LI -lilo booting problem

2002-07-25 Thread Chuck Gelm
Howdy, Y'all: Where can I find help with 'lilo'. When I try to boot from hard disk, I get: LI This happens with several hard disks, usually large ones of 8 gigabytes or larger. The drives are partitioned with partition 1 <= 1024 cylinders, partition 2 is some swap, and partition 3 is 'the


2002-07-25 Thread Petre Bandac
can procmail do the following: search in the body of an email for a string and, if found, send a mail with the subject the very string searched for ? if so - please point me to some howto's, the examples in the /usr/doc of my slackware didn't help me much thanks in advance, petre -- 11: