Re: Custom dynamic mark on several lines

2020-08-30 Thread Aaron Hill
ple shows how \vcenter does not quite align the same as the other option. But again, it might not matter in context so it is worth trying as it is simpler. -- Aaron Hill

Re: Custom dynamic mark on several lines

2020-08-30 Thread Aaron Hill
arg3 } #})) \markup \centered-three-lines \line { a b c } \line { d e } \line { f g h } -- Aaron Hill

Re: key-change-event listener in 2.20

2020-08-31 Thread Aaron Hill
#(list (cons 'listeners (list (cons 'key-change-event format-event } { \key g \major g'2 b' | \key aes \major c''2 aes' } -- Aaron Hill

Re: key-change-event listener in 2.20

2020-09-03 Thread Aaron Hill
t-property (ly:translator-context engraver) (car (filter translator-property? '(keyAlterations keySignature))) '()) -- Aaron Hill

Re: Shorthand for "once override"?

2020-09-03 Thread Aaron Hill
\vcenter \teeny \sans x mzzz = \makeRightOrnament \markup \vcenter \huge \bold zzz { f8 -\tweak padding #0.8 -\mx f'4. -\mx f''16 -\mzzz f'''4.. -\mx } -- Aaron Hill

Re: unable to install version 2.0

2020-09-04 Thread Aaron Hill
On 2020-09-04 11:47 am, Tom Swan wrote: PS: Output of /usr/local/bin/lilypond is "No such file or directory" What about "~/bin/lilypond --version"? -- Aaron Hill

Re: partcombine discards quarter rests, why?

2020-09-05 Thread Aaron Hill
half note,is a fifth lower so there is no collision, or shouldn't be. Probably need to use \partcombineApart. Consider: \version "2.20.0" { \time 3/4 \clef bass \partcombine { r4 e2 } { \once \partcombineApart a,2. } } -- Aaron Hill

Re: adding chordmode chord modifiers

2020-09-07 Thread Aaron Hill
super "add4" } 1-\markup { m \super { "add" #(alteration->text-accidental-markup FLAT) "9" } } 1-\markup { m \super "add9" } } addExceptions = #(append (sequential-music-to-chord-exceptions addExceptionsMusic #t) ignatzekExceptions) music = \chordmode { \set chordNameExceptions = #addExceptions c:add2 d:add4 e:add9 f:add11+ c:madd2 d:madd4 e:madd9 f:madd9- } << \new ChordNames \music \new Staff \music >> -- Aaron Hill

Re: \path in markup dashed line

2020-09-07 Thread Aaron Hill
an equivalent "stroke-dasharray" attribute to the SVG output. Looking at how \draw-dashed-line works should provide a useful reference. -- Aaron Hill

Re: \path in markup dashed line

2020-09-07 Thread Aaron Hill
On 2020-09-07 1:20 pm, Aaron Hill wrote: Given a cursory glance, it would seem doable. One would need to copy/borrow the existing logic for \path and then add a suitable "setdash" command to the PostScript output and an equivalent "stroke-dasharray" attribute to the SVG out

Re: \path in markup dashed line

2020-09-07 Thread Aaron Hill
On 2020-09-07 4:38 pm, Aaron Hill wrote: On 2020-09-07 1:20 pm, Aaron Hill wrote: Given a cursory glance, it would seem doable. One would need to copy/borrow the existing logic for \path and then add a suitable "setdash" command to the PostScript output and an equivalent "s

Re: Inserting a "hard" white space?

2020-09-09 Thread Aaron Hill
we can \tweak the extra-spacing-width of the NoteHead to ask LilyPond to reserve more space before the note. No such \tweaking is needed for \fx to avoid collision. -- Aaron Hill

Re: Dynamics context doesn't work with polyphony(?)

