I voice deep concern about effects of Hanscom as a home owner at Battle Road Farm Condominiums and resident of Lincoln.I’ve lived here about 14 years and experience the growing air and noise pollution. I love my small patio and garden area but slowing rarely sit there anymore. The noise became unbe
I know Minuteman Commons complained quite vociferously several years ago about planes being allowed to idle with engines blasting. We’re right behind the runways and it was awful! They did listen and stopped the idling.Of course that was awhile ago though I’ve not been aware they started again.We’l
What should we complain about? Are they allowed to fly at all hours? Are
there limits to where they fly? I don't want to complain if that is what is
expected. I agree that the amount of traffic has really increased recently,
and they seem to fly at all hours of the night.
On Tuesday, Sep
Flights are directed by wind and weather, it is merely an inconvenience as most flights actually take off and land over Concord and Bedford, rarely outside of small aircraft take off over Lincoln, those are facts that can be proved by FAA data. I find it funny that we have people who want to compla
The fine is set by the FAA and they are immune to citizen’s concerns over
noise, esp. at small airports like Hanscom.
But, you should still file a noise complaint…in fact, file many as that does
show up in an official record.
It’s infuriating!
Sara Mattes
> On Sep 12, 2023, at
From what I gather the private jets pay a trivial fine of ~$500 for flying in
and out late at night. I would imagine that fine could go up if enough people
What bothers me the most is when they leave an airplane running with its
engines blasting for 30 minutes while sitting on the
The Hanscom Airport Noise Report Line is 781-869-8050. It’s a recorded line and
they take all your information and the time of the noise so they can respond
and track complaints.
> On Sep 12, 2023, at 6:34 PM, melinda bruno-smith
> wrote:
> Howdy neighbors
> I am noticin
Howdy neighbors
I am noticing a significant increase in Hanscom flight ✈️ traffic and
corresponding increase in flight noise.
Would someone please post the phone number of the noise complaint hotline or
other ways to register a complaint.
Thank you
Sent from my iPhone
Melinda Bruno-S