Re: [LINK] Video streaming

2021-01-05 Thread David Lochrin
r news coverage (not news as entertainment) and ABC Radio is a national treasure IMO, but otherswise It's time to start reading books again folks! Remember them? Best wishes to all Linkers for 2021! David Lochrin ___ Link mailing list

Re: [LINK] Western Australia introduces new app to help with contact tracing

2020-12-15 Thread David Lochrin
; as that is likely to be got working quicker and be of use world wide. Are those protocols protected by some form of intellectual-property rights? David Lochrin ___ Link mailing list

Re: [LINK] Western Australia introduces new app to help with contact tracing

2020-12-13 Thread David Lochrin
fe app. And the EU provide a better model. Tom, could your students develop an Australian prototype protocol and demonstrate its' practicability? David Lochrin ___ Link mailing list

Re: [LINK] Open access science

2020-11-27 Thread David Lochrin
On 2020-11-28 09:45, Tom Worthington wrote: >> high rejection rates ... not ... guarantee higher quality ... > > Rejection rates are used by academics as a measure of quality, although that > has problems. Likewise the high cost will be seen by some academics an > indication of high quality

Re: [LINK] Low-code and no-code development .. but .. security?

2020-11-26 Thread David Lochrin
free time to help We believed we could combat these issues by: - Having really good programmers [...] Lessons: 1) A complex solution is a complex solution regardless of the quality of the programmers 2) Scope Creep always ends in tears [...] UNQUOTE David Lochrin _

Re: [LINK] Low-code and no-code development .. but .. security?

2020-11-22 Thread David Lochrin
etailed System Requirements document which could be used by an implementation team, or were each student-group required to create & document their own? Cheers, David Lochrin ___ Link mailing list

Re: [LINK] RFI: Spam-registration of IP-addresses

2020-11-22 Thread David Lochrin
th noting that reports the subnet which includes hosts 1,290 domains. Can any more knowledgeable Linkers comment on the above? David Lochrin ___ Link mailing list

Re: [LINK] RFI: Spam-registration of IP-addresses

2020-11-21 Thread David Lochrin
should also be flagged as unread so the recipient knows they're there, but that invites users to treat the junk folder as another inbox. Alternatively, messages may be tagged as junk in the transfer protocol, especially if IMAP is used. David Lochrin ___ Link

Re: [LINK] Low-code and no-code development .. but .. security?

2020-11-18 Thread David Lochrin
he hype more clearly. However that's not always the case, fortunately. David Lochrin ___ Link mailing list

Re: [LINK] How they did it - the Melbourne Modelling

2020-11-08 Thread David Lochrin
9-at-a-glance-infographic-collection?fbclid=IwAR20LlXJJYXpVy75jAVy3asvUouCYuJ4ik7mWfAXeUIbeJpHyW2LwoHfdU8 is a fine example of how to provide minimum information with maximum inconvenience. Compare it with for example.

Re: [LINK] The Corporatisation of Tertiary Training

2020-10-25 Thread David Lochrin
uct development methodology"? And what value will another corporate employer attach to an AWS education? David Lochrin ___ Link mailing list

Re: [LINK] Electronic voting in ACT

2020-10-15 Thread David Lochrin
were actually used in what network environment, but I think it's interesting to speculate on the legal position of a court challenge on those sorts of issues. I wonder if the setup was stress- and security-tested and formally approved by the Aust. Electoral Commiss

Re: [LINK] Google-Cloud IP addressing

2020-10-13 Thread David Lochrin
of systems potentially on one IP address. A different problem would presumably arise if a system on a virtual-host requires asynchronous access to a client, but I guess it could be solved with proper use of certificates. David Lochrin ___

Re: [LINK] Google-Cloud IP addressing

2020-10-13 Thread David Lochrin
36.62.147". Over six million IP domains hanging on one address!! I can't imagine the designers of HTTP 1.1 had that in mind 23 years ago when the RFC was published, and there must surely be some compromises. What on earth has happened to IP6? David Lochrin __

[LINK] Google-Cloud IP addressing

2020-10-12 Thread David Lochrin
allows Google to immediately identify traffic for it's own universe of users and possibly expedite it. Do Linkers have a more informed view? Is hacking the DNS like that allowed by the relevant RFCs? David Lochrin ___ Link mailing list Link

[LINK] WordPress

2020-10-12 Thread David Lochrin
because it was so popular with students!) David Lochrin ___ Link mailing list

Re: [LINK] Windows could become emulation layer atop Linux kernel

2020-10-01 Thread David Lochrin
AC Editor > And who would have imagined one could buy SuSE Linux 15.1 at the Microsoft Store:

Re: [LINK] Telstra “Game Optimiser” Snake Oil?

