On Tuesday 08 June 2004 20:22, Chris Cannam wrote:
> On Tuesday 08 Jun 2004 7:46 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > Right click on any slider in JAMin and it immediately goes to
> > the default position, whether center or zero.
> Ah, now I looked for that feature but didn't find it. In Rosega
On Saturday 15 May 2004 16:53, Jack O'Quin wrote:
> Can you (or anyone) name all the people in this group picture?
> http://www.linuxdj.com/audio/lad/contrib/zkm_meeting_2004/photos/frank_neum
I can name, erm, four I think. That's a bit poor.
A pretty low bea
On Wednesday 12 May 2004 21:54, Albert Graef wrote:
[SuSE 9.0 and capabilities]
> That sounds like you're sources are still misconfigured.
I was just being a doofus. I hadn't "made clean" after "make dep".
So the simple steps to getting it working were: make cloneconfig;
make dep; make clean; m
On Wednesday 12 May 2004 15:02, Jack O'Quin wrote:
> Then, you have to build a working kernel.
Alfons gave me the inside line on that off-list:
"On SuSE, you need to do a 'make cloneconfig' before the 'make menuconfig'
and all the rest. This is easily forgotten, usually giving you a kernel
On Wednesday 12 May 2004 14:22, Alfons Adriaensen wrote:
> I've been using a standard SuSE 9.0 (2.4) for about six months now,
> and it performs very well for audio work.
Are you using the stock 2.4.21 kernel? Any idea how to enable capabilities on it?
I've been playing around with SuSE 9.0 over
I've just cobbled together an article on Linux Musician with a few
thoughts on where Linux Audio is right now and a few FAQs that I've
got from people at Expos in the past:
> Yes, this might start a flame-war
Ah, well, I think it's a little too late for all that.
On Saturday 10 April 2004 08:09, Dave Robillard wrote:
> Rosegarded depends on KDE. Don't get me wrong, I'm not militantly anti-qt
> (or KDE, or anything without good reason), but I simply can't afford to be
> running two desktop environments worth of crap at the same time, especially
> just for
On Saturday 10 April 2004 01:18, Dave Robillard wrote:
> I agree completely that a straight plain MIDI sequencer is needed. Not so
> sure about the no tempo idea though. Editing MIDI without the concept of
> tempo and/or bars would be a most horrible thing. Ardour sync through some
> means is d
> > yamaha are willing to meet with us to discuss it. thats all the news
> > that's fit to print.
> Several of us met with a guy from Yamaha's mLAN department at Sounds Expo
> and he gave us the contact details ofr a guy in Japan who could provide
> specifications and so on. I dont know who has t
On Tuesday 12 November 2002 17:05, Len Moskowitz wrote:
> To attract commercial attention, a Linux audio application would have
> to offer either a unique feature (or group of features) that's
> commercially attractive or a significant customer base unreached by
> Windows/OS products.
I don't thi
On Tuesday 12 November 2002 16:00, Len Moskowitz wrote:
> I don't know about "many" but it's happened to me. I've looked for
> software engineers to assist in developing a Linux-based audio
> product and had difficulty finding development/consulting help. And
> this was for a funded project.
On Friday 01 November 2002 09:35, Kevin Conder wrote:
> The Agnula project was supposed to have a November release.
AFAIK it still is. But yeah I see what you mean about the website not
resolving at the moment. I imagine it's only a temporary glitch.
On Monday 21 October 2002 20:21, Patrick Shirkey wrote:
> But am I just wasting my breath because the Agnula crew are going to
> do all the work for us?
Oh well _now_ you come on to my pet subject.
> Anyone from the Agnula project have a position on this?
A while ago I got involved in a flamespa
On Friday 18 October 2002 15:49, Steve Harris wrote:
> Notice the future tense. I dont think its a good idea now, better to
> wait 'til we have a nice bunch of jack'd (+ alsa midi/whatever),
> stable, documented apps, all playing well together than put people
> off with the kind of stuff we're pre
On Friday 18 October 2002 13:51, Patrick Shirkey wrote:
> I see your point. But feel that the problem is not that it is too
> difficult or ugly for the majority of people but that we have not
> done a good enough job of showing how worthwhile it is to spend long
> hours on figuring out how to get
On Friday 18 October 2002 09:23, Richard Bown wrote:
> it's time that there was a clear distinction between Linux Sound/Audio
> and Linux for Music. The latter has a clearly defined marketplace,
> the former doesn't.
Sorry, that's not quite right. The former does too,
On Friday 18 October 2002 04:25, Patrick Shirkey wrote:
> My opinion is that there is not enough people working on the
> promotional side of ALSA and Linux Audio.
