Re: [luau] learning the hardware end

2003-03-04 Thread cpaul
Specifically regarding embedded Linux systems, we could get together and discuss it, but given a target audience of public schools, I am very unclear how such a technology can be effectively applied to old hardware. Hmm, I kind of understand the general gist of the idea. Small (fits on a CD,

Re: [luau] Re: no answers from roadrunner dns

2003-03-04 Thread cpaul
Several large DNS servers (and their connecting networks) were attacked recently. You might be seeing the indirect side-affects? my $0.02, charles On Tue, Mar 04, 2003 at 04:23:38PM -1000, William N Luoma wrote: And Warren. I began using the 32,34,36 addresses you mentioned, but thought I

[luau] Linux in Schools... Which Schools?

2003-03-03 Thread cpaul
Does anybody think Heald or any of the smaller trade colleges would be interested in adding Linux and Unix technologies to their curriculum? Or do you all think public university system is still the best place to invest 'advocacy' energy? peace, charles pgpBcHLosMe8r.pgp Description: PGP

[luau] Reservation made

2003-02-27 Thread cpaul
Reservations made for the GLUUG Party. On Thu, Feb 27, 2003 at 10:14:17AM -1000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Aloha, I will be making reservations at Murphys for 10 people. See you tommorow! take care, charles

Re: [luau] Clarification for this Friday

2003-02-24 Thread cpaul
I'll be there! On Sun, Feb 23, 2003 at 09:35:18PM -1000, Ho'ala Greevy wrote: So are we in agreement to meet this Friday, 6:30PM, at Murphy's? Reasonable prices, good food, pretty good beer -- Most if not all street parking in downtown is free after 5:30PM. Good

Re: [luau] I recorded Bruce Perens Talk of the Nation Science Friday

2003-02-24 Thread cpaul
I'd like to have a copy -- I can host it off my box, no sweat On Sun, Feb 23, 2003 at 10:32:03PM -1000, Jeff Zidek wrote: I recorded Bruce Perens Talk of the Nation Science Friday. I have it as MP3 or CD. Anyone want a copy? If so let me know. I will burn it for free. All I ask is for a

Re: [luau] Moderation--of all kinds

2003-02-23 Thread cpaul
If I didn't know any better, I'd think that you were a paid saboteur for the proprietary software industry. Shape up or take your bullshit off this list. On Sat, Feb 22, 2003 at 01:47:29PM -1000, LinuxDan wrote: I love this list. I have gained so much support for my non-profit group so

Re: [luau] users meet

2003-02-23 Thread cpaul
GLUUG Meeting! if meetingplace == Irish Pub: GLUUG = Guinness Loving, Unix Using Geeks else: GLUUG = GNU/Linux Unix Users Group I think that all affected parties should show up so that we can hash out the recent arguments/discussions on this list. (which i think are caused

Re: [luau] daemons running as root

2003-02-11 Thread cpaul
Here is a python script I wrote to change user ids for daemons: # #!/usr/bin/env python import os,pwd from sys import argv def c_uid(u): try: uid = int(u) os.setuid(uid) except ValueError: uid = pwd.getpwnam(u)[2]

Re: [luau] Newbies and X Windows

2003-01-22 Thread cpaul
That's a personal choice. I think that people who are interested in learning unix should use the command line first -- if you are just looking for a free replacement for windows, by all means install gnome/kde. I'm still a newbie to Linux and learning as much as I can. My question is,

Re: [luau] Greetings

2003-01-16 Thread cpaul
demon_jr808 wrote: I am considering purchasing the following laptop and installing Linux on it: Toshiba Satellite Pro T2150CDT 486/75mhz 8mb ram 700mb hard drive Unfortunately, that system you mention would be far too underpowered to run any graphical environment. 486's and low

[luau] SMP in a 1U

2003-01-14 Thread cpaul
What motherboard/cpu combo would you all recommend for a 1U server case? It's a Boom case, if that matters (it doesn't ;) take care, charles

