> *From:* M100 *On Behalf Of *
> bir...@soigeneris.com
> *Sent:* Saturday, November 26, 2022 9:24 AM
> *To:* m...@bitchin100.com
> *Subject:* [M100] Looking for Model 200 on/off switch
> Anyone have a Model 200 parts machine that would not mind parting with the
> on/off s
The lcd on my 200 has horrible contrast. I’d use the thing more but I just
can’t read the screen. Have any of you done any mods/repairs for this?
Would the “bivert mod” common for gameboy DMGs work? (Electronically invert the
screen, and replace the polarizer with a modern one rotated 90)
n Sat, Jul 3, 2021 at 4:32 PM Jeff Gonzales wrote:
> How about a battery cover and hardcase?
> On Sat, Jul 3, 2021, 4:22 PM Scott Lawrence wrote:
>> Hi all. I just got fed up with my lack of any option rom covers for my
>> Tandy 102s, so I created one in tinker
Hi all. I just got fed up with my lack of any option rom covers for my
Tandy 102s, so I created one in tinkercad, and made it available on
Scott Lawrence
Is there a non-destructive way to remove the transparent LCD protector from the
top case of the M102? It seems to be glued in. I haven't really tried
anything yet other than twisting the enclosure to try to pop it off.
anyone have any thoughts?
Scott Lawrence
Is there a non-destructive way to remove the transparent LCD protector from
the top case of the M102? It seems to be glued in. I haven't really tried
anything yet other than twisting the enclosure to try to pop it off.
anyone have any thoughts?
Scott Lawrence
Hey all.
Has anyone made a replacement M100, M102, M200 keyboard PCB? That is to
say a replacement board that lets you drop in Cherry MX style switches, on
this new board, and then replace the original internal keyboard...
Scott Lawrence
eliminating the keycap torque/binding? I imagine my 102's aren't the only
ones with this issue...
Scott Lawrence
Conversely, are replacement bezels available? perhaps in glass?
Scott Lawrence
ferences between the M100/102's rs232 and the T200's?
>> or could the REX that is in the T200 be causing problems? I can't see
>> how it could be but i'm grasping at any straws that could be around.
>> bst rgrds
>> Russell
Scott Lawrence
ere is quite a bit of space left on the default TPDD2 system
> disk. Saving DOS100.CO and DOS200.CO onto that disk would allow a user to
> boot Floppy.CO and then use it to load TS-DOS. Just a thought.
> Kurt
> On Mon, Jul 29, 2019, at 7:19 AM, Scott Lawrence wrote:
> On Jul 29, 2019, at 9:50 AM, Paco wrote:
> Hi, recently I bouht a Tandy Portable Disk
> Drive 2, boxes, full, except this diskette.
> How can i made for DIY a copy of this diskette.
> I'm looking for ebay and Withers website and I dont find an
I have one too that I’ve never really had he time to try to get working. It’s
loaded with ram and some roms.
Available. I’d prefer trading for Amiga stuff but feel free to contact me
Sent from your iPhone.
> On Feb 19, 2019, at 5:45 PM, gotoole wrote:
> Just sent you an off
s transmissions de messages
>> électroniques ne peuvent être garanties.
>> Denk aan het milieu; druk deze pagina en de bijlagen alleen af als het
>> nodig is. Dit e-mailbericht (inclusief zijn bijlagen) is vertrouwelijk en
>> is uitsluitend bestemd voor de geadresseerde. Als dit bericht niet voor u
>> bestemd is, wordt u verzocht het te wissen en de afzender te informeren.
>> Het is in dat geval niet toegestaan dit bericht te verspreiden, te kopiëren
>> of te gebruiken. We kunnen niet garanderen dat de gegevensoverdracht via
>> het internet veilig en nauwkeurig is.
> --
> bkw
Scott Lawrence
On Mon, Dec 10, 2018 at 1:21 PM John R. Hogerhuis wrote:
> In other languages you can't call into the middle of a function. There is
> one entry point, possibly multiple exit points. There's no chance
> unbalanced CALL and RETURN. once you return you're jump to the stacked
> address and you're no
without gosub" error. It seems that a limitation of the model
> 100 is that if you gosub to a subroutine, and then gosub again, it
> will forget that it is it in a subroutine, and not understand the
> retrurn statement. This is obviously a mistake, but it could be put to
> good use. If I am correct about this that is.
Scott Lawrence
Related; what are the bytes that need to be patched in the rom for the
102? I can't find the info online anywhere.
~~ related; is there a disassembly dump of the M102's rom?