2020-09-24 Thread David Lochrin
ach camp. Think banks... This would have been far easier if NBN had end-to-end responsibility, as per the original NBN design, instead of the current equipment free-for-all. No wonder state actors can see the possibilities for sabotage. David Lochrin ___

Re: [LINK] Australian University Rankings

2020-09-08 Thread David Lochrin
e, and I can think of some quite revelatory moments for students. In some cases I suspect the lessons learned were inversely related to their marks! I could write a book David Lochrin ___ Link mailing list

Re: [LINK] Australian University Rankings

2020-09-07 Thread David Lochrin
which is followed like Theseus' silken thread to a happy conclusion. I've no doubt that training improves almost all teachers' effectiveness. But some are born natural teachers and some are not, regardless of their research interests or teacher train

Re: [LINK] It is Time for Parliament to Follow the Rest of Australia Online

2020-08-30 Thread David Lochrin
elative positions comes from the theatre of Parliament (especially question time) as reported TV news bulletins and other media, with associated commentary. David Lochrin ___ Link mailing list

Re: [LINK] It is Time for Parliament to Follow the Rest of Australia Online

2020-08-26 Thread David Lochrin
of their computer I think the number of people who attend parliamentary sessions is a little irrelevant. Prime-time ABC news programs alone have an audience of around half to three-quarters of a million viewers, and that's where the impact lies. David Lochrin ___

Re: [LINK] It is Time for Parliament to Follow the Rest of Australia Online

2020-08-24 Thread David Lochrin
under close questioning. The incident where Scott Morrison produced a lump of coal in Parliament (presumably supplied by a coal lobbyist) and the reaction of those on the front benches said more about the Coalition's attitude to coal than could possibly be conveyed in a zoom meeting. D

Re: [LINK] RFI: How should virtual group members interact with one another?

2020-08-19 Thread David Lochrin
sts of its members may have evolved. In either case I'm inclined to think there are easier ways to deal with the problem than creation of "subchannels" which could complicate things significantly. David Lochrin ___ Link mailing list

Re: [LINK] RFI: How should virtual group members interact with one another?

2020-08-18 Thread David Lochrin
d list of topics? On 2020-08-18 16:53, Karl Auer wrote: > TBH in this space less is more. Absolutely... David Lochrin ___ Link mailing list

Re: [LINK] Dentist Google review court order lead to all being revealed

2020-07-24 Thread David Lochrin
gs are ceased". Another condition of the sale was that media attention of the case would also be stopped. UNQUOTE This case may be about much more than free speech. David Lochrin ___ Link mailing list

Re: [LINK] COVIDfail – the Australian coronavirus tracing app that can’t find anyone

2020-07-14 Thread David Lochrin
ake. Agreed, and I think there's a larger problem: the Government's apparent faith in technological fixes for difficult problems without proper thought, especially with regard to privacy. David Lochrin ___ Link mailing list Link@mailman.anu

Re: [LINK] What is hyper-automation?

2020-07-10 Thread David Lochrin
s in an organisation's business systems sounds to me like a good path to chaos because management will lose understanding & control of their own business. David Lochrin ___ Link mailing list

Re: [LINK] America Is Reopening. Coronavirus Tracing Apps Aren’t Ready.

2020-06-29 Thread David Lochrin
of what they're doing. David Lochrin ___ Link mailing list

Re: [LINK] Google 'Ambient Computing'

2020-06-20 Thread David Lochrin
On 2020-06-20 23:25, Stephen Loosley wrote: > Shodjai did not explain how users will end a Continuous Match Mode session. > Presumably this will be either after a developer-defined exit intent, or via > a system intent as with existing actions. ...or with a hammer. Davi

Re: [LINK] All German petrol stations must offer electric car charging

2020-06-11 Thread David Lochrin
did you have special house wiring installed to support your car? David Lochrin ___ Link mailing list

Re: [LINK] All German petrol stations must offer electric car charging

2020-06-11 Thread David Lochrin
blocks when they go broke from disuse. > Putting charger-points at those locations is nuts. In the long term, yes. David Lochrin ___ Link mailing list