ALSA/LAD is too geeky and too die-hard techno hardcore to appeal to
anyone but geeks. IMHO music geeks are the worst type of geeks a
On Wednesday 16 October 2002 20:35, Jesse Chappell wrote:
> Ooh, this also sounds like what might happen if it compiled
> in the double version FFTW, but I would have thought that would
> fail on compile.
Ah, not if you think it's patchable and go through changing a couple of
floats to fftw_rea
On Wednesday 16 October 2002 03:35, Jesse Chappell wrote:
> http://freqtweak.sourceforge.net/
Well call me thick but all I get is a load of whiny buzzing everytime I
try to connect anything to freqtweak or start it with the defaults
(alsa_in to alsa_out). The input monitor appears to work bu
The Rosegarden development team would like to announce the release of
Rosegarden-4-0.8(*) for immediate download. Please go to the project
homepage for further details:
We'll be demoing Rosegarden at the Linux Expo in Olympia, London, UK,
On Friday 27 September 2002 17:45, Steve Harris wrote:
> http://plugin.org.uk/meterbridge/
What we need now are banks-upon-banks of non-standards compliant gaudy
LEDs, virtual glitterballs and disco lights. Stacked on top of each
other Reason-stylee.
On Wednesday 18 September 2002 19:41, Josh Green wrote:
> I wonder how one would go about creating such a standard? Would we
> need to obtain a Manufacturer's ID for our SysEx standard? If we can
> find an existing standard we could just use it (we would then be
> using a companies ID). I see tha
On Wednesday 18 September 2002 01:50, David Olofson wrote:
> I was thinking about CCs, Program Change and stuff. Is there a
> standard way of asking a synth for the names of it's patches, or
> which CCs are assigned to what, for example?
I was wondering aloud to Peter (iiwusynth) about this a wh
linux-audio-dev mailing list
On Wednesday 04 September 2002 14:44, Steve Harris wrote:
> [builds sweep]
> No that just looks like its alphabeltical to me.
Erm. *cough*
Nice app though?
On Wednesday 04 September 2002 13:28, Tim Goetze wrote:
> >Isn't this where the audio servers such as aRts have hoped to do
> >business too?
> i don't know much about aRts, but from what i have heard it isn't
> 100% clean realtime, and it's based on a particular programming
> toolkit that not e
On Wednesday 04 September 2002 13:49, Steve Harris wrote:
> 2) A way of ogranising plugins into
> meaningful categories (so you can pick them from a menu).
Ah, is this what I see implemented in Sweep 0.5.2?
On Wednesday 04 September 2002 11:33, Tim Goetze wrote:
> what i am trying to steer towards is an approximation of 'plugins'
> and 'applications'.
approximation == abstraction?
> if both interface with the same system-wide
> graph in the same way we get possibilities for free that must be
> cod
On Friday 30 August 2002 19:41, Charles Read wrote:
> Hi folks,
> is there a music notation program for linux that really does the
> job well - you play your MIDI keyboard and a reasonable approximation
> to a score appears on your screen? I've tried "rosegarden" but the
> editing facilities
The Rosegarden development team would like to announce the release of
Rosegarden-4 v0.2.0 - a sequencer and music notation editor for Linux.
This is a pre-beta release and while not yet stable enough for end-users it
has many interesting features and is suitable for Audio and MIDI recording,
Paul Davis wrote:
> because the transport time is the only important global time it indicates
> what you should be playing/doing right now.
But of course at the moment we've also got the ALSA sequencer clock running
to schedule our MIDI alongside our JACK callbacks - so external control of
our a
Paul Davis wrote:
> JACK provides both current time and information on the latency
Oh right - so jack_port_get_total_latency() is working now? Excellent.
Last time I asked it was still in the planning stage.
What apps have an example implementation of the JACK transport controls?
Neither ecaso
Paul Davis wrote:
> for me, its more than tempting. none of the existing ALSA MIDI
> sequencers have JACK support (that i know of).
Apart from Rosegarden-4.
> (some people have suggested that Rosengarden
> does audio too, but it seems to me that its firmly oriented towards
> MIDI).
Thanks to NTK:
Anyone seen a preview of one of these yet?
Juan Linietsky wrote:
> URL:
> http://reduz.com.ar/legasynth
Wow, looks great and I can't wait to get it working. Unfortunately I've
found a sigseg with both OSS and JACK drivers plugged through to Rosegarden.
Run up legasynth, load the first DX7 bank, assign the legasynth as an
nick wrote:
> Why are all the (major) sequencer projects built on Qt/KDE? i count
> MuSE, Rosegarden and Anthem all on QT. Personally i'd much rather a GTK
> sequencer, i'm sure others would like the choice too.
For Rosegarden it's because we enjoy using Qt - it's stable and it's
mature and it's
Fred Gleason wrote:
> Any other potential downsides? It strikes me as absurd to be sitting here
> bemoaning the primitive state of UIs on Linux audio apps while we have the
> embarassment of riches called KDE and GNOME sitting here at our elbow.
