runs better for me than 2.4 on this tiny machine.
Plus, with ALSA native in the kernel, i figure i've got a better chance with
USB and stuff like that.
> /Robert
pings with sysctl for some
Mac-specific things. Main installation pain is the Mac version of fdisk,
which isterse.
So in conclusion, i'd say the iBook + external converter (USB/fire)
would make a fine Linux audio laptop.
Get a decent sized disk, and you can dual-boot with OS X, and that
helmed by pops and crackles.
Thanks everyone.
I have the M-Audio MobliePre USB recognized also, but no sound there yet.
the PIII audio yet, however - total Lack of Free Time)
The 2.5 kernel is moving into the 'must-fix' stage, so now is
the time to start running itand send in those bug reports..
( is a good place to cc: 2.5 reports,btw )
> jörn
> --
> All
ink generating more content would
be very useful. Plus it would add to the general amount of information
authors before doing
anything with the code - are there any other authors, or concerned citizens?
Also, more general:
Is this code really useful from the kernel perspective?
In other words, is there a reason _not to use this test?
> So, how do we ever get anyone who makes money to recognize that
> everything in this description is true of Linux/ALSA as well?
> (Rhetorical question, I think).
> --p
I think there is going to be some pull coming from the animation/film industry.
There is tremendous interest in Linux for ren
You idea for an embedded recorder sounds very interesting.
Re: the tiny control, you might check out the Keyspan DMR
( ) it's a 17 button IR remote with a small USB
receiver. The USB part is actually tiny. It's designed for media
control, so the first 7 buttons you list are presen