Re: [LINK] All German petrol stations must offer electric car charging

2020-06-11 Thread David Lochrin
scale-kickoff-2018-8-chevrier.pdf I think the CSIRO also has a process for transporting hydrogen in liquid form at normal temperature & pressure; it's liberated at point of use by a catalyst. Cheers, David Lochrin ___ Link mailing list Link

Re: [LINK] All German petrol stations must offer electric car charging

2020-06-10 Thread David Lochrin
around looking for one. David Lochrin ___ Link mailing list

Re: [LINK] NBNCo Breach results in a belting with a feather duster

2020-06-03 Thread David Lochrin
he owner of B's number ('X') in an allocated-numbers database, then access 'X' to discover B's VoIP provider. A's VoIP call can be routed over the internet. Of course the afore-mentioned big providers charge for their stewardship of the telephone

Re: [LINK] COVIDSafe a few observations

2020-05-10 Thread David Lochrin
ld: release most of the code to display innocent goodwill but not the bit that counts. David Lochrin ___ Link mailing list

Re: [LINK] COVIDSafe a few observations

2020-05-09 Thread David Lochrin
audited, tested, and compiled by a trusted organisation like Electronic Frontiers Australia? David Lochrin ___ Link mailing list

Re: [LINK] COVIDSafe a few observations

2020-05-09 Thread David Lochrin
too; "COVIDsafe" suggests it protects the citizen from the virus. David Lochrin ___ Link mailing list

[LINK] Open-source alternatives to Skype

2020-04-30 Thread David Lochrin
A/AES/DTLS/SRTP technologies and X.509 certificates." It can apparently also use SIP, which might be a useful feature in the NBN environment. Do Linkers have any comments or experience regarding these packages, especially in light of the security issues with such widely-used software as Zo

Re: [LINK] RFC: Does CovidSafe Actually Work?

2020-04-29 Thread David Lochrin
e the view from Link is not typical, and lots of well-meaning people will buy the marketing at face value. Sigh... David Lochrin ___ Link mailing list

[LINK] O/T: Humour for today

2020-04-28 Thread David Lochrin
Linkers may enjoy the following: This one just came up next. It's rather more serious, but beautifully sung. David Lochrin ___ Link mailing list Link

Re: [LINK] Absence of evidence to support contact-tracing apps

2020-04-27 Thread David Lochrin
UOTE see David Lochrin ___ Link mailing list

Re: [LINK] Australia’s media is dying before our eyes

2020-04-11 Thread David Lochrin
On 2020-04-11 12:52, Karl Auer wrote: > Might all this not ultimately be a good thing? The landscape will finally be > cleared of toxins like Murdoch, leaving an open field for alternatives to > arise, and hopefully a lot of them, to combat the disastrous consolidation of > past decades. That

Re: [LINK] The government's coronavirus modelling

2020-04-09 Thread David Lochrin
On 2020-04-09 08:46, Tom Worthington wrote: > My proposal for the education sector is a gradual return to the classroom  > with blended learning: What do you mean by a "gradual return to the classroom" and how would it reduce the risk of infection? David

Re: [LINK] The government's coronavirus modelling

2020-04-08 Thread David Lochrin
This may be only of curiosity value, but I've been collecting statistics from the twice-daily bulletins on Covid-19 published by the Commonwealth Deptartment of Health at

Re: [LINK] The government's coronavirus modelling

2020-04-08 Thread David Lochrin
Bernard, On 2020-04-08 22:25, Bernard Robertson-Dunn wrote: > ICYMI, I sent an email last night that included this I beg your pardon, I didn't see your reference and will read it with interest. DL ___ Link mailing list

Re: [LINK] The government's coronavirus modelling

2020-04-08 Thread David Lochrin
On 2020-04-07 22:25, Bernard Robertson-Dunn wrote: > What matters is what happens next and the modelling did not cover that at > all. What is the plan for easing up on "stay at home", taking the screws off > businesses and opening the boarders? Scotty claims that our government is the > only

Re: [LINK] 50 years of Teleworking Fantasies to COVID-19 Reality

2020-04-08 Thread David Lochrin
On 2020-04-08 11:20, Marghanita da Cruz wrote: > While the City of Sydney has emptied - Inner West Local Government Area is > now busy. Great to see everyone out walking and cycling! Except when joggers charge up behind you and pass by with much puffing and panting and little regard for rules

Re: [LINK] OT: The Quality of Reporting on "COVID-19-Linked" Deaths

2020-04-03 Thread David Lochrin
On 2020-04-03 18:15, Roger Clarke wrote: > Best demo yet of 100% image and 0% substance. > > 'Case numbers' is a meaningless metric, because it's impossible to know what > each of the at least 40 data-elements means, it adds apples and oranges, and > none of it tells anyone anything useful.

