I have an Android Nexus 9, a Kindle Fire (modified Android), and a Acer Google
ChromeBook. Also, I have played with a Samsung 7 Edge. Finally, I have played
with a BrailleNote Touch.
Only the Samsung Galacxy 7 Edge and the BrailleNote Touch have functional
alternatives to the angle gestures whi
My understanding is there is at least one blind programmer on the accessibility
team. And, the accessibility team has significant power in Apple.
David Chittenden, MSc, MRCAA
Email: dchitten...@gmail.com
Mobile: +64 21 2288 288
Sent from my iPhone
> On 7/12/2016, at 16:35, Mary Otten wrote:
Not overly concerned but enough to take some steps that are within
my reach. Solar power would be an option except for my location. I do
have some gel batteries which I should check soon.
From E.T.'s Keyboard...
Without H2O there is no life!
On 12/6/2016 8:31 PM,
David, thanks for the clarification. I can give it the old 3 finger tap, I
don’t mind conforming as long as I get the function I want. I did however
write a response based on Mary’s point since it seemed like a sudden change.
> On Dec 6, 2016, at 10:19 PM, David Chittenden wrote:
> Scott,
If you’re that concerned about disasters you might look in to a solar power
source, they come at all price points so you can recharge that battery and or
run other items. There are some solutions that would let you charge a laptop
and or phone easily which would give you more operational time.
Thanks David and Scott. I now see that the better battery life is
compelling for anther reason. Should we experience a major event
courtesy Mother Nature, I could get by while waiting for things to
settle down.
From E.T.'s Keyboard...
Without H2O there is no life!
100% agree with Jonathan, and actually, for the note, this isn't the major bug
I found, though again, I can't state what that bug is. It's not so severe it
renders things uselss, but it is a bit annoying.
- Original Message -
From: Jonathan Cohn
To: macvisionaries@googleg
Who's John? I thought Mark and Cara were the mods of the list.
- Original Message -
From: "Mary Otten"
Sent: Tuesday, December 06, 2016 5:25 PM
Subject: Re: iPhone users of the mail app think twice before upgrading to
10.2 when it comes out
Well I haven't heard John say he's ag
OK Sandy, here's why I mentioned it, and thanks for not giving me any benefit
of any doubt. A lot of people go out and immediately upgrade when they see a
new release. They do it before they see anybody's reporting on anything. Maybe
you are one of those people or not. Point being, this is about
I like that as well, Scott. At least what you have to do now is just put three
fingers on the screen. It's an extra motion, but it's easy. Unlike searching
around among all the crap to find the actual start of the text message in an
open email. Still, I think it should be the other way. It's bee
I really wonder if there are any actual voiceover users on the team that makes
these changes. No voiceover user in his or her right mind would have agreed
with the change on the iPad or the iPhone. It just adds too much extra stuff to
the reading of every single message totally not necessary.
Efficient email has always been one thing that Apple had over android for me.
This breaks it.
Sent from my iPhone
> On Dec 6, 2016, at 7:23 PM, David Chittenden wrote:
> Yes, I always read the messages I open using the two-finger flick up because
> it automatically reads just the em
Yes, I always read the messages I open using the two-finger flick up because it
automatically reads just the email message. I am afraid Apple is bringing mail
behaviour inline with the iPad for consistency. Personally, I would rather see
them bring the iPad inline with the iPhone. I guess it mea
Apple changed this in iOS 10. It is now necessary to perform a three-finger
single-tap to have VO read the preview lines for the message. Again, this is a
specific change instituted by Apple, not a bug. If you prefer the previous way,
send Apple a message telling them.
Kind regards,
Yeah, that's what I always did. Somehow it seemed more intuitive. But if the
Two finger flick up worked as Mary said it use to, that would be a nice easy
way to read a message.
> On Dec 6, 2016, at 9:14 PM, Scott Granados wrote:
> U gave ti adnut U was used ti flicking over to
U gave ti adnut U was used ti flicking over to the start of the text and then
two finger flicking down to read from there. I guess this is just a case of
different usage styles. I can confirm Mary’s observations though and put an
entry in the feedback tool.
> On Dec 6, 2016, at 10:05 PM, Donn
While we’re on this, one thing that went away that I did like in previous
versions is pulling up a subject by swiping would read the first few lines of
the content so you could see if you wanted to open the mail or not. Like in OS
X if you select a topic it reads part of the message the iPhone
Kawal big Harty +1.
If Redmondpie discusses the features openly in front of their hundreds of
thousands of users I suspect a few of us blind folk don’t represent a problem
discussing the same content.
> On Dec 6, 2016, at 5:34 PM, Kawal Gucukoglu wrote:
> I'm so glad we were told what the p
I can confirm this behavior, I duplicated it on my 7+ I just didn’t see it as a
problem. I will however join in reporting it to Apple accessibility straight
away. Mary, did you open a bug ID on the feedback tool, I’ll report there as
> On Dec 6, 2016, at 5:25 PM, Mary Otten wrote:
Hi Mary,
Thanks for cluing us in. While I won't be crazy about that, It wouldn't be a
deal-breaker for me, as I don't use that gesture all that often when reading
mail. That said, I do hope that Apple can get the problem fixed. At the point
that you open a message, there's certainly no need
The larger battery is a big reason, the larger screen size as I have larger
hands and the extra gig of memory that the 7 doesn’t have.
