RE: long sequence of 8th trioles without many \tuplets

2024-09-07 Thread Steven Weber --Steven From: On Behalf Of Sebastian Menge Sent: Saturday, September 7, 2024 12:03 PM To: Subje

RE: LilyPond 64-bit version for a Mac

2019-03-05 Thread Steven Weber
If you wanted to avoid having an external server, you could always use Docker. I’ve been running LP in a Docker container on my mac for a couple of months now, and it’s worked flawlessly. --Steven From: lilypond-user On Behalf Of Austin Blaser Sent: Tuesday, March 5, 2019 7:20 PM To: Karlin

RE: help to tie individual note to a chord

2017-05-26 Thread Steven Weber
\set tieWaitForNote = ##t --Steven From: lilypond-user [] On Behalf Of MING TSANG Sent: Friday, May 26, 2017 6:35 PM To: Lilypond-usermailinglist Subject: help to tie in

RE: Long compile times on Windows 10 status

2016-10-16 Thread Steven Weber
I've found that whenever I install a new font on my computer, I wind up in this state. That being said, I can recover back to normal speeds by deleting the C:\Users\\.lilypond-fonts.cache-2 folder. The first build after doing this will be slow (because it's rebuilding the font cache), but afte

Re: Making a multi measure rest shorter

2016-07-25 Thread Steven Weber
On 7/25/16, 3:26 PM, "Thomas Morley" wrote: 2016-07-25 22:45 GMT+02:00 Steven Weber : > I’ve found lots of various ways to make a multi measure rest longer, but I’d > like to make one shorter. I’m trying to typeset a piece with a cadenza, and > the standard

Making a multi measure rest shorter

2016-07-25 Thread Steven Weber
I’ve found lots of various ways to make a multi measure rest longer, but I’d like to make one shorter. I’m trying to typeset a piece with a cadenza, and the standard \cadenzaOn and Off have some issues I haven’t figured out how to work around yet (specifically, bar lines in the cadenza keep sho

How to determine if a KeySignature is default or not

2016-05-22 Thread Steven Weber
Is there an easy way to determine if a KeySignature grob is present because of a key change event, or just because a new line was started? The Clef gob has a non-default property that contains this info, but it doesn't have a value for KeySignature, and I couldn't find any other property that look

Scheme question: context from grob?

2016-05-19 Thread Steven Weber
Is there any way to get the context from a grob?  Or is there another way to get the current bar number from a grob? I’m writing an after-line-break function and would like to know what bar number the grob is in: #(define (after-break-function grob) (newline)(display “whatever code gets

Including files via scheme

2016-04-03 Thread Steven Weber
Is there a way to include files via scheme? Basically, what I want to do is have a function that takes a directory parameter, and includes all of the .ily files in that directory. I think I've seen something similar to this before, but my google-fu is failing me today. Thanks! --Steven

Re: alternative problem in repetition

2016-01-26 Thread Steven Weber
You don’t need the \\ between the two alternative blocks: \alternative { { a2. } { a2.~ | a2 r4 } } —Steven From: on behalf of Marcos Press Date: Tuesday, January 26, 2016 at 9:35 AM To: Lilypond List Subject: alternative problem in repetition Hi list!, Can anyone try these and t

Question about 2.19 and \partial

2015-07-02 Thread Steven Weber
Hey everyone! I've got a question about typesetting partials in the middle of a piece and what their bar number should be. If you have a partial at the beginning of a piece, the bar number is (essentially) 0 - it doesn't count as far as bar numbers go. Because of that, I assumed that parti

RE: After-line-breaking behavior?

2015-06-16 Thread Steven Weber
Interesting. I'm running on Windows - maybe that's the problem! --Steven From: Simon Albrecht [] Sent: Tuesday, June 16, 2015 3:26 PM To: Steven Weber; 'lilypond-user' Subject: Re: After-line-breaking behavior? Am 17.06.2015 um 00:12

After-line-breaking behavior?

2015-06-16 Thread Steven Weber
Is there any way to guarantee that the order of items processed through after-line-breaking is the exact order they are in the score? I'm doing some fun things with bar lines, and I'm having issues because my scheme code isn't getting them in the order I expect. In the attached file, for example,

RE: Problem with repeats: stray bar line

2015-05-05 Thread Steven Weber
Because you're in 4/4 and didn't tell Lilypond that the alternative bars were in 3/4. See for details on how to fix this. --Steven -Original Message- From: [mailto:lilypond

Special handling for .|:-|| barline type?

