Re: [luau] Java question

2003-04-18 Thread Roderick Gammon, Ph.D. (AEG, Inc)
Aloha- The problem in the latest code snippet is naming- the main thread cannot find the class "". Try: "java -cp . Scubatoolkit" It's an important point of convention, or idiom. Technically there shouldn't be class files in the source directories and class and source files hav

[luau] Re: language services

2003-02-22 Thread Roderick Gammon, Ph.D. (AEG, Inc)
Aloha- Eric's comments on GET are great, although a little different from my own pov. Regarding GET out-of-state exemptions, "True, true." I've benefited from them and I see at least one reason for them- to 'incentivize' bringing mainland money here. But I'd still argue for a full consultant G

Language Professionals are one answer - Re: [luau] our economy

2003-02-21 Thread Roderick Gammon, Ph.D. (AEG, Inc)
Aloha- Language services is one area where Hawaii has a good lead. Note I recently graduated from UH East Asian Languages (Chinese) and teach at KCC, so I'm very biased on this issue. But! A large and ethnically diverse population, not horrible time zone placement, a bunch of respected campuses,

[luau] NY Times promotes linux

2002-09-18 Thread Roderick Gammon, Ph.D. (AEG, Inc)
Slashdot note: NYT Article: Telling last paragraph: Government units abroad and in the United States and individual computer users should look for ways to support Linux and Linux-based produ

[luau] /.: Linux outpaces Mac on desk (from herald tribune)

2002-09-09 Thread Roderick Gammon, Ph.D. (AEG, Inc)
An anonymous reader points out this article in the International Herald Tribune about corporate acceptance of computers running GNU/Linux, which includes this snippet: "Linux is already outpacing Macintosh on desktops: "Dan Kusnetzky, an analyst for International Data Corp., said Linux had a 3.9 pe

[luau] CNET: Is that a mac in a penguin suit?

2002-09-09 Thread Roderick Gammon, Ph.D. (AEG, Inc)
"Aiming to capitalize on growing support for Macs within the open-source community, a Mac dealer has started selling Apple Computer systems loaded with both the Linux operating system and Mac OS X. " More: -rg ___

[luau] (OT) Postnuke managed hosting in HI

2002-08-15 Thread aeg-inc
Aloha- At least one list member offers managed DSL hosting. There's plenty country/world wide for Postnuke/Mysql hosting, but I'd prefer a competitive local firm. Are there any local businesses that can provide? Three non-profit domains. Can contact AEG- [EMAIL PROTECTED] directly if you wis

[luau] Academic papers on open source

2002-08-13 Thread aeg-inc
Some links to academic papers on open source software Bonus links: British MP who is trying to get Microsoft to stop gouging schoo

[luau] Sound on web- Was political sites

2002-08-12 Thread aeg-inc
"Has anyone ever found that sounds actually made a website better?" Web pages can/should be developed to facilitate sound for disabled viewers. For example making sure there's alternate text tags for graphic buttons, so that text to speech readers can tell someone what the button text is. The

[luau] UNIX Shell Question: Capturing stdout & showing too

2002-08-05 Thread aeg-inc
Aloha- how would I capture stdout to a file while still getting messages written to screen? e.g. command foo will write things like 'Processing x of y' to terminal. To put that stuff into a log i'd go: foo > log.txt but i want to eat the cake too, so how can i modify 'foo > log.txt' to al

[luau] MS Code Disclosure

2002-08-05 Thread aeg-inc
What's the subtext? 20020805/ap_on_bi_ge/microsoft_antitrust_2 Best quote: The technical information will help software makers write programs that work as well with Windows as Microsoft's own products do. As if that were desired.

[luau] Open Source in The Economist

2002-08-04 Thread aeg-inc 1251254 Respected British financial mag on open source, recently (check out goofy graphic of penguin and cigar-suit guy arm in arm). >From article: Rumours of open-source software's demise are exaggerated WHEN the hordes of volun

[luau] UCITA update (old laws don't die, they are overturned)

2002-08-04 Thread aeg-inc A controversial initiative to standardize U.S. state laws on software licensing faces a crucial vote this week, as battle-weary consumer advocates and tech companies pin their hopes on a legal gathering in Arizona.