2020-09-11 Thread Aaron Hill
ruct tricky when being reused for Dynamics. Stripping out the VoiceSeparator *might* work: removeVoiceSeparator = #(define-music-function (music) (ly:music?) (define (not-music-separator? m) (not (music-separator? m))) (music-filter not-music-separator? music)) << \new Voice \musicI \new Dynamics \removeVoiceSeparator \musicI >> Whether this brings about new issues, I could not say. -- Aaron Hill

Re: Tie not appearing

2020-09-11 Thread Aaron Hill
On 2020-09-11 3:25 pm, Claire Meyer wrote: Hi, I've got a problem with a tie not appearing. My problematic bar is as follows : upperHighB = \relative c'' { d8 bes | } Try forcing the Tie downwards: ... ... -- Aaron Hill

Re: A slur enclosed by parentheses or brackets

2020-09-11 Thread Aaron Hill
(apply ly:stencil-add (list lp rp (ly:slur::print grob) \etc { g'4\parenthesizeSlur ( \parenthesizeSlur \( b' c''2 ) | g'2\parenthesizeSlur ( f'4 e' ) \) } -- Aaron Hill

\decorateSlur (was Re: A slur enclosed by parentheses or brackets)

2020-09-12 Thread Aaron Hill
e = ##t right-text = \markup \fontsize #-5 \bold "]" right-X-align = #LEFT right-rotate = ##t } { g'4 \parenthesizeSlur ( \bracketSlur _\( b' c''2 ) | b'4 \arrowSlur ( a' c''2 ) \) } While this might need some refactoring and could be harboring bugs, it is a bigger step towards a more generalized system; and I wanted to get this posted sooner than later. -- Aaron Hill

Re: \decorateSlur

2020-09-12 Thread Aaron Hill
d-right = ##f } \layout { \context { \Score \omit BarNumber } } { g'4 \bracketizeSlur _\( \parenthesizeSlur ^( b' c''2 ) | b'4 \arrowizeSlur ^( a' c''2 ) \) | g'2 \bracketizeSlur ^\( \arrowizeSlur _( b'4 a' ) | g'2 \parenthesizeSlur _( a'4 c'' ) \) | g'2 \bracketizeSlur ^\( \parenthesizeSlur _( b'4 a' ) | g'2 \arrowizeSlur _( a'4 c'' ) \) | g'4 \bracketizeSlur _\( \arrowizeSlur ^( b' c''2 ) | b'4 \parenthesizeSlur ^( a' c''2 ) \) | \bar "|." } -- Aaron Hill

Re: Scheme predicative types

2020-09-16 Thread Aaron Hill
(text . #f)) Tempo: ((tempo-unit . #) (metronome-count . 60) (text . "Text")) Tempo: ((tempo-unit . #f) (metronome-count . #f) (text . "Text")) Success: compilation successfully completed -- Aaron Hill

Re: Scheme predicative types

2020-09-16 Thread Aaron Hill
On 2020-09-16 4:13 pm, Aaron Hill wrote: On 2020-09-16 12:09 pm, Lukas-Fabian Moser wrote: I'm sure more knowledgeable people will be able to provide more insightful answers, but for what it's worth: Looking at lily/parser.yy, I see tempo_event:     TEMPO steno_duration '

Re: Scheme predicative types

2020-09-17 Thread Aaron Hill
ems... Layout output to `tempo-function.cropped.eps'... Converting to PNG... Deleting `tempo-function.cropped.eps'... Success: compilation successfully completed -- Aaron Hill

Re: Scheme predicative types

2020-09-17 Thread Aaron Hill
that sets a tempo but does other things, so tightening down the interface as you suggest could be overly restrictive. The only addition I would recommend would be to add an informative warning (or error) should the provided music contain more than one \tempo command as that would be somewhat ambiguous. -- Aaron Hill

Re: Scheme predicative types

2020-09-17 Thread Aaron Hill
On 2020-09-17 1:30 am, Aaron Hill wrote: On 2020-09-17 1:14 am, Lukas-Fabian Moser wrote: Hi Aaron, The three forms  * \tempo 4 = 96  * \tempo Crazy 4 = 260-270  * \tempo "Sluggishly slow" are hardcoded as variants into the parser. My guess is that this might be hard (or impo

Re: Unable to attach a bend to an \afterGrace note with the bend spanner

2020-09-17 Thread Aaron Hill
\stopBend \once \hideNotes $mus} #} ) Something like this would allow me to type \addQuarterBend c’8 to just decorate that note with a bend. This seems connected to the question posted on Reddit [1] I answered. [1]: -- Aaron Hill