Re: [luau] Western DIgital Drives

2003-01-03 Thread cpaul
I have 4 80GB western digital drives and I had to replace all 4 of them within 9 months of buying them. They all failed with data unrecoverable, about every other month. That sucked. The new drives have been fine and Western Digital support was very good about rushing me a replacement drive

[luau] Happy New Year

2003-01-01 Thread cpaul
Happy New Year LUAU peace, charles

[luau] Linux For Newbies

2002-12-24 Thread cpaul
I am rehabilitating a friend's PC for XMas. I want to install a newbie-friendly Linux for her to use. Query to List: What is the best Linux for absolute newbies? I will be installing the operating system, so ease-of-install is not an important factor. The main issue is net-connectivity and

Re: [luau] Tried a USB to serial adapter?

2002-11-29 Thread cpaul
I have a Belkin USB to Serial adaptor, and it works great in Linux. On Thu, Nov 28, 2002 at 06:32:42PM -1000, Jeff Mings wrote: Hi Gang, This is a bit off-topic, but others may also find it interesting: Has anyone tried one of the USB to serial port adapters? I just purchased a Dell

Re: [luau] NVIDIA driver and kernel upgrades

2002-11-18 Thread cpaul
Oh, and as an off note.. Anyone else here use Gentoo? I have it on one of my systems and like it quite a bit. I admit that it is a pain to install but you get a custom compiled system that is very responsive. I have installed Gentoo over ALL of my NetBSD systems. It gives me the

[luau] Acrobat Reader

2002-11-03 Thread cpaul
Where is a good place to get a RedHat 8.0 RPM for Adobe Acrobat Reader?

Re: [luau] Postfix

2002-10-26 Thread cpaul
I got postfix running I can send e-mails!!! ... but i cant recieve none :( is postfix smtp/pop server? or just smtp? Postfix is just smtp, unless you are running a mailserver for your domain, you will need a tool like fetchmail in order to recieve your pop/imap mail.

Re: [luau] SPRINT Novatel Merlin C201 CDMA card running under lInux...has extra port??? plus bonus 802.11 USB PITA USB on same notebook.

2002-10-22 Thread cpaul
I've got the CDMA wireless running on my laptop/notebook but am a bit confused regarding the PCMCIA card. Cardctl reports 0x02f8 and 0x03e8 both at irq5 serial_cs catches 2f8 but fails on 3e8 setserial reports /dev/ttyS? as an 'unknown' UART 0x03e8 irq5 so something funny is going on...

[luau] Redhat 8.0 Japanese Input

2002-10-16 Thread cpaul
Aloha, Today I met a Japanese user of our new Linux lab. She was very impressed with the Japanese language support on our workstations, but she was a bit dissapointed to find she couldn't 'input' Kanji into Mozilla. Here's my question: Is there an 'easy' way to enable Japanese/Chinese/Korean

Re: [luau] Mandrake 9 Geforce4 Ti4200

2002-09-30 Thread cpaul
From my limited experience, the only distro with 2.4.19 kernel that works with GeForce4 card is Xandros (beta 3). Perhaps I should not have written off Xandros so quickly. I have heard that, for networking with Windows, Xandros does the best job. Gentoo and Debian work fine with 2.4.19

Re: [luau] ics412: operating systems

2002-09-29 Thread cpaul
This is a senior level computer science course, and none of the C programming for the projects is very difficult. Shouldn't comp-sci grads be able to program? I'll agree with the os stuff is hard argument, but jeez, that's why we have a class on it. So, I guess I'm wondering if I'm

Re: [luau] Eldred v. Ashcroft in Supreme Court

2002-09-28 Thread cpaul
All in all, I would have to say that this is the best news I have heard all week. Thanks Warren On Sat, Sep 28, 2002 at 11:36:36AM -1000, Warren Togami wrote: The Sonny Bono Copyright Term Extension Act otherwise known as the Mickey Mouse Protection Act is going to Supreme court.

Re: [luau] getting system time in milisecs

2002-09-18 Thread cpaul
Another goofy programmer question, what's the fastest and most accurate way of getting the current time in milisecs within a program? I've been calling gettimeofday, but was wondering if there's any better/faster way of doing it? I know of ftime() -- but I think that ftime() is deprecated

Re: [luau] Fuji FinePix 1300

2002-09-18 Thread cpaul
I Have the Fine Pix A101, which I believe is the same one. Any luck getting it to work in PC Camera mode under linux? Brian What is PC Camera Mode?