> On Dec 6, 2016, at 9:47 PM, E.T. wrote:
> Weather permitting, I should be getting one of the above. Having looked at
> the specs, 3 things
I find the larger battery to be extremely compelling. I use GPS fairly
regularly. In my 6+, I get significantly more battery life than my 7.
Unfortunately, there were no 7+ available when I needed to get my new iPhone,
and because I have two phone numbers now, I could not wait for the 7+ upgrade
Weather permitting, I should be getting one of the above. Having
looked at the specs, 3 things that differ between the two models.
Screen size/overall size, camera and battery life.
Those of you who have used both, do you find any of these factors
compelling enough to push you to the
Hi all! yes How are youall? Yes, I find the issue that you guys are describing.
Yes, it is a buhg for me. I tus eto read the messages by flicking up and it
read the message. We need to report this to them so the release teh update does
nto ahve any issue. I lok forwardin hearing form yousoon. Th
That was my thought as well. I like the idea of iCloud Drive, but I don't see a
way to get the books from there into iBooks. To be fair, I can play them right
from the iCloud Drive app on iOS, I just can't import them into iBooks for
background playback, keeping my place, etc. I'm thinking iTune
Go for it! Great Mac to learn on.
> On Dec 6, 2016, at 12:33 AM, Simon Fogarty wrote:
> Hi David,
> Slight correction,
> Yosemite was released 2 years ago, 2014,
> El capitan was released last year.
> But still good choice I say get it and learn I still prefer features of
> yocsemite
Okay, is it just me who is like wh? when i see stuff like this, i
mean on the one hand mary tells us that there is a problem, but on the
other hand she don’t?
i will be honest i think it is the most childish mail i have seen for
weeks. If you can’t talk about it , maybe keeping quiet is the bet
OK. Understood. It sounds to me that it’s broken. If they changed it, they
need to be told it was an undesired change.
Take Care
John D. Panarese
Mac for the Blind
Tel, (631) 724-4479
Email, j...@macfortheblind.com
Website, http://www.macfortheblind.com
If people know the difference between closed beta and public beta
and respect the NDA for closed betas, no problem!
The OP did not make that distinction clear in her post. Having done
so would have resolved any concerns. Fair enough?
From E.T.'s Keyboard...
Without H2O there is no lif
Yes, the two finger swipe down and the two finger flick up or as you say. But
in the email app, the two finger flick up has always just read the message text
only. Now, both to finger flick down and two finger flick up read the same
thing, because the focus which is where to finger flick down wi
I might be missing something here, but isn’t the two finger swipe down read
from cursor position down and the two finger swipe up reads everything?
Take Care
John D. Panarese
Mac for the Blind
Tel, (631) 724-4479
Email, j...@macfortheblind.com
Website, http://www.macfortheblind.com
You are a real optimist, John. Since they haven't dealt with it on the iPad
from the very beginning of the iOS beta cycle, and now they broken it on the
phone, I would be shocked if they would actually fix it now. It seems like
they're going the other way. I would certainly hope that you are cor
Well, since the two finger flick up has been working this way since I have been
using iOS, or at least as long back as I can remember in iOS, I would say it is
the expected behavior. And since several people have reported it as a bug, it
seems rather strange that they would compound the problem.
I hardly ever use two finger flick up, because that is the behavior I would
have expected. Two finger flick up is supposed to read from beginning and
two finger flick down from the current location.
I can understand that this would be frustrating but do we have evidence
this is a that the behavior
I'm so glad we were told what the problem was or this thread would have been
pointless. If Apple say things can be discussed in a public beta then for
heaven's sake just put it on this list as you are not breaking any rules and as
it's not illegal to do it as Apple say then for heaven's sake, t
Hi Mary,
No, I have no problems with people in Public Betas who want to present
accessibility warnings. I just don’t want people talking about closed betas or
providing information that Apple has explicitly desired not to be discussed. If
mainstream writers are writing about betas in publicly
Well I haven't heard John say he's against this kind of post, so I'm taking my
chances. The problem is with the two finger flick up when you have opened a
message. It now behaves like the iPad, that is, it reads a whole lot of extra
stuff that you don't need or want to hear, the to field, the fr
To be frank, i don’t think there’s any difference. I’d be glad if it was but i
no longer hold my breath.
> 6 dec. 2016 kl. 21:17 skrev Christopher-Mark Gilland :
> You don't need a bridge to connect up a Sonos system. I, for one don't use a
> bridge, and it works fantastically.
You don't need a bridge to connect up a Sonos system. I, for one don't use a
bridge, and it works fantastically.
