thread Federico Leva (Nemo)
LM, 28/07/20 13:06: > Is there a Free Software > solution that does the job? If not, how do we expect schools to give > Free options or replace what they're using? The typical way would be that some large universities identify some common issues they have with the proprietary software, set some

Re: Is there a way to identify flash versus HTML5 sites for Open Education Resources?

2020-07-24 Thread Federico Leva (Nemo)
Thank you for mentioning Merlot, I didn't know about it. What's the expected audience for it? I see it's nearly impossibly to find any free content in it. There is a filter by "a CC license" (which of course doesn't mean anything ) which

Re: Sharing your free software / quarantine success story

2020-04-18 Thread Federico Leva (Nemo)
LM, 17/04/20 20:05: The School District where I work prefers to stick with vendors that offer full support rather than using Open Source software. Your general point stands, but I just want to point out that this doesn't need to be a roadblock. For instance, a group I know switched from

Re: emergency issue: california public meetings

2020-03-13 Thread Federico Leva (Nemo)
Thomas Lord, 13/03/20 06:43: Organized, competent, volunteerism from the libre community could help democracy in California right now. Yes. A simple way people have helped is by running instances of Jitsi (sometimes also BigBlueButton or Nextcloud) and showing teachers and others how

Re: purism why does fsf and libreboot embrace a misleading company?

2020-03-13 Thread Federico Leva (Nemo)
Félicien Pillot, 11/03/20 23:05: What's wrong?? ninhar has raised such topics earlier in the Replicant mailing list, see for instance: "Report from 36C3" is AFAICT the best summary of the status of play as we know it.

Re: purism why does fsf and libreboot embrace a misleading company?

2020-03-12 Thread Federico Leva (Nemo)
a via libreplanet-discuss, 11/03/20 23:58: And a link is easier to share. This mailing list has a public archive which you can link just fine and doesn't require JavaScript to be read: So, no, your external text is

Paper: Intersections between Free Software and Open Scholarship

2020-03-06 Thread Federico Leva (Nemo)
There's some more talk about free software in the open access circles recently. This paper attempts to recap a few aspects (in almost 100 pages). It's CC-BY-4.0 and this URL opens without JavaScript: Federico Messaggio inoltrato

Re: Campaign to boycott Facebook

2020-02-25 Thread Federico Leva (Nemo)
Aaron Wolf, 24/02/20 17:55: Leaving is better, but if someone*doesn't* leave, they should at least focus on consciousness-raising there. They can do so in replies as well as posts. Comments may be good, I agree. For instance you can comment when somebody makes an announcement or opens a

Re: FLOSS alternatives (was re:Campaign to boycott Facebook)

2020-02-25 Thread Federico Leva (Nemo)
LM, 24/02/20 21:11: With the recent issues with Yahoo Groups, I investigated what free mailing list alternatives were still available. I ran across a few options like but I really could not find a lot of options even when I looked at non-Free alternatives in this

Re: One word label for someone who rejects proprietary software

2020-02-18 Thread Federico Leva (Nemo)
Andrea Trentini, 16/02/20 23:34: Libretalian Librephile Propriephobic (but it conveys negative meaning, illness) I rarely need a single word for this, but I sometimes use "softwareliberista" with friends ("liberista" usually means an advocate of the free market); for supporters of the

Re: Free licensing of surveillance software

2020-02-07 Thread Federico Leva (Nemo)
Roberto Beltran via libreplanet-discuss, 15/01/20 20:48: The software is being used ON the surveilled. The surveilled are not users of the software. This is a key distinction and I don't think it's clear at all. There are good reasons why copyleft clauses are usually triggered by more

Re: Stop the .org domain registry from being sold to a private for profit company

2019-12-16 Thread Federico Leva (Nemo)
Greg Farough, 13/12/19 21:59: The FSF was one of the original organizational signers of this petition, and we're keeping a close eye on things. I'm glad to see it brought up here. Indeed. I'm afraid a lot of orgs do not know yet about this matter, we need all the outreach possible. Why not

Re: Exciting new changes for the LibrePlanet Wiki (Valessio Brito)

2019-10-08 Thread Federico Leva (Nemo)
Arthur Torrey, 06/10/19 04:59: I am not a programmer, but see no reason why editing something in a Wiki should be any harder than using a modern WYSIWYG word processor like in LibreOffice The reason is simply that it took several years of work by a team of multiple developers.

Re: [libreplanet-discuss] Apologies

2019-09-26 Thread Federico Leva (Nemo)
A. Mani, 26/09/19 17:02: The point under discussion was "women's rights in free software world". Yes, and RMS has always strongly advocated for them, against people who argued GNU should be apolitical and so on. Federico ___ libreplanet-discuss

Re: [libreplanet-discuss] Apologies

2019-09-26 Thread Federico Leva (Nemo)
A. Mani, 26/09/19 03:43: The sad thing is that RMS is one of the champions of womens rights in the free software world. This is false. Uh? It's one thing to say that some actions were not enough, and another to deny facts which are demonstrably true. It's trivial to find RMS statements in

Re: [libreplanet-discuss] Easy to understand way of getting a new computer already setup out of the box as close as can be to rms' principles.

2019-09-25 Thread Federico Leva (Nemo)
Thomas Lord, 24/09/19 20:41: Very few people will ever find those links and fewer still have the knowledge to know how to use that information. Can you clarify? Are you saying they wouldn't be able to use a pretty standard webshop, or that the offer doesn't satisfy their needs? [...] Or

Re: [libreplanet-discuss] “I don't answer questions from women”

2019-09-25 Thread Federico Leva (Nemo)
A. Mani, 25/09/19 06:58: For basic applied feminism (intersectional): Where the first article is about male virginity: Federico ___

Re: [libreplanet-discuss] Easy to understand way of getting a new computer already setup out of the box as close as can be to rms' principles.

2019-09-24 Thread Federico Leva (Nemo)
The way I find the answer is usually this: (third link) → → → various links including ,

Re: [libreplanet-discuss] Moving Forward

2019-09-24 Thread Federico Leva (Nemo)
For context: If you never saw the saint IGNUcius routine in person, there are some recordings around. I used to belong to the