Hello James and Bryan,
I'm not really in a position to comment on low vision use of the Mac, but I
know there is a freeware program called Nocturne that will invert your screen,
and also remove your desktop background:
And there is also a shareware program called Black
Hello James,
My first thought is that perhaps your neighbor could provide us with a list of
the current magnification utilities and features they are using or that they
desire to use, and then those of us who have used Zoom could compare and
contrast the features. Do you think that'd be possibl
Hi folks,
I am preparing a quotation for my neighbour who is considering buying a Mac
with related accessories. His situation is rather specialised, but I am curious
to know if Zoom works with applications such as Microsoft Office please? he
does have a Visual Impairment, but may be able to us