Re: [LINK] Bitcoin and global warming

2017-12-16 Thread David Lochrin
On 17/12/2017 09:39, Bernard Robertson-Dunn wrote: > The Hard Math Behind Bitcoin's Global Warming Problem > Does any Linker understand where the cryptographic "puzzle" fits in Bitcoin architecture? Is it just an arbitrary task providing no

Re: [LINK] Bitcoin and global warming

2017-12-16 Thread David Lochrin
This is an interesting discussion... On 15/12/2017 18:36, Jim Birch wrote: > There's a bit of a fundamental economic problem there, isn't there? > > Reducing the energy cost of a bitcoin (or the cost of energy) will result in > more bitcoin production. The situation is inherently unstable

Re: [LINK] ASX CHESS and Blockchain

2017-12-08 Thread David Lochrin
On 07/12/2017 13:41, Roger Clarke wrote: > Value-authentication of the $5 note is performed by inspecting it and > comparing its appearance against people's expectations (a good forgery being > worth as much as one printed by the official Mint). Yes, but a valid $5 note has an inherent asset

Re: [LINK] Revealed: the fastest telcos and cities in Australia for broadband

2017-11-09 Thread David Lochrin
On 10/11/2017 10:01, Roger Clarke wrote: > Much of the city uses TransACT VDSL2. Is it an appropriate characterisation > to call that an updated version of an early form of FTTN? If so, then 32/14 > MBps could be seen as being current state of the art? I'd suggest it's an updated form of

Re: [LINK] AI?

2017-10-15 Thread David Lochrin
On Sunday 15 October 2017 at 14:48 JanW wrote: > Interesting that this caught Elon's attention while he was in Victoria, eh? I thought the reference to OpenAI ( in the bottom-left of the image was also interesting. "OpenAI is a non-profit AI research company, discovering and

Re: [LINK] Dealing with Telstra's short-cuts

2017-10-05 Thread David Lochrin
On Thursday 05 October 2017 at 17:52 I wrote: > [...] I would advise having a Solicitor write a letter to Telstra with copies > to both the Landowner's MP and Senator Fiona Nash (Minister for [...] Maybe I'd leave the Minister out of the first round. I have got action that way in the past,

Re: [LINK] Dealing with Telstra's short-cuts

2017-10-05 Thread David Lochrin
On Thursday 05 October 2017 at 16:19 David Boxall [quoting Facebook] wrote: > > I would like some advice or direction please... we need to replace a boundary > fence on a road verge. The Telstra cable runs along said fence, tied to

[LINK] VoIP configuration

2017-10-04 Thread David Lochrin
I recently bought a Cisco SPA112 analogue telephone adapter (ATA) in anticipation of migrating to the NBN. It seems to be very good quality and flexible, certainly better than the average integrated modem & VoIP device, but it's intended to be deployed en-masse almost anywhere by telephony

Re: [LINK] Long-range communication for near-zero-power devices

2017-09-20 Thread David Lochrin
On 21/09/2017 01:12, Stephen Loosley wrote: > "People have been talking about embedding connectivity into everyday objects > such as laundry detergent, paper towels and coffee cups for years, but the > problem is the cost and power consumption to achieve this," said Vamsi Talla, > CTO of Jeeva


2017-09-14 Thread David Lochrin
On Thursday 14 September 2017 at 19:12 Kim Holburn wrote: > Doesn't VDSL have an initial mode, like mixed mode, until all the lines are > VDSL and then they can change it to VDSL only mode which is supposedly > slightly faster? I don't know of any VDSL "mixed mode" but that term might apply to


2017-09-13 Thread David Lochrin
On Thursday 14 September 2017 at 15:03 Jim Birch wrote: > This [POTS continuing to operate] would be an almost mandatory feature to > decrease the irate customer and/or horror headline risk where there is an > issue with some component of the FTTN system. Granny death on NBN phone > failure


