On Friday 30 August 2002 19:41, Charles Read wrote:
> Hi folks,
>     is there a music notation program for linux that really does the
> job well - you play your MIDI keyboard and a reasonable approximation
> to a score appears on your screen? I've tried "rosegarden" but the
> editing facilities are a bit primitive and it doesn't really print
> out..... not WYSIWYG anyway. If not I might have a hack at writing
> one......

Well why not just offer to help us (Rosegarden) out instead of starting 
yourself from scratch?  There are many many music projects that have 
been started with few enough ever coming to fruition without 
potentially wasting more effort. We're still in development and open to 
ideas and we'd be most interested to hear your specific comments.

You're using Rosegarden-4 I take it?  Have you played about with 
quantizing of your recorded MIDI a little and see how that affects the 
score on the screen?  Do you really think the notation layout is 
unattractive?  It's true that our printing facilities are a bit limited 
at the moment but again if you want it sooner then please pitch in.  

There's a reason it's open-source you know?

[cc'ing rg-devel]

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