Re: Scheme predicative types

2020-09-17 Thread Aaron Hill
function should the provided music not be appropriate. -- Aaron Hill

Re: Scheme predicative types

2020-09-17 Thread Aaron Hill
tronome-count } \line { \italic text is #text } } #})) \describeTempo \tempo 4 = 50 \describeTempo \tempo "Text" 8. = 60-70 \describeTempo \tempo \markup \bold "Text" -- Aaron Hill

Re: Balloon engraver and annotations

2020-09-17 Thread Aaron Hill
'4 \once \override BalloonTextItem.annotation-balloon = ##f \balloonGrobText #'Stem #'(3 . 4) \markup { "I'm a Stem" } d'4 } -- Aaron Hill

Re: Scheme predicative types

2020-09-18 Thread Aaron Hill
st handling MIDI tempo manually, that way you can issue as many \tempo commands as needed to properly simulate the accel, rall, and rit instructions. Otherwise, this whole thing really looks like a job for a custom engraver/performer. -- Aaron Hill

Re: Scheme predicative types

2020-09-18 Thread Aaron Hill
el awkward and potentially circuitous. Initially, I had no idea what you intended to do with the information from the \tempo command. Now, it is as if all you need is a normal MetronomeMark aligned to the end of a TextSpanner. After all, reusing is preferred to reinventing. So while you could continue to develop the function above, perhaps time would be better spent solving the underlying issues that necessitated creating this function in the first place. Though, that discussion would likely merit its own thread. -- Aaron Hill

TextSpanner usability improvements (was Re: Scheme predicative types)

2020-09-18 Thread Aaron Hill
ery good, especially since one might want to terminate a span with an invisible \tempo. (See my example above with \startRitSpan.) I wonder if the parser's \etc could support defining new functions that borrow the syntax from built-in ones: % What we can do today... % hideTempo = \once \omit Score.MetronomeMark { \hideTempo \tempo 4 = 90 } % What would be nice to do... % hiddenTempo = { \once \omit Score.MetronomeMark \tempo \etc } { \hiddenTempo 4 = 90 } That might be asking too much. -- Aaron Hill

Re: TextSpanner usability improvements (was Re: Scheme predicative types)

2020-09-19 Thread Aaron Hill
! It is good to have the "non-programmer" perspective. Mind you, I would argue your use of LilyPond and interest in Scheme means you have already begun your journey as a programmer. (: -- Aaron Hill

Re: Breathing mark and caesura

2020-09-20 Thread Aaron Hill
4 | f'8 d' c' \change Staff = lower a g2 } -- Aaron Hill

Re: Noteheads using make-connected-path-stencil

2020-09-21 Thread Aaron Hill
s thick scale-x scale-y closed? #f) stroke))) { \override NoteHead.stencil = \tri \override NoteHead.stem-attachment = #'(1 . 0.7) e'4 f' g' a' } -- Aaron Hill

Re: Move breathing sign hoizontally

2020-09-22 Thread Aaron Hill
;2 \tweak non-musical ##f \tweak X-offset #-2.5 \offset Y-offset #2 \parenthesize \breathe c''4 c'' c''2 \tweak ParenthesesItem.extra-offset #'(-2 . 0) \tweak extra-offset #'(-2 . 0) \offset Y-offset #2 \parenthesize \breathe c''4 c'' } -- Aaron Hill

Re: Partially dashed phrasing slurs

2020-09-22 Thread Aaron Hill
pattern)) (,midpoint 1 ,(car end-pattern) ,(cdr end-pattern))) #} ) { \once \dashHelper PhrasingSlur solid #0.3 dashed g'2\( e''4 d''\) \once \dashHelper Slur dotted #0.7 solid b'4_( a'8 e' f'2) \once \dashHelper Tie solid none g'2.~ 4 } -- Aaron Hill

Re: Espressivo type custom dynamics

2020-09-23 Thread Aaron Hill
amic pp \override #'(width . 2.8) \espressivo \dynamic p \override #'(height . 1.5) \espressivo \dynamic f } } -- Aaron Hill