2017-09-13 Thread David Lochrin
On Thursday 14 September 2017 at 13:25 Narelle wrote: > They operate at different frequencies. Do you hear noise after the modem came > into service? I thought VDSL bandwidth extended down to audible frequencies, however it begins at 25KHz and almost certainly wouldn't have been detectable in


2017-09-13 Thread David Lochrin
On Wednesday 13 September 2017 at 15:29 I wrote: > However the POTS service continued to be available right up to the time I > switched on the modem, and there was no background VDSL noise. Can any > Linker please explain how can this be so? To partly answer my own question, there's an NBN


2017-09-12 Thread David Lochrin
I have just set up an FTTN modem, etc. for a friend who is a Telstra customer. She was sent a pre-configured modem and duly emailed to confirm the service was ready, setup was straightforward, and everything worked straight away. However the POTS service continued to be available right up to

Re: [LINK] Aussie internet pain after Asian subsea cables cut

2017-09-04 Thread David Lochrin
On Tuesday 05 September 2017 at 11:49 Paul Brooks wrote: > The F/A-18 fleet will have to fly from Darwin, or Learmonth base near Exmouth > - greatly increasing the latency of the relay, as well as the fuel > consumption cost per GB. But even at some dollar & performance cost, it would be a

Re: [LINK] Aussie internet pain after Asian subsea cables cut

2017-09-04 Thread David Lochrin
Very good! ___ Link mailing list

Re: [LINK] Report of the Gov ICT Procurement Taskforce

2017-08-29 Thread David Lochrin
On Wednesday 30 August 2017 at 13:10 JanW wrote: > But at least we need people making informed decisions instead of being sold a > bill of goods so whatever latest tech giant doesn't take over everything. > Diversity is actually very useful. As Josh Frydenburg himself said, don't put > your

Re: [LINK] Report of the Gov ICT Procurement Taskforce

2017-08-29 Thread David Lochrin
On Tuesday 29 August 2017 at 10:02 Tom Worthington wrote: >> 1.Lack of centralised policies, coordination, reporting, oversight and >> accountability ... > > Centralisation is the last thing you need for digital transformation. > Otherwise public servants have to spend extra time working

Re: [LINK] itN: Vic pretence of cybersecurity action

2017-08-29 Thread David Lochrin
On Tuesday 29 August 2017 at 08:47 Tom Worthington wrote: > Yes, the report has a "COMPLETE SET OF ACTIONS" on page 23. But this consists > mostly of establishing boards and committees, not hiring or training people > in cyber security. But the report emphasises the importance of a holistic

Re: [LINK] Peter Martin Economist (?) blames Labor for NBN!

2017-08-09 Thread David Lochrin
On Thursday 10 August 2017 at 12:05 Jim Birch wrote: > $50 billion for a national FTTN network is a lot of money. This very close > to the Australia's annual expenditure on road infrastructure. The value has > been estimated at $280 billion. I don't have a split for maintenance v. >

Re: [LINK] Peter Martin Economist (?) blames Labor for NBN!

2017-08-09 Thread David Lochrin
On Thursday 10 August 2017 at 09:50 Hamish Moffatt wrote: > Which bit of his argument do you disagree with? Right up front Peter Martin quotes "Australia's foremost telecommunications analyst" Ian Martin - any relation? "Let's be clear, technology is not the issue in slow speeds," he wrote in

Re: [LINK] NBN costs

2017-07-31 Thread David Lochrin
On Monday 31 July 2017 at 17:35 Stephen Loosley wrote: > Mr Budde said it was shameful that politicians had turned the NBN into a > "political football," rather than treating it as a national interest > investment, and said it was time for a bipartisan plan to be drawn up to fix > the current

Re: [LINK] NBN costs

2017-07-31 Thread David Lochrin
On Monday 31 July 2017 at 16:40 JanW wrote: > Some bright spark from some dodgy tech company came in with a nice colour > brochure. Can't think of anything else that make sense. Maybe that's also the reason the NSW Coalition, under our revered leader Gladys, ordered a large light-rail project

[LINK] NBN costs

2017-07-30 Thread David Lochrin
On 25th July 2017 David Boxall wrote (complete text below): > The economics of fixed wireless are questionable, it seems, at least under > some circumstances: > So here is the juicy detail > [...] Those figures are not very convincing unless all cost components are identified as line items and