[luau] Fuji FinePix 1300

2002-09-16 Thread cpaul
CompUSA is having a sale on the Fuji FinePix 1300 -- $99 Here's the tech specs: 1.3 MegaPixels (1.31 million pixels) 1280x960 at 24bits 8MB SmartMedia card included Lens is equivalent to a 36mm (wide angle) Flash 1.6 LCD monitor USB Connector So far, I am having fun with this camera. It

Re: [luau] Terabiz Linux SysAdmin Class in October

2002-09-13 Thread cpaul
If anybody is interested - Date: October 21 - 25th Cost: $1,800 per person Students will: ?? Learn to configure a Linux system for a network. ?? Provide common, Internet-standard services with Linux ?? Create heterogeneous networks ?? Secure a Network ?? Back up Recovery ?? Updating

Re: [luau] Have a drink at the Elks?

2002-09-12 Thread cpaul
While I am supporting of the idea of gathering to discuss business ideas over a couple of drinks, I don't think the Elks would be the ideal place. Could we instead choose a more 'neutral' establishment? How about an Irish pub or Anna Bananas? Aloha, Charles I suggest that, one of these

Re: [luau] Ruby

2002-09-08 Thread cpaul
How many use Ruby to set up their website? I have not used Ruby for web coding, yet. A good Ruby book is 'Programming Ruby: A Pragmatic Programmer's Guide' by David Thomas and Andrew Hunt. What are the pros and cons about Ruby? The pros: Ruby is truly object oriented, simple syntax,

Re: [luau] IMPORTANT - Upcoming List Policy

2002-09-07 Thread cpaul
I always check signatures, by the way... Who gave you my public key? It shouldn't be on the keyservers... In the words of Dr. Strangelove: Yes, but the... whole point of the doomsday machine... is lost... if you keep it a secret! Why didn't you tell the world, eh? pgpb0oCuaLcQD.pgp

Re: [luau] IMPORTANT - Upcoming List Policy

2002-09-05 Thread cpaul
With the Linux for Schools project successfully underway, more and more educators and non-techies are joining this mailing list. The self-censorship that MonMotha mentioned would be ideal, and possibly crucial, to keep these people interested in the Open Source community. Wouldn't they

Re: [luau] incorporation

2002-09-05 Thread cpaul
(This is for Scott) Name is critically important. A good name will be very useful in raising funds. I know most of you guys/gals, very admirably so, don't care much about financial extravaganza. Talk is easy. But to run an entity, only money can do the walk. As someone who has 'walked

[luau] Nvidia X Server

2002-09-05 Thread cpaul
I bit the bullet and swapped out my Radeon 64MB PCI card with a Nvidia Geforce 2 PCI card. Let's just say that I am impressed... The swap was due to poor performance in Windows for Neverwinter nights, and the near impossibility of compiling XFree sources to get the Radeon to work in dri mode.

Re: [luau] IMPORTANT - Upcoming List Policy

2002-09-04 Thread cpaul
Aloha, 2. No childish name calling - this includes Microsoft bashing. This type of banter really pollutes the signal to noise ratio of any group. It scares people. Really. I will elaborate more tomorrow. I fully agree with all of these points, except for #2. Micro$oft bashing is a

Re: [luau] improving sustainable write to disk rates

2002-09-04 Thread cpaul
Can anybody recommend ways of improving write to disk performance under Linux? I've got a system with dual scsi drives attatched via RAID controller set to level 0 (striping), and am getting what I consider to be pretty low long term data rates for what should be a high performance system.

Re: [luau] Hat 7.3 / Drake 8.2 / Simplicity

2002-05-28 Thread cpaul
There are free advice doners and there are donees. Most of us are donees, who, of course, would like to have everything free. Not only we want our questions answered free, we want to have to have them immediately. Within the former catogory, there are also causual doners like many of

[luau] Speaking of Apple...

