Hi folks!
I looked at this idea of OOoLilypond, and thought -- what a fabulous idea
for how I use Lilypond! So I installed the latest Lily (2.9.23), and
installed and followed slavishly the instructions to download and install
the macro.
But it won't work! It seemed to install just fine, a
On Sunday 15 October 2006 22:59, Marcus Macauley wrote:
> Nicolas Sceaux wrote:
> And because it's possible to manually type notes within a music function
> in Scheme, e.g.:
> function =
> #(define-music-function (parser location var1) (integer?)
> #{
> c'4 d' e'
> #})
> It seems like it
"Marcus Macauley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> What I'm trying to do is create a music function whereby one can input
> certain starting values, like:
> \makeinfinityseries #2 #7 #1 #13
> Those values would be used to generate a pitch series; and then that
> pitch series would be printed in
"Marcus Macauley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Either I've found a bug, or (more likely) I don't understand how
> variables are passed between Lilypond and Scheme.
> Below is an example, where a #(define-music-function...) block
> receives a variable, stringone. That variable seems to be acce
Rick Hansen (aka RickH) schreef:
Thanks, so line-width will take whatever is left over after the margins are
set and the paper size established?
Han-Wen Nienhuys - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www.xs4all.nl/~hanwen
LilyPond Software Design
-- Code for Music Notation
Thanks, so line-width will take whatever is left over after the margins are
set and the paper size established?
Han-Wen Nienhuys-2 wrote:
> Rick Hansen (aka RickH) schreef:
>> I would like to "dynamically generate" values for the following 3
>> hard-coded
>> properties based on a rule, and
Just add print-page-number = ##t
first-page-number = 1
print-first-page-number = ##t
print-page-number = ##t
lilypond-user mailing list
Rick Hansen (aka RickH) schreef:
I would like to "dynamically generate" values for the following 3 hard-coded
properties based on a rule, and the current default paper size, but I dont
know scheme:
paper-height = 11.0\in
paper-width = 8.5\in
line-width = 7.7\in
So basica
Yes, I suppose my batch job script can just copy the appropriate file into
"settings.ly" then invoke lilypond. In fact this will also solve my first
page number and many other cases where I want to control my scores via the
job stream. I can keep a repository of various "settings-forwhatever.ly"
Rick Hansen (aka RickH) schreef:
A -d option to set the \paper first-page-number property from the command
line job would be a real handy thing to have. Many people I assume, like
me, often print a score for inclusion into another separate book, or
concatenation with a bunch of other PDF files.
I would like to "dynamically generate" values for the following 3 hard-coded
properties based on a rule, and the current default paper size, but I dont
know scheme:
paper-height = 11.0\in
paper-width = 8.5\in
line-width = 7.7\in
So basically how would I code the above har
A -d option to set the \paper first-page-number property from the command
line job would be a real handy thing to have. Many people I assume, like
me, often print a score for inclusion into another separate book, or
concatenation with a bunch of other PDF files. It would be nice to not have
to e
Laura Conrad laymusic.org> writes:
> lilypond-book knows whether it's setting complete lines or only
> snippets.
I'm not entirely sure it does (Lilypond obviously does), but if it doesn't, an
option to the lilypond-book commands (either in the .lytex file or on the
command line) could tell lily
Rick Hansen (aka RickH) schreef:
Yes, it seems to work great for all my initial tests so far. Han-Wen is very
fast. I have already made a word processor document that references several
EPS clips from the original score. Now I only have one score to maintain
and one document to maintain, and w
> "Mats" == Mats Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Mats> Quoting Laura Conrad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Arvid> Now, I guess lilypond-book could be modified to give an
Arvid> explicit *and deliberately misleading* BoundingBox argument
Arvid> to the \includegraphics comman
Yes, it seems to work great for all my initial tests so far. Han-Wen is very
fast. I have already made a word processor document that references several
EPS clips from the original score. Now I only have one score to maintain
and one document to maintain, and when I change the score the revised
I have already answered your question, see
but if I remember correctly, the email directly to you bounced back.