Re: [LINK] Adobe will kill Flash by 2020

2017-07-27 Thread David Lochrin
On Wednesday 26 July 2017 at 12:44 Stephen Loosley wrote: > Adobe has officially set a kill date for its beleaguered Flash. Dear me, the ABC iView nerds will have to find another obscure, proprietary scheme which is only implemented by Microsoft and Google. I see SBS On Demand plays perfectly

Re: [LINK] NBN Fixed Wireless vs FttC

2017-07-25 Thread David Lochrin
On 25/07/2017 21:20, David Boxall wrote: > The economics of fixed wireless are questionable, it seems, at least under > some circumstances: [...] I suppose FTTKerb (like FTTN) isn't practicable unless everyone at least has it available, which means running fibre through the streets whether or

Re: [LINK] Router security

2017-06-23 Thread David Lochrin
On Friday 23 June 2017 at 22:10 Nicholas English wrote: > Separately its interesting how many pages out there reference the dd-wrt / > tomato options as being ‘safe’ and 'no need to worry’, no information or > rationale, they’re just ‘safe’. I’d be interested in any learnings link may > have

Re: [LINK] Router security

2017-06-22 Thread David Lochrin
There's a website devoted to SOHO router security at if anyone's interested, and a few other sites deal with the issue. US-CERT has a rather old, but still valid, list of configuration tips which will likely improve security at

Re: [LINK] Router "firewall" security, NBN QC, etc

2017-06-02 Thread David Lochrin
On Friday 02 June 2017 at 23:25 Narelle wrote: >> Suppose 50% of the NBN terminating devices supplied to Australian users >> contained malware (of whatever origin) which could be operated in a >> controlled way... > > And this is different how to xDSL today? Or HFC? > > More bandwidth on NBN

Re: [LINK] Router "firewall" security, NBN QC, etc

2017-06-01 Thread David Lochrin
On Friday 02 June 2017 at 13:27 Kim Holburn wrote: > It's bad security practise for your border router to house your phone service > or be a wifi AP. Just saying. I agree, but that's not ~necessarily~ the case, it depends on the quality of the implementation(s). Price & complexity is also an

[LINK] Router "firewall" security, NBN QC, etc

2017-06-01 Thread David Lochrin
Recently I bought a modem / router / firewall / etc. which includes a VoIP (FXS) port from an Australian supplier (it wasn't bought on the 'net!). This device seems to be widely distributed by ISPs for NBN connectivity, however I soon found some problems. (1) The default telephony

Re: [LINK] British researcher finds a 'kill switch' for global cyber attack

2017-05-17 Thread David Lochrin
On Tuesday 16 May 2017 at 10:40 Jim Birch wrote: >> it's difficult to see why any organisation would prefer Windows. > > 1. Existing applications and infrastructure > 2. Existing staff skills and available skills in new recruitments > 3. System component interoperability > > It's difficult to

[LINK] Fwd: TA17-132A: Indicators Associated With WannaCry Ransomware

2017-05-15 Thread David Lochrin
Note the first paragraph of the Ïnitial Analysis: "[...] Using this cryptographic loading method, the WannaCry DLL is never directly exposed on disk and not vulnerable to antivirus software scans." David L. Forwarded Message Subject:TA17-132A: Indicators Associated

Re: [LINK] British researcher finds a 'kill switch' for global cyber attack

2017-05-14 Thread David Lochrin
On 15/05/2017 11:32, David Lochrin wrote: > [...] the relevant Microsoft reference is "Microsoft Security Bulletin > MS17-010 - Critical" at > > > This gives links to the relevant updates for var

Re: [LINK] British researcher finds a 'kill switch' for global cyber attack

2017-05-14 Thread David Lochrin
On 15/05/2017 11:35, Tom Worthington wrote: > Over the last five years I have been a student at three higher education > institutions. The enrollment instructions for each said I had to have > Microsoft Windows (or Apple OS) and the Microsoft Office suite. I ignored > this and used Linux with

Re: [LINK] British researcher finds a 'kill switch' for global cyber attack

2017-05-14 Thread David Lochrin
On 15/05/2017 11:08, Roger Clarke wrote: > And it doesn't include information on which patch-package, of which date, > affecting which software, is the one that matters A bulletin from CERT was waiting in my inbox on Sunday morning. I'm not at my usual computer now and so can't forward it, but

Re: [LINK] A sad day

2017-04-09 Thread David Lochrin
On Monday 10 April 2017 at 10:43 Andy Farkas wrote: > "One of Australia's best-known satirists, John Clarke, has died at the age of > 68." Yes indeed, and no more Clarke & Dawe - the dinosaurs will be pleased. David L. ___ Link mailing list

Re: [LINK] Internet of Malware comes to Miele dishwashers

2017-03-29 Thread David Lochrin
On Thursday 30 March 2017 at 08:56 Jim Birch wrote: > At least it's better than exploding trousers. > > That takes me back to the Goon Show's exploding socks... you see, life imitating art! David L.