2002-05-14 Thread cpaul I can sincerely say that this is the finest 1U server ever. -- The human brain is like an enormous fish - it is flat and slimy and has gills through which it can see. - Monty Python GPG key: fingerprint: 4819 FBE0

Re: [luau] Safe to do this?

2002-05-13 Thread cpaul
I would run `sendmail -q` first. This command might take a while to finish however... On Mon, May 13, 2002 at 11:48:41AM -1000, Warren Togami wrote: No, I don't work for RR. They appear to be running some type of Microsoft SMTP server, so they have their own set of problems. -

Re: [luau] NEWS: New Copyprotected CD's destroy iMacs

2002-05-13 Thread cpaul
On Mon, May 13, 2002 at 07:53:47PM -1000, Warren Togami wrote: May I also add that this kind of decisions by Apple just changed my mind about buying a Mac in the near future. With OS X I thought it would be worth it to buy one, but I will not monetarily support a company that panders to this

Re: [luau] Re: LUAU Mailing List Status

2002-05-12 Thread cpaul
Did you have more than one entry in your resolv.conf? On Sun, May 12, 2002 at 01:07:48PM -1000, Warren Togami wrote: The nameserver that Videl was resolving off of went down, so the mail queue on Videl was backed up for the last few days. We have corrected the situation and mail is now being

Re: [luau] MacOS X Questions

2002-05-08 Thread cpaul
On Wed, May 08, 2002 at 05:43:45PM -1000, Warren Togami wrote: I have two MacOS X questions... 1. What is the best VNC client available for MacOS X? Does VNC server work there too? VNC Server works pretty good even over 11mbps 802.11. The VNC client I use is VNCThing. 2. Is there a

[luau] WWW2002 Conference Pass Available

2002-05-06 Thread cpaul
Aloha, I have access to a full pass for the WWW2002 Conference. There are caveats: - This is a full pass, not just a pass for the Plenary or Exhibition, this includes the Tutorial/Workshops and Refereed Paper Tracks. Please, please, please do not take this pass and only attend the Plenary.

[luau] Incident Analysis of a Compromised Redhat Linux 6.2 Honeypot

2002-05-02 Thread cpaul
Interesting Forensics. -- The human brain is like an enormous fish - it is flat and slimy and has gills through which it can see. - Monty Python GPG key: fingerprint: 4819 FBE0 5BE3 83FE E788 1AA4

[luau] This link will irk you...

2002-05-01 Thread cpaul
Woohoo - looks like some of our local companies are seriously dain-bramaged. Check out the depravity at: You were warned, Charles Paul -- The human brain is like an enormous fish - it is flat and slimy and has gills through which it can see. - Monty Python GPG

Re: [luau] This link will irk you...

2002-05-01 Thread cpaul
On Wed, May 01, 2002 at 04:00:50PM -1000, Warren Togami wrote: Konqueror seems to load the page just fine, so this page seems to reject Mozilla and Netscape user agents BY NAME. Do you think this guy is worth a little scolding? Actually, I do. Super Geeks is marketing KimosList.Com as

Re: [luau] This link will irk you...

2002-05-01 Thread cpaul
Maybe, maybe not. Who knows? I went in to meet the President of the company last year to talk about work on KimosList.Com - After I showed up he turned our 'meeting' into an interview for some MCSE service-monkey position he was trying to fill. Not the suavest move. They are not rocket

[luau] WWW 2002 Convention

2002-05-01 Thread cpaul
Linux-Geeks, I will be a staff volunteer at the WWW 2002 Conference on May 7-11 at the Sheraton Waikiki. Next week on Monday will be the staff orientation. My question to LUAU is: Should I try to get a few passes to the Plenary Sessions for LUAU? Aloha, Charles Esteban Paul -- The human

Re: [luau] This link will irk you...