On Wed, Nov 28, 2018 at 10:09 PM Scott Lawrence wrote:
> right, or 1900, but that wasn't the point of
e the day of the week with the date.
> And it does not take leap years into account. So if one year such as
> 1979 is identical to another one such as 2007, that has nothing to do
> with anything relating to the Model T.
> On Wed, 28 Nov 2018 at 18:16, Scott Lawrence wrote:
> >
T shows it as a flickering display, but it works perfectly on real
Anyway, neat hack!
Scott Lawrence
Hey all.
I just realized that I never really messed with the tpdd2 drives that I have.
So I did just that last night.
One works perfectly, and looks perfect too. In box, with disk and serial wire
and everything! Yay! The other makes weird whirring noises. I haven’t cracked
it open yet, bu
GOSUB 0, and the handler
> is on line 0. It doesn't raise an error though.
> -Paul
> > On Nov 16, 2018, at 1:11 PM, John R. Hogerhuis wrote:
> >
> > Not that I know of. There might be a hook to modify the behavior of
> gosub with machine language cod
or whatever... although a micropython or lua would
be neat... or at least structured basic without line numbers... I forgot
how much I miss that from AmigaBASIC...)
Scott Lawrence
gt; Don't know about LD players but a stretched or disintegrating belt is
> indeed a common problem with CD and DVD players.
> ----- Original Message -
> *From:* Scott Lawrence
> *To:* m...@bitchin100.com
> *Sent:* Thursday, November 15, 2018 2:01 AM
> *Subject:* Re: [M10
> 100, but I first should get it to work properly. I have a DB15
> connector to build the adaptor already.
> On Wed, 14 Nov 2018 at 19:48, Scott Lawrence wrote:
> >
> > Peter;
> >
> > do you hear anything when pressing Eject on the front panel?
> > O
13 Nov 2018 at 08:16, Scott Lawrence wrote:
> >
> > Yeah. I think this is the method I'm going to go with...
> >
> > I'm working on a laserdisc-based adventure game engine, highly inspired
> by Kevin Savetz' rediscovery of David Lubar's "Rol
> I want to do something like this:
> 10 V = 200
> 30 READ X$
> 40 PRINT X$
> 50 END
> 100 DATA "One hundred"
> 200 DATA "Two hundred"
> And i expect the output of:
> Two hundred
> Instead I get:
> UL Error in 20
> Or am I asking too much from BASIC? ;D
> -s
> --
> Scott Lawrence
> yor...@gmail.com
Scott Lawrence
Two hundred
Instead I get:
UL Error in 20
Or am I asking too much from BASIC? ;D
Scott Lawrence
beginning bit again. but continue on line 100.
But it doesn't seem to work. RUN "file",R only preserves open files, not
Is there a way to do this, is my 2018 software engineering brain
over-solving this, or is there another way to have "library functions"
available to multiple programs without burning a rom. ;)
Scott Lawrence
f the enclosure, and it pops
apart. I managed to get the wiper contacts back in on the side of the
switch that is wired up... I'd really rather not do that again. blagh.
Scott Lawrence
riving the screen. Of course, I didn't
bother measuring voltages before or after...
But anyway, I replaced the 9 caps on the board with new ones, and I don't
think it made that huge of a difference. Are there other components that
should be checked, or are my expectations too modern?
ion is the last one I worked on, and has a little cosmetic
> feature that the top-right corner of TS-DOS on the M100 shows the name of
> whatever directory you are in.
> But it IS working at least this well:
> https://photos.app.goo.gl/N2v6iB45pePNFQNA8
> https://youtu.be/_lFqsHAlLyg
> 70 GOTO 70
> 100 REM Got serial response
> 110 A$=INPUT #2
> 120 PRINT "Got ", A$
> 130 RETURN
> Or, something along those lines.
> Gpd Bless,
> GregS <><
> - Original Message -
> From: "Scott Lawrence"
lays only
> one channel of audio at a time, and jumps to specific frames, presumably in
> response to user input, or I guess it could have been scripted.
> --
> bkw
> On Mon, Oct 29, 2018, 11:27 AM Scott Lawrence wrote:
>> Hi all.
>> So I'm workin
term project for Maker Faire next month, and I don't
have the cash to drop on fancy stuff right now. I'll probably just throw
together a serial-terminal based SD card shell using a spare arduino or
something... Although I'd gladly trade my Booster Pak which i never
really got working for one of those... ;D
Scott Lawrence
lete items you can't actually buy any more.
>> Ok I guess you can get them, or something similar again...
