RE: Way OFF: Look MA: I'm on TV

2001-08-24 Thread Warren Stolow
> I Rock, back-and-forth when I am concentrating heavily. > Strange habit I picked up as a kid :) >so does Bill Gates... are you two related? Hu - I suspect this is a good thing? Strange nervous tick suffering programmers: UNITE!!! [wow, that aught to provoke a ton of responses ;)] Pleas

RE: Way OFF: Look MA: I'm on TV

2001-08-24 Thread Warren Stolow
> Multimedia Producers Rock! I Rock, back-and-forth when I am concentrating heavily. Strange habit I picked up as a kid :) Have a great weekend Lingoists! -Warren. [To remove yourself from this list, or to change to digest mode, go to To post messages t

RE: Way OFF: Look MA: I'm on TV

2001-08-23 Thread Warren Stolow
>Guess you didn't win though huh...? Hey, wait a minute here If the members of this list do not know about Non-Disclosure issues, then nobody does :) But if Cory wishes to divulge - I will sign on, and my lips are sealed. Have a great day Lingoists! -Warren. [To remove yourself from this

RE: PDF Xtra problem

2001-03-13 Thread Warren Stolow
Hi Pranav, What can I tell you - that's the correct phrase, unless my eyesight is going As for whacky - I second you on that :) Uh Warren... "Animate in background"? Sure is whacky, this world of computers... :-) Regards, Pranav [To remove yourself from this list, or to change to digest

RE: PDF Xtra problem

2001-03-13 Thread Warren Stolow
Hi Suzee, Hummm - if your Sprite is not enlarged enough - it is possible that there is no room for the Search button to appear! Otherwise it might be better for you to contact me at my support address so I can receive some screen grabs and the like [if necessary] as you can not post such items

RE: PDF Xtra problem

2001-03-12 Thread Warren Stolow
Hello Suzee, I have seen this happen if you do not choose the mandatory option to "Animate in Background"! Please make sure you have set this option correctly and get back to me with your results! mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Enjoy your week Lingoists! -Warren. From: S

RE: V12 readonly

2001-03-05 Thread Warren Stolow
Hello Tom, This Alert - [it is NOT a fatal error] only appears if you are opening a V12-DBE database in READWRITE mode on a locked volume - such as a CD-Rom. Search your code for the V12 NEW command [as in the example]: Set gab = New(Xtra "V12table", "File Pathname", "Shared READWRITE", "My Pas

RE: pdf xtra

2001-03-02 Thread Warren Stolow
Hello Tom, To achieve this you must have a valid ACTIVE PDF Sprite on stage at the moment. All the best for this weekend Lingoists! -Warren. -Original Message- From: Tom Vandenbossche [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: March 2, 2001 3:13 AM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: RE: pdf xtra Whe

RE: URGENT!!!!! V12 error

2001-03-02 Thread Warren Stolow
Hello Tom, Why do you not contact me at my support address? INM supports non-registered users and the response time would be quicker then if you post to a list? Especially if it is an urgent matter! Anyways, here is my answer: Which version of V12-DBE are you presently using? The following are

RE: pdf xtra

2001-03-01 Thread Warren Stolow
Hello Tom, If you do a put member(1 of castlib "PDF").name it will return the cast member name - but unfortunately it is presently impossible to get the name of the PDF document itself. If you name your cast member the same as your document, that might be a work-around. This functionality is e

RE: import text from Excel to v12 database

2001-02-12 Thread Warren Stolow
Hello Dejan, I see that you posted your question to V12-L too and I am hopeful that the responses you received answered your question. If not, feel free to contact me at my support E-mail: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Enjoy your day Lingologists! -Warren. [not the Howdy, but howdy anyways!] [To re

INM's Holidays on Ice's quiz is Online

2000-12-14 Thread Warren Stolow
. Check it out! We challenge you to beat the top score and win one of 10 GREAT prizes. All feedback is welcome, and we wish everyone Happy Holidays! -Warren Stolow [To remove yourself from this list, or to change to digest mode, go to http://www.p

RE: D8 and databases

2000-10-24 Thread Warren Stolow
Hello John; A new and updated V12 Help file will be available by next week from our download page. Presently, there is none. Additional sources of help: The V12-DBE Online Manual: V12-L [our listserv]:

RE: V12 handler not defined

2000-10-24 Thread Warren Stolow
ses all without ANY Lingo coding at all! Get it here: Note that you should download the executable version, and that you will need to place the V12-DBE Xtra [regular version] in the Xtras f