Dear Sean!
I have faced a problem in this code that when the monitor resolution changes
the center is out, although the size of stage is as per the monitor
resolution but the stage offsets to upper left side if the resolution is
decreases and if the resolution increases it offsets to right bottom
> I am looking for a code that will allow my movie to stretch to fill the
> desktop area regardless of the user's screen resolution.
on prepareMovie
tRect = (the deskTopRectList)[1]
(the stage).rect = tRect
(the stage).drawRect = tRect
Maximises the stages rect in the first
Can you say more about the engine you mentioned?
Who does produce it, where is it downloadable from?
I can't remember.
IFC Programming Consultant
At 19:59 04/05/01 +0100, you wrote:
>I am a Multimedia student interested in interactivity,
>I am
Just as a challenge - something for you to do in your spare time - figure
out how you would implement a "forward" button to go with your back
button. Makes for a good exercise...
- Tab
At 02:27 PM 5/6/01 +, dimple uppal wrote:
>Thanx Chris for posting this query and Tab for solving it "i
I am looking for a code that will allow my movie to stretch to fill the
desktop area regardless of the user's screen resolution.
Do let me know of a way as i am going absolutely MAD!trying to figure this
greetings everyone,
im using the filextra3, which is fine but i have a slight problem with how
to do a task. how do i delete a couple of files on a mouseDown and then put
any files delete on a field.
on MouseDown
fxObj = xtra("FileXtra3").new()
put fxObj.fx_FileDelete(" here goes the file or
Thanx Chris for posting this query and Tab for solving it "in his head".
Been looking for the same thing for the longest time!
>From: "Chris McCoy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: Urgent and tough .Please Help
>Date: Sun,
> I don't know how to build DLL's. The target environment is
> windows (32 bit). I desperately need source examples and
> references to documents (hopefully on the net) containing
> that information. The application which suppose to call the
> DLL is Macromedia Director 8. So if anyone has an exam
Stephen Recker kindly wrote:
>I've got a CD with a bunch of Flash movies, most around 2MB. On the Mac they
>play great and play always. On the PC side, sometimes when I go to a frame
>with a Flash movie it doesn't play the first time. Actually, it may play a
>frame or two but it then stops. I the