2015-04-30 Thread Steven Weber
I'm monkeying around with how barlines are displayed, and I've run across a problem with repeats at breaks (double bar on the previous line, start repeat sign on the start of the next line). Whenever I attempt to override the stencil in any way, I lose the || bar at the end of the line (it gets re

Anyone up for a Scheme code review?

2015-04-28 Thread Steven Weber
I finally managed to hack together highlighting code for key signatures that does what I want (ignores the initial key signature, and only highlights key signatures at the beginning of the line if it was broken across the line). But, my code feels.inelegant. In particular, I'm using a global v

How to make an object take up no space

2015-04-24 Thread Steven Weber
As part of my ongoing project to typeset "highlighting" marks I've hit another problem: I'm trying to highlight repeat bar lines, but the highlighting code keeps interfering with my skylines. Since I'm manually placing it (for the moment) and doing so in a negative layer, I'd like to tell lilypon

RE: Can you determine why a grob is being typeset in scheme?

2015-04-21 Thread Steven Weber
You guys are awesome! Took me a little bit to piece everything together, but here's what I wound up with. It's almost exactly what I want - I still need to figure out how to highlight clef changes in the first bar without highlighting the initial clef indicator, and how to deal with clef modif

Can you determine why a grob is being typeset in scheme?

2015-04-20 Thread Steven Weber
Since I always highlight clef changes in my music and I have access to a color printer, I thought it'd be more efficient to let Lilypond do the highlighting for me. I wrote a handy function that places a filled-box behind the clef grob, and it works great, as long as I add it manually for every cl

RE: Double- and triple-tonguing articulation

2015-04-16 Thread Steven Weber --Steven From: [] On Behalf Of Trevor Baca Sent: Thursday, April 16, 2015 11:33 AM To: lilypond-user Subject: Double- and triple-tonguing art

RE: Are harmonic trills possible?

2015-04-15 Thread Steven Weber
Try s0harmonic instead of s2harmonic --Steven From: [] On Behalf Of Trevor Baca Sent: Wednesday, April 15, 2015 10:48 AM To: Pierre Perol-Schneider Cc: lilypond-user Subject: Re: Are

RE: Changing the direction of a tuplet bracket

2014-06-17 Thread Steven Weber
\tupletUp, \tupletDown & \tupletNeutral. --Steven From: [] On Behalf Of Knute Snortum Sen

MarkLine + bar number weirdness

2013-11-04 Thread Steven Weber
I've been playing around with the MarkLine context that's been floated around on this alias a couple of times. It does everything I want, with one small bit of weirdness. If I have a rehearsal mark immediate following a line break, the bar number gets pushed up from its usual position. I'm not e

RE: wrong beaming

2012-03-15 Thread Steven Weber
You can always manually override the beaming: c16 c \times 2/3 { c8[ c16] } \times 2/3 { c8[ c16] } c16 c } --Steven -Original Message- From: [] On Behalf Of luis jure Sent: Wednesda

RE: keepWithTag question

2011-08-15 Thread Steven Weber
Nicolas Sceaux wrote a brilliant \keepWithTags function that does the first option: --Steven -Original Message- From: [mailto:lilypond-user-bounces+panteck=hotmail@

RE: Can you make MultiMeasureRests ignore spaces?

2011-06-14 Thread Steven Weber
-Original Message- From: James Lowe [] Sent: Tuesday, June 14, 2011 1:58 PM To: Steven Weber; Subject: RE: Can you make MultiMeasureRests ignore spaces? Hello From: Steven Weber [pant

RE: Can you make MultiMeasureRests ignore spaces?

2011-06-14 Thread Steven Weber
-Original Message- From: James Lowe [] Sent: Tuesday, June 14, 2011 10:16 AM To: Steven Weber; Subject: RE: Can you make MultiMeasureRests ignore spaces? Importance: Low Hello, -- From: lilypond-user-bounces

Can you make MultiMeasureRests ignore spaces?

2011-06-11 Thread Steven Weber
I'm trying to separate my layout from my notes - what I'd like to have is something like: Notes = { R1*4/4*4 | } Layout = { s1*4/4*1 | s1*4/4*1 | s1*4/4*1 | s1*4/4*1 | } \score {

RE: Chords with unequal durations

2010-09-12 Thread Steven Weber
Excellent! Thanks (and an extra thanks to Neil!) --Steven -Original Message- From: Jay Anderson [] Sent: Sunday, September 12, 2010 10:09 PM To: Steven Weber Cc: Subject: Re: Chords with unequal durations On Sun, Sep 12, 2010 at 10:06