Re: filter out pitches higher/ or lower than a certain pitch

2020-09-24 Thread Aaron Hill
(m) (let ((p (ly:music-property m 'pitch))) (if (and (ly:pitch? p) (ly:pitch4. } -- Aaron Hill

Re: MetronomeMark.extra-spacing-width

2020-09-26 Thread Aaron Hill
ere. Why does my example go wrong, yet the LSR one doesn't? Hmm, I wonder if the snippet author meant: #'(0.5 . -inf.0) -- Aaron Hill

Re: Align above "current" staff

2020-09-27 Thread Aaron Hill
c'? Yes, because \\relative says so." b c d } c b c2 } Note that I went ahead and defined an OssiaStaff context so that properties relating to it are not buried within the \ossia function. Also a little refactoring should make the function's logic a little easier to follow. -- Aaron Hill

Re: Align above "current" staff

2020-09-27 Thread Aaron Hill
ill appear *above* them. } music following } %%%% -- Aaron Hill

Re: compressing full-bar rests

2020-09-28 Thread Aaron Hill
/lilypond/-/issues/4375 [2]: -- Aaron Hill

Re: How to insert a simple "rit."?

2020-09-28 Thread Aaron Hill
." between the hands. As such, I just use TextScripts to implement them. Only in a few cases have I bothered to instantiate a Dynamics context to vertically align performance instructions. I wonder if there is value in having something like \textTempo or \dynamicTempo that work in a similar fashion to \tempo but produce TextScripts and DynamicTexts, respectively. -- Aaron Hill

Re: Request for East Asian emphasis points

2020-09-29 Thread Aaron Hill
es of tests and usage examples. (I had to include my UTF8 string splitting code in order to handle CJK characters properly, so you will need to scroll down a bit to get to the markup command itself.) -- Aaron Hill\version "2.20.0" #(define (utf8->utf32 lst) "Converts

Re: Change staff and dynamics position

2020-09-30 Thread Aaron Hill
oLeft" \new Voice { \PianoLeftMusic } % . . . -- Aaron Hill

Re: \set Staff.timeSignatureFraction = 4/4

2020-10-03 Thread Aaron Hill
On 2020-10-03 5:05 am, Martín Rincón Botero wrote: Doesn’t it work if you just \set Staff.timeSignatureFraction = 3/2 together with the new time signature? Alternately, \unset the property when you are done with it. -- Aaron Hill

Re: creating "null" time signature for unmetered cadenzas

2020-10-04 Thread Aaron Hill
timeStencil \markup \vcenter \huge \bold V \time 5/4 | a'4 b'4. c''8 b' a' b'4 \time 6/8 | a'8 g' fis' gis'4. \bar "|." } -- Aaron Hill

Re: A somewhat unusual custom dynamic

2020-10-04 Thread Aaron Hill
'(width . 3) { mp \hairpin #CRESC f \override #'(circled-tip . #t) \hairpin #DECRESC pp } #}) { b'2( \"mpopp" c''16 b' a' b' a'4) } -- Aaron Hill

Re: Setting Gregorian chant: Note spacing for two note neumes seem to depend on length of lyric text

2020-10-04 Thread Aaron Hill
ob-set-property! grob 'X-extent (cons (- (car xext) offset) (+ (cdr xext) offset))) #{ \override LyricText.before-line-breaking = #proc #}) { \time 7/8 a'8[ b' c'' a' b' g' a'] } \addlyrics { \enforceMinimumLyricWidth #5 la laa laaa l laaa laa la } -- Aaron Hill

Revising "Transcribing Gregorian chant" (was Re: Setting Gregorian chant...)

2020-10-05 Thread Aaron Hill
clearly demonstrates the pros and cons. - Aside from the fact that lying about X-extent is perilous, I am curious why the \override for LyricText.X-extent occurs within the \spiritus music variable and not the \spirLyr variable that is already within the Lyrics context. -- Aaron Hill

Re: Setting Gregorian chant: Note spacing for two note neumes seem to depend on length of lyric text

2020-10-05 Thread Aaron Hill
le { b' } } \addlyrics { lor -- em i -- psum } Note that if you wanted the default behavior to be slurred, change the type predicate from (symbol? #f) to (symbol? 'slurred). Then you can simply specify any other symbol (such as "unslurred") to opt for the original \melisma/

Re: Setting Gregorian chant: Note spacing for two note neumes seem to depend on length of lyric text

2020-10-05 Thread Aaron Hill
h more flexibility at the cost of no longer automatically adding \melisma/\melisaEnd nor Slurs. In fact, the example shows a PhrasingSlur starting in one "syllable" ending in the following. NOTE: This function does not handle chords properly. -- Aaron Hill

Re: Future of openLilyLib

2020-10-06 Thread Aaron Hill
shape might even be better, but since we have code out there that uses \shape but is not \shapeII compliant, we can't really use \shape. \reshape ? -- Aaron Hill

Re: Setting Gregorian chant: Note spacing for two note neumes seem to depend on length of lyric text

2020-10-07 Thread Aaron Hill
s so that they would scale properly and be consistent from measure to measure. Try changing the "2*4" in the second note group to "2*3" or "2*5" and note how the entire spacing of the piece is impacted. -- Aaron Hill

Re: Note range of a score

2020-10-07 Thread Aaron Hill
On 2020-10-07 5:00 pm, Andrew Bernard wrote: Has anybody written a script to find the highest and lowest notes in a part or a score etc? Seems like something the Ambitus_engraver would help with. In what format do you need the information? -- Aaron Hill

Re: Setting Gregorian chant: Note spacing for two note neumes seem to depend on length of lyric text

2020-10-07 Thread Aaron Hill
options. Note that each articulation has its own preferred spacing and alignment, so you may need to play around a bit to find one that matches your needs. -- Aaron Hill

Re: Note range of a score

2020-10-07 Thread Aaron Hill
ent to sample it, you will have to seek out a good existing SoundFont/SFZ and then modify the pitch range of the extremal samples to extend them as far as you need. -- Aaron Hill

Re: Empty markup lines behavior change (maybe regression) in dev (2.21.7) than stable (2.20.0)

2020-10-07 Thread Aaron Hill
) (#props args)> ("" xex=(+inf.0 . -inf.0) yex=(+inf.0 . -inf.0) arg=(# ((#line-markup (layout props args)> (" ")) (#props args)> (" " xex=(0.0 . 0.614579527559055) yex=(-3.0 . 0.0) Same output for: version=(2 19 55) version=(2 20 0) version=(2 21 6) -- Aaron Hill

Re: Time signature ID and implementation

2020-10-07 Thread Aaron Hill
o use \vcenter. Consider: \override Score.TimeSignature.stencil = #(lambda (grob) (grob-interpret-markup grob #{ \markup { \musicglyph "timesig.C44" \vcenter \number 2 } #})) -- Aaron Hill

Re: Empty markup lines behavior change (maybe regression) in dev (2.21.7) than stable (2.20.0)

2020-10-08 Thread Aaron Hill
havior only reproduces using the SVG backend. This is a bug in 2.20.0 and earlier, where \line { "" } does not resolve to an empty-stencil but rather a point-stencil, so it ends up taking up space when it should not. This appears to have been resolved in 2.21.x. -- Aaron Hill

Re: Custom tie vertical offsets

2020-10-09 Thread Aaron Hill
is to zero will round the values to be exactly on the staff line. Using (* 0.5 dir) would result in a position exactly halfway between staff lines. Finally, my rationale for (* 3 th dir) is to use the thickness of the staff lines to help position the tie to be reasonably close to the line. -- Aaron Hill

Re: Bar line check is wrong with partial note and voltas

2020-10-12 Thread Aaron Hill
s in the middle of the measure. It only happens when an alternate ending doesn't contain a full measure of notes. Any thoughts? I really appreciate you guys. Don't you need to \unfoldRepeats when doing MIDI output? \score { \new Staff \unfoldRepeats \rightHand \midi { } } -- Aaron Hill

Re: Rest is in the wrong place

2020-10-12 Thread Aaron Hill
\\ { g,4 fis, f, } >> } Changing minimum-distance might be your best option to avoid needing to manually adjust and/or specify the staff-position for rests. -- Aaron Hill

