lingo-l loop question

2001-05-10 Thread N. Taylor
To Carl West: Thanks for correcting my loop. This is a major problem. You need to restructure your project. Members can't intersect each other, only their sprite-instances can intersect. Maybe you can put sprites in channels that match their castnumbers. Actually there is a way to do it. I

lingo-l loop question

2001-05-09 Thread N. Taylor
To the list: I cannot call sprite by their number but instead need to check collisions by castNumber. This is the loop I've created, but it's not working. Any advice? i = sprite(mySprite.castNum) for i = 6 to 8 if sprite(mySprite).intersects(i) then if sprite(i).memberNum = 7 then

lingo-l intersect

2001-05-05 Thread N. Taylor
To the List: I want to check the intersection of these three sprites. I'm unsure how to call them. Here is a piece of my code with notes specifying what intersects I'd like to create where. I'm new to these OOP on new me behaviors and Lingo for that matter. on new me, whichSprite,

lingo-l optimizing a mouseUp handler (please be patient with my newbie-ness)

2001-04-28 Thread N. Taylor
To the list: I need to attach this script to three buttons: global aList on mouseUp me spotCheck = getOne(aList, 0) if spotCheck 0 then setAt(aList, spotCheck, new(script aScript, spotCheck + 5, circle shape)) end if end The only things that must be different in the four are the

lingo-l creating a button

2001-04-26 Thread N. Taylor
I'm struggling with a pretty easy thing here, I'm hoping someone here can help out. I need to create three buttons. Each one generates an instance of a Flash cast member (animated)...and when A intersects with B, B gets bigger A disappears. When B intersects with C, they both get bigger.

lingo-l problem with a handler

2001-04-21 Thread N. Taylor
Al: Yes, I do need to be absorbed in the basics as you say. (I plan to read your response several times.) With the script I posted about re: problem with handler, the problem is that I'm not ever sure about what number sprite the bee will be. It is an array whose values (and sprite numbers

lingo-l problem with handler

2001-04-21 Thread N. Taylor
Al: Please disregard my previous post unless you have something pressing to add. I would use: member(whichCastMember).castLibNum -NT _ Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at [To remove yourself from

lingo-l charToNum

2001-04-16 Thread N. Taylor
To Tab: That was a great explaination of what is wrong with my script. Thanks for patiently explaining it to me. However, I'm still getting errors and I'm getting really confused. Could I send you the .dir file? If you're cool with this, thanks in advance. Nancy

lingo-l a few problems and questions

2001-04-14 Thread N. Taylor
To the List (Colin Al): Ok. I'm trying to create a script that increases or decreases the height width by 10% everytime intersections occur. (Thanks for the hints before.) For example, if sprite.member("bee shape").intersects sprite.member("spider shape") then sprite.("spider

lingo-l question about charToNum script I found in Director Help

2001-04-09 Thread N. Taylor
To the List: I just tried to take this Director Help script and turn it into a small movie. I created a textbox with symbols characters in it and I made a small mouse Up button that calls this handler. I put this script into a movie script, and I was hoping that this would go through the

lingo-l handler blend (previously alphaThreshold)

2001-04-08 Thread N. Taylor
To LePhuronn: So with this script, I need to define myBlend. I had to do this: on asteranimate me prepareFrame end on prepareFrame    myBlend = mySprite.blend    myBlend = myBlend - 10    if myBlend 0 then myBlend = 0    mySprite.blend = myBlend end My question is this ( it's a newbie

lingo-l alphaThreshold/handler

2001-04-07 Thread N. Taylor
I just posted a few minutes ago and I actually made some progress.  This is my handler (below).  The only problem is, the aster doesn't 'fade out'.  I want the alpha value to decrease to nothing.  What am I doing wrong?  (I'm not getting errors now but it's not doing what I want it to.) NT on

lingo-l Artificial Life site

2001-03-27 Thread N. Taylor
I'm creating an artificial life site that includes one organism and a few different optional 'intruders'. (It's like an eco-system.) I'm a Lingo newbie. Can someone try to explain to me the general appraoch I will be dealing with? I know that I will be creating something like this: click

lingo-l newbie question

2001-03-09 Thread N. Taylor
My normal member is before my rollover member in the cast so why isn't this rollover working? property pMemberNormal, pMemberRollover on beginSprite me pMemberNormal = sprite(me.spriteNum).member pMemberRollover = member(pMemberNormal.number + 1) end on mouseEnter me

Re: lingo-l counting with a sprite script

2001-02-08 Thread N. Taylor
Colin. Thanks so much. That works. The only problem with the script is that when I stop the movie and resume playing the number that was in the field when I stopped lingo starts counting from that previous number instead of from "1". I put these two scripts in there to remedy the problem

Re: lingo-l Xtras in stub movie - separate folder or internal

2001-02-08 Thread N. Taylor
Taking the Xtras out will definetely decrease the file size. _ Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at [To remove yourself from this list, or to change to digest mode, go to

lingo-l counting with a sprite script

2001-02-07 Thread N. Taylor
I have a field and a button. When I click the button I want Lingo to count from one to ten (the field adds "1" every time the button is clicked.) I have to attach the script to one of the two sprites (or both). Please help. -nt

Re: lingo-l counting with a sprite script

2001-02-07 Thread N. Taylor
I tried exactly that and I got this error: Script error: variable used before assigned a value. put ""? into field "spritecountField" I want the count to start at "1" as well. I guess I would put "1" into field "field name" (if it were working), and after 10 has been reached the count