[luau] Re: 12 steps to desktop...

2002-07-23 Thread aeg-inc
Thanks Elizabeth, this one is a real community service: "4. Put a sign on the edge of your monitor, where you can see it at all times, that says: "New isn't better, different isn't better, only better is better." Being an inveterate geek, I started pushing my wife onto the web around 1995, way

[luau] Forbes stuff on Linux

2002-07-21 Thread aeg-Inc newscom Annoyingly (and misleadingly) titled "the cult of linux", this page lists links to recent Forbes articles about linux. Provides a glimpse of how the managing class views linux. -rg

[luau] mplug web overhaul

2002-07-18 Thread aeg-inc
PostNuke, PostNuke, PostNuke. I'm in Taiwan right now, yet managing and is totally simple. For a genius like you, Warren, it should be complete simplicity. I've been running it for about 7 mos now, so I can offer whatever I've learned, and a dodos skill

[luau] Forthcoming legislation allowing content companies to probe computers

2002-07-14 Thread aeg-inc
Hollowood senator to bring legislation in summer exempting 'content' companies from anti-hack laws so they can locate and remove files on citizens' computers. (Will i be able to register as content creator?) BusinessWeek article against: http://

[luau] MSc thesis on open vs. closed soft development

2002-06-21 Thread Roderick Gammon, Ph.D. (AEG, Inc.)
Open Source as an Alternative to Commercial Software Development -rg

[luau] PHP Security (related to phpBB)

2002-06-08 Thread Roderick Gammon, Ph.D. (AEG, Inc.)
Article here on hardening sites against PHP attacks: Might be useful for phpBB users etc. -rg

Re: [luau] Byteware Sony notebook refurbished

2002-05-18 Thread Roderick Gammon, Ph.D. (AEG, Inc.)
In addition (no comment on BW myself) - beware Sony laptops. Their connectors can be proprietary and this can cause all sorts of problems. Case in point- Vaio notebooks with odd USB connectors- popular software, such as Norton Anti-virus would not work with 'em. I shudder to think of the problem

Re: [luau] Verizon DSL

2002-05-17 Thread Roderick Gammon, Ph.D. (AEG, Inc.)
I've also had Verizon/Pixi for about 2 years. It's been reliable and Pixi have come to be helpful to linux questions (as has luau). Pixi also handles all billing, even Verizon's, sending an email whenver I'm debited. Very convenient. I get a static ip and use it to publish websites (leprogres.o

Re: [luau] MacOS X Questions

2002-05-09 Thread Roderick Gammon, Ph.D. (AEG, Inc.)
On 5/9/02 4:50 AM, "Dustin Cross" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Does MindTerm Java SSH client work on OSX? Yes. Didn't try it on yours, tried it on other site. Worked as well as anywhere. There's a popular Java CVS client that works on Osx too. In fact, OSX is really great for Java devlopment,

Re: [luau] MacOS X Questions

2002-05-08 Thread Roderick Gammon, Ph.D. (AEG, Inc.)
For number 2- I use MacSftp, which is shareware. It is pretty good, having used winScp before. You get a dialog requesting host, user, pass, and target dir, and option to save it to keychain. It opens a file folder, ahem 'finder' window, then you can drag and drop to/from the remote folder. Pret

[luau] RMS counters Gates over GPL

2002-05-02 Thread Roderick Gammon, Ph.D. (AEG, Inc.)
ZDNET coverage: RMS' column in zdnet is linked in the article, but I couldn't actually get to it. -rg

[luau] Google, xml, and soap

2002-04-30 Thread Roderick Gammon, Ph.D. (AEG, Inc.)
"Google's Gaffe", from (April 24): "Google's release of an API has been heralded as a bright moment for web services. It is an exciting development, but at the same time there is a subset of the programmer community that is disappointed. Goog