Re: No ledger for custodes beyond 5-line staff

2020-10-13 Thread Aaron Hill
x27;hufnagel \break 2. r4 \override = #'mensural \break 2. r4^\markup \transparent \draw-line #'(9 . 0) } The above hack does nothing more than add a fake NoteHead that overlaps the Custos grob so that the LedgerLineSpanner does its magic. -- Aaron Hill

Re: Rest is in the wrong place

2020-10-13 Thread Aaron Hill
he RestCollision behavior seen is a bug and that bug is resolved at a future time, it is much easier to find and remove usage of \split or just make \split a dummy function that does not modify music. -- Aaron Hill

Re: Markup in left and right margins

2020-10-15 Thread Aaron Hill
\visualizeBounds normal \abs-translate #(cons (ly:cm 4) 0) \abs-override #(cons 'line-width (ly:cm 2.5)) \with-color #'(0.2 0.5 0.8) \visualizeBounds right } -- Aaron Hill

Re: Markup in left and right margins

2020-10-15 Thread Aaron Hill
ach, there is no need to mess about with "absolute" measurements. Staff space units are generally pretty nice to work with anyway. -- Aaron Hill

Re:  linux install problem virtualbox

2020-10-16 Thread Aaron Hill
md5 9e62046ed1eda2d79bc70b01c6b20476 sha256 4ee344b2463aa37fcd5ccb6e40e205b94a3b4c7433b0eae340e2855805f80859 Seems something is afoot with your VM. Curious if you get the same behavior using `curl -O ...` compared to wget. -- Aaron Hill

Re: headers, and what include doesn't do

2020-10-16 Thread Aaron Hill
uot;2.18.2" \score { \header { piece = asdf } { \time 3/4 a'2 b'4 \bar "|." } } -- Aaron Hill

Re: Removing bar connecting grouped staves

2020-10-17 Thread Aaron Hill
hem and then hiding the connecting bar. That's the SystemStartBar. \layout { \context { \Score \omit SystemStartBar } } -- Aaron Hill

Re: Scheme: Syntax for storing a variable in an alist

2020-10-18 Thread Aaron Hill
uot; hymnAlist "error") \markup \hymnValue Jean already covered the bit about quasi-quoting. But there is no need to do this as you can store values in an alist using dot syntax in LilyPond: = "643" hymn.meter = "6 6 11 6 6 11 D" \markup #(ly:assoc-get 'id hymn "no value") \markup #(ly:assoc-get 'tune hymn "no value") \hymn automatically is an alist. -- Aaron Hill

Re: stem length in a three voice setting

2020-10-18 Thread Aaron Hill
t;treble_8" \voices 1,4,2 << \classicalGuitarA \\ \classicalGuitarB \\ \classicalGuitarC >> } That's the closest I can get it to match. NOTE: I am using a newer version of LilyPond that supports the \voices command. -- Aaron Hill

Re: newbie: help with Scheme functions

2020-10-18 Thread Aaron Hill
ymbol->string name) \score { $music } } #})) \book { \bookOutputSuffix "bookparts" \aBookPart three { c'8 d' e' fis' g' a' b' c'' } \aBookPart four { c'8 d' e' f' g' a' bes' c'' } } -- Aaron Hill

Re: newbie: help with Scheme functions

2020-10-18 Thread Aaron Hill
them in a function. Though, without parameterization, I would wonder why you could not just use \book or \bookpart directly. -- Aaron Hill

Re: Scheme: Syntax for storing a variable in an alist

2020-10-18 Thread Aaron Hill
get (if (pair? key) (car key) key) alist args))) = "!" \markup #(assoc-get* '(one two three four) foo "?") \markup #(assoc-get* '(one two five six seven) foo "?") -- Aaron Hill

Re: script

2020-10-18 Thread Aaron Hill
ulate it is of course fine. I'm missing something fundamental. That's one of the features of \articulate. Absent of instruction to keep notes legato, it shortens the length of notes to slightly detach them. -- Aaron Hill

