On 7/12/05 10:51 pm, "Michael von Aichberger 2" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> maybe some of you know what equidensities are: these are zones of equal or
> similar tonal values in a black and white negative. At the time one used
> lith film masks to get them.
> I need to do something like that wi
Authoring 10.1r11 on MacOS 10.3.4. When I put interface(xtra
"PrintOMatic_Lite"), in addition to the regular message list I also
get a few extra lines of random stuff in the msg window. At first it
was the last few lines of the audio xtra interface. I excluded audio
xtra and the problem went aw
> Am I missing something here or do behaviours purely only work
> for imported Shockwave3D fiels and not Shockwave3D files
> created in Lingo..
I'm guessing that the behaviors are referencing the camera on
beginSprite, then some time after that you are calling resetWorld()
which then invalidates
Hi everybody. I have a question about 3d behaviours
First of all I have created a new Shockwave3D member and have dragged
onto my score. It is sprite(1)
Next I basically read in via BinaryIO lots of face/mesh data.
And then create my own model in the the 3d object
meshRes = Scene.newmesh("
Thanks Carl and everyone for the fantastic answers. A combination of
Carl's and Bertil's posts did the trick. I really appreciate everyone's
- MM
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