: processes ended. If you're under linux, try running the 'lsof'
: command to see if there are any handles to files marked "(deleted)".
: > Searcher, the old Searcher is closed and nulled, but I
: > still see about twice the amount of memory in use well
: > after the original searcher has been c
I just ran into a similar issue. When you close an IndexSearcher, it
doesn't necessarily close the underlying IndexReader. It depends
which constructor you used to create the IndexSearcher. See the
constructors javadocs or source for the details.
In my case, we were updating and optimizing the
Make sure that the older searcher is not referenced elsewhere otherwise the
garbage collector should
delete it.
Just remember that the Garbage collector runs when memory is needed but not
immediatly after changing a reference to null.
-Message d'origine-
De : Greg Gershman [mailto:[EMA