Re: script

2020-10-19 Thread Aaron Hill
ore { \music \layout {} } \score { \articulate \music \midi {} } You can use tags to mark things for MIDI only: \version "2.20.0" \include "" music = { c'2\tag #'midi ( d'4 e' f'1 \tag #'midi ) } \score { \removeWithTag #'(midi) \music \layout {} } \score { \articulate \music \midi {} } -- Aaron Hill

Re: Multi-measure rest compression and rehearsal marks

2020-10-19 Thread Aaron Hill
ur usage above only applies to the R1*24. The solution is to use the function at a more top-level scope. \version "2.20.0" global = { \skip 1*24 \mark \default \skip 1*12 \mark \default \skip 1*12 } music = \compressMMRests { R1*24 R1*12 R1*12 } \new Staff << \global \music >> -- Aaron Hill

Re: Scheme expressions on lilypond command line (-e)

2020-10-19 Thread Aaron Hill
.ly' Parsing... value = 123 Success: compilation successfully completed -- Aaron Hill

Re: Scheme expressions on lilypond command line (-e)

2020-10-19 Thread Aaron Hill
rmat #f "S~d" (@ (guile-user) part))) "")) Interesting. I don't understand the '@' syntax -- been trying to look it up but so far to no avail. -- Aaron Hill

Re: Scheme expressions on lilypond command line (-e)

2020-10-19 Thread Aaron Hill
partName (if (defined? 'part) (string-append "S" (number->string part)) "")) Use formatted output instead of manual string conversion/concatenation. (define partName (if (defined? 'part) (format #f "S~d" part) "")) -- Aaron Hill

Re: restating clef and StaffGroup brace after \startStaff

2020-10-21 Thread Aaron Hill
Number = #(define-music-function (number) (number?) #{ \once \override Score.BarNumber.break-visibility = #all-visible \set Score.currentBarNumber = #number \bar "" #}) \markup { \score { { \initialBarNumber 2 \AB.2 } } \score { { \initialBarNumber 13 \AB.13 } } } -- Aaron Hill

Re: Setting Gregorian chant: Note spacing for two note neumes seem to depend on length of lyric text

2020-10-21 Thread Aaron Hill
that spacing may be just at a cusp where it could fit to three systems but LilyPond decides to throw in a fourth system. Thus then the notes are forced to space further apart to fill the extra system. Just a thought. -- Aaron Hill

Re: MIDI ties

2020-10-21 Thread Aaron Hill
e ties unsupported? It would be a pity to redo hundreds of pages just for the MIDI version of the score. Do you have a MWE that shows how you do things? The following works fine: \version "2.20.0" \score{ { \time 3/4 4 ~ 4 ~ 4 4 } \layout {} \midi {} } -- Aaron Hill

Re: MIDI ties

2020-10-21 Thread Aaron Hill
ies? I am wondering if your usage is confusing the Tie_performer, and we need to get a bug filed to fix that. -- Aaron Hill

Re: I ought to have a bar line here...

2020-10-24 Thread Aaron Hill
" #'("|." ".|:" #f) \markup \bold \typewriter "\".|:-|.\"" { R1 \bar ".|:-|." \break R1 } As shown in the second example, sometimes you need to define your own custom type if LilyPond does not provide what you need already. -- Aaron Hill

Re: I ought to have a bar line here...

2020-10-25 Thread Aaron Hill
On 2020-10-25 6:25 am, Christian Masser wrote: Aaron Hill schrieb am So., 25. Okt. 2020, 04:38 You have to use a special bar line type when it breaks across a line: \version "2.20.0" \paper { indent = 0 line-width = 3\cm ragged-right = ##f } \markup \bold \typewriter "\

Re: I ought to have a bar line here...

2020-10-26 Thread Aaron Hill
he "Trio" section. As to which, that is probably personal taste. -- Aaron Hill

Re: can bendAfter be made to skip over notes?

2020-10-26 Thread Aaron Hill
veto ,(/ dx 3) 0 ,dx ,(* dy 2/3) ,dx ,dy))) (cons (- lx sx) (- rx sx)) (cons (+ 0.5 (min 0 dy)) (+ 0.5 (max 0 dy)) bendGlissando = \tweak thickness #2 \tweak stencil #bend-glissando-print \glissando { c''2. \bendGlissando \once \override NoteColumn.glissando-skip = ##t e'4 gis'1 } -- Aaron Hill

Re: can bendAfter be made to skip over notes?