I quite agree. But then I would say that would
Paul Davis wrote:
> The {Gtk,Gnome}Canvas is a thing of beauty and people should get to
> know it and probably its Qt counterparts well.
I can only speak from the Qt side of things but I quite agree. We use
QCanvas and QCanvasView with a bunch of QCanvasItems and specialisations
thereof for our
Taybin Rutkin wrote:
> On Mon, 10 Jun 2002, Steve Harris wrote:
> > I have made some timelapse video of Linuxtag from saturday and sunday,
> > right up to the point when I had to shove everything in my bag and dash
> > for the train (which I just caught, thanks Frank!).
> >
> > http://inanna.e
Juan Linietsky wrote:
> No, allow me to explain better why I think supporting JACK is
> pointless and why I wouldnt do it. I'll give you all the reasons I can
> think of.
[a bunch of pretty useless reasons]
> For these reasons, I will not support or use JACK until something like
> it becomes pa
Juan Linietsky wrote:
[developers choosing JACK over ALSA audio]
> Not to be pessimistic, but I think such thing is not going to happen.
> Also I find the whole idea redundant. If JACK is easier and faster to
> integrate then it should replace the ALSA api on that matter.
> Developers, and speci
Tim Hockin wrote:
> > simple, yes. useless, not even close.
> No need to get on the defensive, really. I don't deny the usefulness or
> importance of LADSPA _AT_ALL_. It is, by and large, a very good system.
> Ysh - I have some different ideas that I want to play out, that is all.
> If so, how do I tell the jack server to feed me data encoded to 16 bits?
Hi Henry,
You should try the jack development list with this request really
(cc'ing it). I'm also interested to hear about stereo in/out with
JACK myself as that's still something of a mystery
Steve Harris wrote:
> I guess it could stand for eXtended Linux Plugins, but it may as well be
> eXtra Large Pants ;)
This is how myths are born, you realise?
And surely that should be _eXtensible_.
Fred Gleason wrote:
> On Friday 10 May 2002 19:21, Paul Davis wrote:
> > perhaps you don't realize this - i can't say i blame you. its one of
> > the most fundamental aspects of using ALSA, but its not prominent in
> > any of the docs or the website.
> I think you've just touched upon the re
Rick Burnett wrote:
> Linux is not an operating system for simple users.
Can I pin this one on the wall?
> It requires you to actually *think* about what you need to do.
So _Linux_ is the one being elitist now is it?
> Every assumption you make takes away the freedoms that linux gives you.
Hi Dave,
Thanks for the write up of Rosegarden 2.1 by the way!
You wrote:
> Of course, that's one of the current beauties of Linux:
> I can have truly it my way, I'm not confined to a single desktop or wm,
> and I can make my system lean or fat as I desire.
That is your right of course. But w
Rick Burnett wrote:
> I think you might be missing Paul's point. While yes I use KDE on
> both the Solaris side and the Linux side everyday, not everyone does.
I think you may be missing my point, namely that without a
tidy, integrated package of development libraries occasionally
projects just
Paul Davis wrote:
> >rob wrote:
> >
> >> Paul Davis wrote:
> >> > I don't think people writing audio/midi/music
> >> > applications should be using "desktop environments".
> >>
> >> Their time is much better spent reimplementing everything a desktop
> >> environment gives in non-standard ways tha
rob wrote:
> Paul Davis wrote:
> > I don't think people writing audio/midi/music
> > applications should be using "desktop environments".
> Their time is much better spent reimplementing everything a desktop
> environment gives in non-standard ways that no-one other than themselves
> can under
> Is this possible to build it without KDE requirement
While our user interface is KDE/Qt, the base/ (core library) is just
plain C++/STL. Two gotchas though - unfortunately at the moment the
sequencer communicates with the main app over DCOP (so that's one minor
[Excuse the cross-posting. We've added ALSA and KDE3 support
so I thought it was worth shouting about - just this once]
The Rosegarden development team would like to announce the release of
Rosegarden-4 v0.1.5 - a sequencer and music notation editor for KDE2
now with KDE3 and ALSA 0.9 suppo
Dr. Matthias Nagorni wrote:
> Now it is up to the synthesizer device being connected to the output port
> how it handles the NOTEOFF events.
Ah ok, that's fine then. I was just remembering synths in the old OSS days
and starting to worry.
> The four wavetable destination ports of SBLive are ju
Dr. Matthias Nagorni wrote:
> http://www.suse.de/~mana/alsa090_howto.html
Very useful, thanks. I'm using it right now.
I've got a bit of a basic question about ALSA sequencing. Do I have to
handle my own synth polyphony over the synth devices I see? For example
on my SBLive I've got 4 availab
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