>> http://www.solutions-cubed.com/products-page/connector/dip10/
>> Not sure, maybe you could get that to work for a REX too.
>> The option to solder parallel to the top surface and then bend down
>> really makes a difference though when vertical room is tight.
>> --
>> bkq
Scott Lawrence
Have you considered removing the knob and removing it from the board, and
rebuilding the pot? Clean it all with contact cleaner/tv tuner cleaner,
reassemble it.
I did this for some radio push buttons (the super long ones that turn on and
off like 8 circuits) inside an old graphical equalizer an
On my Amiga, which uses double sided double density media, formatted 880k, I
never was able to use HD floppies. They'd always have formatting issues or
would get disk errors more easily.
Luckily I have a bunch of old hard drive backups from the 90s that are
useless... which means I have a bunch
I've heard that this works even though my gut and knowledge of MP3 compression
tells me that it can't possibly work. ;)
I have one of these radio shack recorders
and it worked ok but the interface is clunky.
Are there docs about exactly what port writes were necessary for the bank
switching? I don't have one just curious about the architecture.
Sent from your iPhone.
> On Jul 26, 2017, at 6:35 PM, Gary Weber wrote:
> Ken,
> While the NEC "All Ram" mode is as easy as copying whatever cont
Sounds like a "War Dialer"
Sent from my fancy-schmancy phone.
> On Jun 22, 2017, at 1:31 AM, Peter Vollan wrote:
> For the Model 100, is there such a thing as a program that will 1)
> call a phone number 2) connect to it 3) log whatever it spits out into
> a file, and 4) when the connection i
o the website of the guy who makes it:
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fsS0E4G310Y
> http://biosrhythm.com/?page_id=1453
> Also included is a link to telnet BBSes...
> http://telnetbbsguide.com/
> Soon as he gets some in, I'm going to get one... or two... or three...
Scott Lawrence
all are really something. Thank you all so much.
On Fri, Jun 9, 2017 at 12:24 PM, Lee Kelley wrote:
> I'd be interested in trading for the purple computing component possibly.
> On Friday, June 9, 2017, Scott Lawrence wrote:
>> Hi all.
lay either to a micro, and have it be a portable modern-speed serial
terminal, or integrate in a full RC2014 Z80 computer into the shell as
well, and have it be a portable RC2014. :) But not at the expense of
destroying a good T. Interfacing to both appear to be fairly
straightforward to do.
Scott Lawrence
Has there ever been a port of CP/M for the 100/102/200 line?
Or, the other way around; Has anyone made modifications to their
100/102/200 to have a compatible architecture for CP/M?
Just thinking that the form-factor would be totally awesome as a CP/M
Scott Lawrence
I'd love to get a pair of those sockets. I am using an Epson Geneva and want to
try out some new cp/m programs on it. I'll make an adapter for my programmer.
Sent from my fancy-schmancy phone.
> On Jan 15, 2017, at 7:35 AM, Brian White wrote:
> I have recieved the Molex sockets. 134 socket
Date: Mon, 5 Dec 2016 08:18:17 -0500
>> From: Anthony Coghlan
>> Like many of us, I would love to use my Model 100 (or newly acquired
>> Model 200) to connect to the Internet, preferably wirelessly.
Scott Lawrence
#x27;m posting
>> a lot of background info so far but hope to get to the repairs soon. And
>> after the Tandy is back in business, I'll move on to my Atari 400.
>> Blog: https://www.vintageboot.net/
>> Twitter: @48kRAM
>> -Josh
Scott Lawrence
It's my understanding that they have a windows app now that will fix it. I just
need to remember to bring it to worn with me at some point. ;)
Sent from my fancy-schmancy phone.
> On May 14, 2016, at 2:17 AM, Willard Goosey wrote:
>> On Fri, May 13, 2016 at 03:18:54PM -040
x27;s running Debian Linux, and I don't know enough about the hardware of
> either to know how similar it is to the Pi. I also don't know it any other
> OS's are available.
> Willard
> Sent from Samsung tablet
Scott Lawrence
e NADSBox and Raspberry Pi. But the NADSBox is expensive
>>> and I am not sure if it is available anymore.
>>> As for Raspberri Pi. It is $35 dollars. I have even seen one for $15.
>>> Even a CHEAP one for $5. But I am not a very technical person or software
>>> programmer or hardware engineer. I am just a basic user and owner of a TRS
>>> 80 Model 100.
>>> Any suggestions or opinions that I can get.
>>> Duane A.