2020-10-26 Thread Aaron Hill
On 2020-10-26 10:54 pm, Aaron Hill wrote: On 2020-10-26 7:37 pm, 98123981293 1293812397123 wrote: Hi list, I usually use the following snippet to handle glissandi across hidden noteheads: glissandoSkipOn = { \override NoteColumn.glissando-skip = ##t \hide NoteHead \override

Re: can bendAfter be made to skip over notes?

2020-10-26 Thread Aaron Hill
On 2020-10-26 10:56 pm, Aaron Hill wrote: On 2020-10-26 10:54 pm, Aaron Hill wrote: On 2020-10-26 7:37 pm, 98123981293 1293812397123 wrote: Hi list, I usually use the following snippet to handle glissandi across hidden noteheads: glissandoSkipOn = { \override NoteColumn.glissando-skip

Re: Problems with Barré

2020-10-27 Thread Aaron Hill
he logic to look for typed music: % . . . guitbarre = #(define-music-function (barre location str music) (string? ly:music?) (let ((elts (extract-typed-music music '(rhythmic-event % . . . -- Aaron Hill

Re: OTF text font family with optical sizes : unable to access regular font

2020-10-27 Thread Aaron Hill
"Arno Pro Regular," as the font name. Note the intentional trailing commas there. -- Aaron Hill

Re: How can I align text to notes with bars?

2020-10-27 Thread Aaron Hill
a centered LyricHyphen between two LyricTexts. Saying "letz-te" counts as a single LyricText. \version "2.20.0" \relative c' { \autoBeamOff \set melismaBusyProperties = #'() r8 f f[ b] b[ c c d] | } \addlyrics { Der letz -- te Sum -- mer war sehr | } -- Aaron Hill

Re: \unfoldRepeats

2020-10-27 Thread Aaron Hill
\unfoldRepeats, LilyPond cannot obey other instructions to "da capo" or "dal segno al coda". Users who want the MIDI to be accurate will have to manually rejuggle their music anyway. -- Aaron Hill

Square bracket version of \left-brace markup

2018-04-18 Thread Aaron Hill
acket instead of the curly brace. It seems like I will have to manually "draw" the bracket using markup functions and/or custom PostScript. Has anyone here attempted something like this and can offer advice? -- Aaron Hill ___ lilypond-u

Re: Square bracket version of \left-brace markup

2018-04-21 Thread Aaron Hill
and up) so that it can quite used quite conveniently by directly stating how far it should reach down and up (with the baseline as a reference). Many thanks, Torsten! That custom command is exactly what I need, as it produces a simple, clean marking. -- Aaron Hill

Re: Square bracket version of \left-brace markup

2018-04-21 Thread Aaron Hill
On 2018-04-21 04:49, Torsten Hämmerle wrote: But looking into the code and seeing how these brackets are being constructed, there is a ly:bracket command that can be used for creating a bracket stencil quite easily . . . I should definitely set aside some time to dive in and get more familiar

Re: Lilypond <-> Sibelius

2018-04-22 Thread Aaron Hill
. P.S. It is only my intent to provide some hard details here, not to fan any flames. The general discussion of FLOSS vs. proprietary is obviously an important one, though I would wonder if this mailing list is the right venue. Of course, I am new here, so feel free to disregard.

Re: Off topic - SITT 20 Studies in Double Stops

2018-04-24 Thread Aaron Hill
of emphasis. A whole note would imply a steady volume throughout, whereas the quarters could be indicating a subtle, pulsing volume change in time with the upper voice. -- Aaron Hill ___ lilypond-user mailing list https://lists.g

Re: V 2.19

2018-04-24 Thread Aaron Hill
On 2018-04-24 19:58, Mark Stephen Mrotek wrote: Hello, Tried to download for Windows. Get a "404 not found" error message. Please direct me. Thank you, Mark Try here: -- Aaron Hill ___ lil

Re: V 2.19

2018-04-24 Thread Aaron Hill
): Mac (Intel): Windows: -- Aaron Hill

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