On another note, did anyone get the V7 yet of the Sonos controller and try
accessibility with it on the Mac? I'll be doing so shortly to see if it's
any better.
- Orig
I know what you're talking about, and though I can't reveal what it is, I'll
confirm that I think I know what you're referring to, and trust me. You're
not crazy, as I'm most likely having it too.
You're welcome to write me off list if you wanna exchange notes.
- Ori
Just post the problem so we can all post our concerns to Apple if we agree. I
haven’t run in to a problem so it would also be good to see if it’s universal
or not. If you’re not comfortable, write off list and I’ll post it at least
where we shouldn’t have objection.
> On Dec 6, 2016, at 1:08
If that is the case, it would be really helpful to the rest of us to know what
the issue in question is. Otherwise people are just raising the alarm but not
letting anyone know why.
> On Dec 6, 2016, at 12:03 PM, Scott Granados wrote:
> I couldn’t disagree more strongly.
> Whe
My Sonos is connected to wifi through a wireless router and a Sonos Bridge,
although i don’t know if the bridge plays a part in connecting or not.
The app is surprisingly accessible both on iOs and Android but the experience
on the mac isn’t so nice.
Hope this helps.
> 6 dec. 2016 kl. 1
I agree with you, Scott. But since the list admin of at least one of the lists
which I have posted has explicitly stated that they do not want such
discussions on list, I felt the only thing I could do was say that there is a
problem, and people should wait until the final comes out, hear what t
I couldn’t disagree more strongly.
When our access is concerned and someone wants to raise concerns I think it’s
critical that they do so and this is the public beta. I actually called Apple
and was told that discussions like these were permitted. Also consider that
Redmondpie gives an update
Can't we keep this off list 100%? If 10.2 is still in beta then its
off topic, yes? Where is that discussion group for beta testers?
From E.T.'s Keyboard...
Without H2O there is no life!
On 12/6/2016 9:52 AM, Mary Otten wrote:
Well, I did confirm off list with an
Hi Mary, I am a member of the beta problem and I have noticed no issues with
mail with either speech or braille.
Can you please elaborate off list?
God bless.
Matthew Dierckens
Certified Assistive Technology Specialist
Macintosh, IOS and Windows Trainer
JAWS for windows Certified - 2016
Well, I did confirm off list with another beta user who is having the same
issue I am having. So I know it isn't just me, running beta six on an iPhone 7
Plus. Maybe this issue doesn't bother you as much as it does me. And this other
Sent from my iPhone
> On Dec 6, 2016, at 9:51 AM
I have not had any issues with mail on 10.2 on the 7+ running Beta 6 of the
10.2 train.
> On Dec 6, 2016, at 12:48 PM, Mary Otten wrote:
> If you are a heavy user of the iPhone mail app, don't rush to upgrade to 10.2
> if you are not already in the beta program. Since I suppose were not sup
If you are a heavy user of the iPhone mail app, don't rush to upgrade to 10.2
if you are not already in the beta program. Since I suppose were not supposed
to say what is the problem on some of these lists, I won't. Just saying, don't
do it before you hear about the problem if it doesn't get fix
Hi krister,
How does your Sonos unit connect to your network? And do you find the Sonos
app accessible? Feel free to write off list since I'm probably straying into
an off-list topic.
Many thanks for responding
> On 6 Dec 2016, at 14:14, Krister Ekstrom wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a Son
would adding them to iCloud drive and then opening them in iBooks work?
> On 5 Dec. 2016, at 2:57 am, Tim Kilburn wrote:
> Hi,
> As far as I know, there's no facility for you to auto-sync Audio Books
> through iCloud. At the moment, this would need to be accomplished through
I have a Sonos Connect amp sitting here. I also have a pair of regular hifi
speakers connected to them and it sounds quite good, i’d say.
> 6 dec. 2016 kl. 14:04 skrev Andrew Lamanche :
> Hi,
> I've been following some of the discussions on Sonos because for quite a
> while I'
Hi all,
I updated to Sierra the other day and I have a problem I can’t seem to solve. I
work in Spanish and English. I have my default voice set to Ines from Infovox,
and my English voice set to Sharon. I used to sue activities and just switch
back and forth as needed. It seems to work just fi
I've been following some of the discussions on Sonos because for quite a while
I've been wanting to go that way for my listening. I wonder whether anybody on
the list has Sonos connect:AMP. In its description it says that one could
connect old speakers to it and use Sonos wifi capabilitie
My first thought is the view setting. If folders normally open instead of just
expand, I'm guessing you usually use List View? Try pressing cmd-2 to get back
to that view.
Sent from my iPhone
> On Dec 5, 2016, at 23:03, Joseph Norton wrote:
> Hi list:
> I am just now getting back into
Hi, thanks, yes. That did indeed help.
Seeing a MacBook pro on an Alva like the laptops of old brings a nostalgic
smile to my face.
Warm regards,
Brandt Steenkamp
Sent from my Macbook Pro
Private: +27 (0)60 525 9181
For technical support with iOS: +27 (0)78 120 5013
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