2002-05-01 Thread cpaul
Whoa... that seems a little harsh, eh? On Wed, May 01, 2002 at 06:07:04PM -1000, Joe Linux wrote: My message to the Hawaii BBB. The Supergeeks web site flies the BBB logo but they seem more like Microgeeks to me. They are very poor businessmen as they have a web site that refuses to

Re: [luau] WWW 2002 Convention

2002-05-01 Thread cpaul
On Wed, May 01, 2002 at 05:50:24PM -1000, Ronald Willis wrote: Count me in Charles. No problem Willis. I can't make any guarantees, but I will try and get some passes for you all. (The passes costs $350 per day!) Aloha, Charles -- The human brain is like an enormous fish - it is flat and

Re: [luau] WWW 2002 Convention

2002-05-01 Thread cpaul
Eeek! I meant Ron, not Willis - (This is similar to myself being called, Paul) On Wed, May 01, 2002 at 06:22:40PM -1000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: On Wed, May 01, 2002 at 05:50:24PM -1000, Ronald Willis wrote: Count me in Charles. No problem Willis. I can't make any guarantees, but I will

[luau] Hawaiian Hard Drive Night

2002-04-30 Thread cpaul Sounds like a tech mixer, anyone else going? -- The human brain is like an enormous fish - it is flat and slimy and has gills through which it can see. - Monty Python GPG key: fingerprint: 4819 FBE0

Re: [luau] Join the EFF

2002-04-30 Thread cpaul
You might have to remind them about the T-Shirt. I donated around $120 last year and got squat. On Tue, Apr 30, 2002 at 02:17:41PM -1000, Jeff Mings wrote: I just joined the EFF and noticed that the lowest annual fee is $25, which is pretty darn cheap. I joined at the $65 rate, so I'll get

Re: [luau] Database Presentation Info Needed

2002-04-27 Thread cpaul
Any good Open Source data modeling and management tools with similar functionality to MS SQL Enterprise Manager? My presentation is currently lacking some decent GUI tools and screenshots. I don't want to scare them with command line stuff just yet. ;) The only GUI I have ever used with an

Re: [luau] HOWTO: System Auth with OpenLDAP

2002-04-26 Thread cpaul
On Thu, Apr 25, 2002 at 11:37:29PM -1000, Warren Togami wrote: _auth.html Charles Esteban found this short and useful guide that explains basic authentication with openldap. LDAP is very useful for centralizing

Re: [luau] HOWTO: System Auth with OpenLDAP

2002-04-26 Thread cpaul
Now if we could only get it to work... It is working now - the problem we are having has to do with PHPGroupware setup. A hypothetical: if the single box used to centralize logins and passwords goes down, do the clients lose access to the servers and one another in the network

[luau] UH ITS Job

2002-04-26 Thread cpaul
Aloha, Browsing through Monster.Com this afternoon I saw a couple of postings from the UH ITS Department. Apparently, they need Database/Web developers. Does anybody have experience with this department? Is UH a stickler about IT/Programming staff having Bachelor's degrees? (if it is, I'll

[luau] FreeBSD Local Root exploit... it works ;)

2002-04-23 Thread cpaul
- Forwarded message from Joshua Thayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] - Delivered-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Envelope-to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: Tue, 23 Apr 2002 10:57:16 -0700 (PDT) From: Joshua Thayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: cheers (fwd) X-Return-Path: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

[luau] International SysOp Appreciation Day

2002-04-23 Thread cpaul
May 2nd is International SysOp Appreciation Day. This is the day to show your gratitude to the hard working SysOp who makes the +IT in your organization run smoothly. You can show your respect by giving +candy, flowers, small gifts or even a simple GPG-signed Thank You email. Take care,

Re: [luau] FreeBSD Local Root exploit... it works ;)

2002-04-23 Thread cpaul
Well, according to the Bugtraq list, this is an ancient bug that was reported in 1989. On Tue, Apr 23, 2002 at 08:56:20AM -1000, R. Scott Belford wrote: I did not think *bsd distros had such holes. How long does it usually take the team to patch them? scott

Re: [luau] FreeBSD Local Root exploit... it works ;)

2002-04-23 Thread cpaul
Take a look at this comp.unix.admin posting: On Tue, Apr 23, 2002 at 09:25:00AM -1000, R. Scott Belford wrote: Hold on. This defies all that I