Chords with unequal durations

2010-09-12 Thread Steven Weber
I'm trying to typeset a chord that needs to look like this: I've tried using <\tweak #'duration-log #4 c \tweak #'duration-log #4 e g>2., but that gives me dotted quarters. I tried using the Dots object to hide the dots on the quarter notes, but that effects all of the dots in the chord, not

RE: Coloring note heads by pitch

2009-11-02 Thread Steven Weber
Here's a solution I use for "easy" harp music where all C's and F's are red and blue. I'm cutting and pasting from several different files, so this might not be in the right order, but at least it'll give you a good starting point: #(define (pitch-to-color pitch) (cond ((e

Automatic accidentals

2008-09-12 Thread Steven Weber
I'm typesetting some harp music, and I'd really like to be able to setup the automatic accidentals to be kind of a mix of modern and forget - I want accidentals on every measure like modern, but I want the cautionary cancellation to appear the first time the non-accidental note appears (regardless

RE: \char arg not working properly

2008-08-07 Thread Steven Weber
Concat should work, but only if you’re using 2.11. The easy way to fix this problem is to save your files in UTF-8 format – then you can use the suggested subtitle without any issue. If you’re running on Windows, you can open the file in Notepad, and choose File->Save As, and set the Encoding

RE: color notehead according to absolute pitch

2008-08-05 Thread Steven Weber
Use the (cond) expression. Here's a simplified version of your pitch-to-color function that colors all c's red and all f's blue: #(define (pitch-to-color pitch) (cond ((eqv? (ly:pitch-notename pitch) 0) (x11-color 'red)) ((eqv? (ly:pitch-notename pitch) 3)

Tremolo that crosses staves?

2008-07-22 Thread Steven Weber
Is it possible to create a tremolo that crosses staves? I tried \repeat tremolo 32 { \change staff = up }, but that complained that the tremolo command can only take 2 parameters... Thanks! --Steven <>___ lilypond-user mailing list lilypond-us

Is there a way to force a bar to have a smaller width?

2008-06-19 Thread Steven Weber
I'm writing some harp glissandos, where the first several notes of the gliss are written out for accidentals, then the rest of the measure is just the wavy gliss line to the next note. I've got it looking right, except there's way too much empty space at the end of the measure. \version "2.11.

Partial measures at the end of a piece

2008-06-11 Thread Steven Weber
Is there a good way to have a partial measure at the end of a piece and not get barcheck warnings? The manual says that using \partial is only supported at the beginning of a piece, and you should expect warnings if you use it elsewhere, but the only other alternative I've come up with is much les

RE: Number over the percent repeat?

2008-04-09 Thread Steven Weber
This has been on the list before (or maybe the LSR) since I know I didn't come up with it myself, but here's how I do it: << { \repeat volta 5 { c1 ~ } c1 } \new Voice { \set countPercentRepeats = ##t \

RE: few lily/notation/orchestration questions

2008-02-14 Thread Steven Weber
Correction: Harpists only use 4 fingers per hand. --Steven -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Damian leGassick Sent: Thursday, February 14, 2008 8:25 AM To: Subject: Re: few lily/notation/orchestration questions trills

Scheme question

2007-11-02 Thread Steven Weber
Hey everyone! I'm hoping one of the Scheme gods on the list can tell me what I'm doing wrong here. I'm trying to create a markup function that will draw harp pedal diagrams. To do that, I need a function that takes 7 parameters. My function works fine as long as there are only 3 parameters

Hiding an end-of-line cautionary key signature

2007-09-13 Thread Steven Weber
Lilypond 2.11.32, Windows XP I'm working on a piece that has several measures of divisi. Because the piece has a lot of time changes, I don't want to create a full second voice and use \RemoveEmptyStaffContext. The LSR has a great snippet that shows how to temporarily add an additional staff

RE: Space in markup using \char

2007-07-02 Thread Steven Weber
The \concat command should fix this: \markup { \italic { \concat { "pi" \char #'249 } } } --Steven -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Palmer, Ralph Sent: Monday, July 02, 2007 1:38 PM To: Subject: Space in markup using

Re: Sharp and flat in headers.

2007-06-09 Thread Steven Weber
\markup { \concat { "D" \general-align #Y #DOWN \flat } "major" } } --Steven - Original Message - From: Ole Schmidt To: Mats Bengtsson ; Sent: Saturday, June 09, 2007 9:39 AM Subject: Re: Sharp and flat in headers. how can I bring the \flat closer to

RE: markup in header

2007-03-15 Thread Steven Weber
Try using \concat: \markup { \concat { "S" \char #233 "an" } } --Steven -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Palmer, Ralph Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2007 11:32 AM To: Subject: markup in header Greetings - I'm running: L