Dan Hollis wrote:
> You can't copyright a GUI! Apple learned this the hard way. They *L O S T*
> in court, and set some nice precedent law.
Let me expand a little on this...
When windows 3.0 was released, microsoft was sued by apple because the
windows user-interface was a clone of apple's us
David Olofson wrote:
> * Fast, high quality rendering with OpenGL style
> blending effects and the like. (In fact, I'll
> probably use OpenGL for the first implementation.
> I've been messing a bit with 2D-on-OpenGL anyway,
> to implement the SDL API on top o
Vincent Touquet wrote:
> Continuing in the thinking out loud department,
> so I don't have to study ;):
> Seems a waste to hardcode all the GUI stuff though.
> How do they get about theming their controls
> in Xmms / mplayer ... ?
Same way GTK and QT have themes... I don't see what's differ
nick wrote:
> Exactly. I mean, I'm happy to let others use my software, but ultimately
> I write it because I want a tool to do a particular thing. If people
> want useability features etc.. then really someone's going to have to
> pay for it. I don't see how anyone could have the time it takes to
David Olofson wrote:
> ...and wants to hack a *really* complex one for a music application.
> You also need to find a good GUI designer, unless you're lucky enough
> to find someone that can do both.
> I'm quite sure it's not remotely as easy as you suggest.
I don't see what the big deal is.
Alexander Ehlert wrote:
> You just have to find someone who likes GUI programming...
I like GUI programming!
Tom Browne wrote:
> The 0.13s dissipate much less heat than the widely available AMDs...
>>According to these specs, my athlon XP 1600+ has a typical power
>>consumption of 56.3W. A 1.6G pentium 4 has a spec of 60.8W.
> Why compare to the old pre-0.13 chips?
> Celeron 1.2A is rated at 3
Maarten de Boer wrote:
>>Really? I've got an A7V266E and haven't noticed anything hot.. and
>>anyway, I've never heard of a motherboard making a system hot in the
>>first place.
> I have no prove of this, it is just something I heard. But I do have
> to say mainboard temp gets high, but I am
Rick Burnett wrote:
> PS If you have any other suggestions, please let me know. I have an
> Athlon 1.3 GHz (And the Power supply is quiet, I bought a special one
> for that).
Rick, I looked through all the different CPU fan options available,
trying to find one that would be quiet while keeping
Adam Luchjenbroers wrote:
>>Pentiums are no longer cooler than Athlons. Athlons used to be hot, but
>>the new Athlon XP's are just as cool as Pentium 4's. You can go to each
>>of Intel and AMD's web-site's and read the CPU specifications -- Athlon
>>XP's and P4's are within a few degrees of each
Maarten de Boer wrote:
> Noise did reduce, though certainly not as much as expected
> from the salestalk, and not as much as I hoped. And
> temperature gets pretty high, but I have been told that this
> is likely because of the mainboard, an ASUS A7V 266E.
> I am no overclocker, but even with unde
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