Subscribing to podcasts in iTunes [was Re: Downloading MP3, thank you]

2010-03-30 Thread Esther
Hi Sarah, I've always been able to use either method for subscribing to podcasts in iTunes: (1) finding the podcast in the iTunes Store and subscribing or (2) add the podcast feed in the Advanced menu of iTunes. Admittedly, I don't use the second method as often now, since if I use the

Re: Subscribing to podcasts in iTunes [was Re: Downloading MP3, thank you]

2010-03-30 Thread Karen Lewellen
Hi Esther, asking this out of curiosity? We have a station here n Toronto who has just switched to providing their podcasts only via itunes, as in the link looks for itnues on your computer before even letting you consider getting the show, smiles. It is frustrating as I was previously

Alternate playback methods for podcast subscriptions [was Re: Subscribing to podcasts in iTunes [was Re: Downloading MP3, thank you]]

2010-03-30 Thread Esther
Hi Karen, Are you using a different podcatcher for the podcasts? When you say you were subscribed via e-mail do you meant that they e-mailed the podcast as an attachment each time there was a new episode? Also, are you playing these all on a Mac, or are you sharing with a Windows