Re: lyx don't work correctly on redhat 7.0

2001-01-01 Thread Wai-Sun Chia
This is the infamous g++/glibc problem in RH7.0. Pls upgrade your gcc, glibc and binutils to the latest one in Rawhide. ftp://ftp.valin

lyx don't work correctly on redhat 7.0

2000-12-28 Thread belahcene abdelkader
i every body, I have installed in my computer running redhat 6.O, serveral version of lyx with success, from lyx 1.0.4 to the newer one lyx-1.1.5fix2 (using tar.gz or RPM). Now i've bought the version 7.0 there is a problem : for 1.1.5fix2.-1.rpm , the istallation is possible but when you run ly