[LINK] Internet of Malware comes to Miele dishwashers

2017-03-28 Thread David Lochrin
Something to smile about, or possibly cry about: A Miele commercial dishwasher can apparently be hacked very simply using the old directory-traversal trick. This appliance includes an embedded web server so it can

Re: [LINK] Top-level domains

2017-03-09 Thread David Lochrin
... or even <.性別> (with apologies to anyone who can't render Chinese characters). David L. ___ Link mailing list

[LINK] Top-level domains

2017-03-09 Thread David Lochrin
Many Linkers are probably aware of this, but I happened to come across a list of top-level domains and was amazed to find there must be hundreds - see I know the <.sydney> TLD has been mentioned here before, but there's even <.sex> & <.dad>!!

[LINK] Please ignore...

2017-03-01 Thread David Lochrin
Please ignore this, just checking if delivery failures have taken me off the circulation list. David L. --- My current ISP succeeded in losing all email to me from some time on 24th February to midday on Wednesday 1st March. Please resend any message you sent during that time... Thanks.

Re: [LINK] Telstra is lying to customers

2017-02-17 Thread David Lochrin
Sorry about that Jan, I somehow managed to misaddress my last email... It was intended to be off-Link. David L. ___ Link mailing list

Re: [LINK] Telstra is lying to customers

2017-02-17 Thread David Lochrin
The smell of a dead rodent is very strong! But I wonder if it was really Telstra calling? It may have been a marketing organisation who were being paid on results, or it may have been an outright scam. The latter seems most likely to me - at some point they'd ask for a deposit and the victim

Re: [LINK] Fact Check: RMIT and ABC News partner to relaunch award-winning service

2017-02-16 Thread David Lochrin
This is the best news I've heard all week! We sorely need less bullshit and more evidence-based decision making. And I see there's a feedback page for tip-offs, etc. at David L. ___ Link mailing list

Re: [LINK] Demand 'still not there' for 1Gbps: NBN Co

2017-02-11 Thread David Lochrin
On Friday 10 February 2017 20:34:56 David Boxall wrote: > An interesting assertion: >> “Even if we offered it for free, we see the evidence around the world that >> they wouldn’t use it anyway,” Mr Morrow said. >

Re: [LINK] NBN longer-term prospects

2017-01-31 Thread David Lochrin
Warning... politics! On Tuesday 31 January 2017 22:36:12 JanW wrote: > The LNP never miss the chance to tell the public about their business > prowess. And yet, they can't seem to make the conceptual transition as to how > you run a country or invest well. Seems the only concept they carry

Re: [LINK] NBN ads

2017-01-30 Thread David Lochrin
On Monday 30 January 2017 21:27:40 David Boxall wrote: > Sadly, the ad actually shows why we should be building 21st century > telecommunications infrastructure. All it will take is a government that > isn't total sh!t. > > Sorry, but I really feel like eviscerating someone. >:( (:-)... join

Re: [LINK] Electromagnetic pulse artillery shell

2017-01-27 Thread David Lochrin
On Wednesday 25 January 2017 11:05:20 David wrote: > However it does remind us how vulnerable is the "infrastructure" of a big > city and its ongoing operation when everything is online & interconnected. > Complexity tends to be justified on the basis of efficiency, but there's a > reciprocal

Re: [LINK] What your choice of smartphone says about you

2017-01-04 Thread David Lochrin
I have a "feature phone" which has basic email & web functionality together with a speaking-type telephone. The main reason I don't have a smartphone, other than having no particular reason to change, is that I can't selectively & reliably disable applications on a smartphone or (ideally)

Re: [LINK] The New Payments Platform (NPP)

2016-12-27 Thread David Lochrin
On Wednesday 28 December 2016 13:55:01 sylvano wrote: > Given the banks' ESA looks to be driven by the Reserve Bank, then it should > be fine, yes? > > On my brief skimming of the above, it seems an ESA's risk is assessed by APRA but its

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