>>> Rejoignez-nous sur Facebook - Volg ons op Facebook
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>>> kunnen niet garanderen dat de gegevensoverdracht via het internet veilig en
>>> nauwkeurig is.
Scott Lawrence
t; using a NADSBox.
> >> I am sure there can be another alternative in storing files, besides
> >> floppy disk and tape media.
> >> Any suggestions. Alot of Model 100 users do not have the MONEY to buy
> the
> >> NADSBox. Plus it is hard to get one if someone needs to get one.
> >> Ken is a regular of this list, but has busy periods and life intrusions
> >> like the rest of us.
> >>
> >> I think the NADS run has completed, and it was deemed uneconomical to
> make
> >> another run. Probably best to consult the list archive for that
> reasonably
> >> recent discussion.
> >>
> >>
Scott Lawrence
I've got a PX8 also. I have to leave it charging for a long time before it
decides to power on. It needs new rechargeable batteries.
Sent from my fancy-schmancy phone.
> On Feb 15, 2016, at 6:45 PM, John R. Hogerhuis wrote:
>> On Mon, Feb 15, 2016 at 1:13 PM, Chris Fezzler wrote:
anyone have the pinout for the data cable? The schematic isn't clear
>> what pin is what apart from the grounds.
>> Thanks,
>> Geoff
> --
> *"I will never in my lifetime make a film that cannot be seen by the whole
> family"* Arther P. Jacobs
Scott Lawrence
> Frederick Whitaker
Scott Lawrence
t’s more like global thermonuclear war — everyone can play,
but nobody really wins.
Scott Lawrence
gt; Subject: Re: [M100] TDock
>> I believe that's the kind of interface that the little ESP8266 wifi
>> modules use. If not, you don't even need a Pi to handle it, just a
>> simple micro like an arduino/atmega would be sufficient... heck, you
>> could even run it on the micro in the ESP8266 module itself.
>> -s
Scott Lawrence
>> I am doing this now with a RPi and a VGA screen.
>> I think that Wifi and internet connectivity delivered directly from TDOCK
>> might be way down the road, but Ken鈥檚 initial design could allow design
>> 鈥渟pace鈥� for that later enhancement.
>> As to Ken鈥檚 question about I/O capability (like A/D and digital pins),
>> that would be nice but not necessary. If you want to touch the real world
>> of sensors, motors, and the like, a serial connection to an Arduino will
>> suffice (cheap hardware and easier programming on the ModelT end). Of
>> course, if a Raspberry Pi were to be used as the engine under the TDOCK
>> hood, I/O pins and HDMI are already there, as well as USB ports for add-ons
>> like Wifi.
>> \
Scott Lawrence
>> On May 13, 2015, at 9:47 AM, "Shaun M. Wheeler"
>> wrote:
>> The only "must" for me would be instant-on. Wouldn't want to sit through
>> a minute of boot screens.
>> On May 13, 2015 8:42 AM, "Scott Lawre
rci de le détruire et
>>> d’en informer l’expéditeur. Toute divulgation, copie ou utilisation de ce
>>> mail est dans ce cas interdite.
>>> La sécurité et l'exactitude des transmissions de messages électroniques
>>> ne peuvent être garanties.
>>> Denk aan het milieu; druk deze pagina en de bijlagen alleen af als het
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>>> Dit e-mailbericht (inclusief zijn bijlagen) is vertrouwelijk en is
>>> uitsluitend bestemd voor de geadresseerde.
>>> Als dit bericht niet voor u bestemd is, wordt u verzocht het te wissen en
>>> de afzender te informeren. Het is in dat geval niet toegestaan dit bericht
>>> te verspreiden, te kopiëren of te gebruiken.
>>> We kunnen niet garanderen dat de gegevensoverdracht via het internet
>>> veilig en nauwkeurig is.
Scott Lawrence
n it isn't reliable. I need to replace the batteries...
On Fri, May 8, 2015 at 3:42 PM, Christopher Barnett Fox wrote:
> Thanks, John!
> On 2015/05/08/, 2:48 PM, "John Gardner" wrote:
>>Ask around here: http://www.vintage-computer.com/vcforum/forum.php
ervice manual, but I can't figure out how to get the LCD cable cover off.
>> I'm trying to follow the directions ("Apply force to the upper center
>> portion of the cable cover and remove it by sliding toward you"). For some
>> reason, pushing in there doesn't have any give, and rather than just prying
>> at the edges and busting the thing into god knows how many pieces, I figure
>> I'm just not smart enough. Any suggestions?
>> Thanks,
>> --Bob
Scott Lawrence
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