Quoting Mehmet Okonsar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
-- Forwarded Message --
Subject: slash
You can take over all the titling yourself with the following \paper block
and by not setting any of the built in \header properties like title,
copyright, etc. (with the exception of tagline = " " to regain the bottom
space). Also use the \fill-line function to spread items left/right.
Since Han-Wen already has implemented what Rick requested, the
discussion is now obsolete.
Quoting Erik Sandberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
On Thursday 12 October 2006 18:22, Rick Hansen (aka RickH) wrote:
Thanks for the suggestion Mats.
My motivation for this is that I am currently writi
Quoting Laura Conrad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Arvid> Now, I guess lilypond-book could be modified to give an
Arvid> explicit *and deliberately misleading* BoundingBox argument
Arvid> to the \includegraphics command in order to get the correct
Arvid> placement without compromising the EPS
Hello, to me Scheme/Lisp is (still) Greek. But you may find interesting what
FOMUS has to offer, if you`re thinking of algorithmical composition. Check
it out:
lilypond-user mailing list
On Thursday 12 October 2006 18:22, Rick Hansen (aka RickH) wrote:
> Thanks for the suggestion Mats.
> My motivation for this is that I am currently writing some lesson material
> that reference full scores and would like to make a nice word processor
> document that flows, with illustrations embe
> "Arvid" == Arvid Grøtting <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Arvid> Laura Conrad laymusic.org> writes:
>> Has anyone figured out a way around this?
Arvid> A workaround, yes:
Arvid> For each EPS file, between running lilypond-book and tex,
Arvid> replace the first (and negativ
-- Forwarded Message --
Subject: Why No Page Numbers?
Date: Saturday 14 October 2006 19:57
From: Mehmet Okonsar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: lilypond-user@gnu.org
Why don't I get page numbers (on the first page) here?
\version "2.9.22"
\include "englis
-- Forwarded Message --
Subject: slashed grace notes
Date: Monday 02 October 2006 13:43
From: Mehmet Okonsar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Lilypond Users Group
the manual is not very explicit..
how can I get slashed AND beamed grace notes as 8ths, 16ths etc..
I mean: a slash throug
On Monday 16 October 2006 12:17, Paul Scott wrote:
> This:
> \version "2.9.24"
> { c1 \mark \default }
> nMark = \mark \default
> gives:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/music/test$ lilypond nmark.ly
> GNU LilyPond 2.9.24
> Processing `nmark.ly'
> Parsing...# nmark.ly:3:5>))((display-methods #) (na
Geoff Horton wrote:
http://www.geoffhorton.com/lilymacs.html is how I did it.
Thanks! Works great! I've bookmarked your page.
lilypond-user mailing list
\version "2.9.24"
{ c1 \mark \default }
nMark = \mark \default
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/music/test$ lilypond nmark.ly
GNU LilyPond 2.9.24
Processing `nmark.ly'
Parsing...#nmark.ly:3:5>))((display-methods #) (name .
MarkEvent) (types general-music mark-event event)) >
Thanks, Mats !
That does work and I've achieved what I wanted to do :
\version "2.9"
stemLess = \override Voice.Stem #'transparent = ##t
stemFull = \override Voice.Stem #'transparent = ##f
\score {
\relative c'' {
\override Staff.NoteCollision #'merge-differently-headed = ##
Am Montag, 16. Oktober 2006 11:45 schrieb Paul Scott:
> I have installed LilyPond on another machine and haven't figured out how
> to get lilypond-mode for emacs going.
> The manual (2.9) says do a "make install" from the source archive. Does
> this mean that I have to get the source tarball? It'
http://www.geoffhorton.com/lilymacs.html is how I did it.
lilypond-user mailing list
Daniel Tonda schreef:
I just read that lilypond includes support for rightHandFinger events.
Being a guitarist I was thrilled.
I ran the example and tried a couple of experiments to see if I could
change the capital P and I that appear, in guitar the fingers are spelt
in lowercase p, i,
I have installed LilyPond on another machine and haven't figured out how
to get lilypond-mode for emacs going.
The manual (2.9) says do a "make install" from the source archive. Does
this mean that I have to get the source tarball? It's been quite a
while since I've had to do this and I don'
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