>> OK, thanks. I wonder how the heuristics could be improved. Given
>> that a lyric hyphen must be preceded by whitespace, while normally
>> `--` as an articulation is following a non-whitespace character,
>> maybe a look-behind assertion for the latter would help? Something
>> similar could b
Le 02/11/2022 à 16:19, Werner LEMBERG a écrit :
OK, thanks. I wonder how the heuristics could be improved. Given
that a lyric hyphen must be preceded by whitespace, while normally
`--` as an articulation is following a non-whitespace character, maybe
a look-behind assertion for the latter would
>> ```
>> c''4-3 e-5 b-2 a-1
>> ```
>> which Pygments translates to
>> ```
>> @t{c''} @t{4} @t{-3} @t{e} @t{-5} @t{b} @t{-2} @t{a} @t{-1}
>> ```
>> that is, the `-` is not typeset in bold.
> Because "-3" could just as well be a number rather than a fingering,
> and it's hard to guess.
Le 02/11/2022 à 14:53, Werner LEMBERG a écrit :
The above example was the wrong one, sorry. What I actually wanted to
show are inconsistencies. In the same section you can find
c''4-3 e-5 b-2 a-1
which Pygments translates to
@t{c''} @t{4} @t{-3} @t{e} @t{-5} @t{b} @t{-2} @t{a} @t
>> Please have a look at the attached image; it's taken from the LM,
>> chapter 3.1.4. As can be seen, `_` and `-` are bold, and `^`
>> isn't. Is it possible to make `_` and `-` bold only if used as
>> articulation (i.e., *after* `[_^-]`)?
> The relevant part of the output generated by lilypon
Le 29/10/2022 à 10:25, Werner LEMBERG a écrit :
Please have a look at the attached image; it's taken from the LM,
chapter 3.1.4. As can be seen, `_` and `-` are bold, and `^` isn't.
Is it possible to make `_` and `-` bold only if used as articulation
(i.e., *after* `[_^-]`)?
The relevant pat
Please have a look at the attached image; it's taken from the LM,
chapter 3.1.4. As can be seen, `_` and `-` are bold, and `^` isn't.
Is it possible to make `_` and `-` bold only if used as articulation
(i.e., *after* `[_^-]`)?