braille display vs braille note takers.

2013-08-18 Thread Chenelle Hancock
Hello Everyone, I will be starting a brand new job in Las Vegas Nevada. I have to choose between the 40. cell brailliant and the Braille sense you too. I will be working with the windows platform. So I wanted someone's advice about which one I should get for work purpoqes. Thanks

Re: braille display vs braille note takers.

2013-08-18 Thread Les Kriegler
Hi Chenelle, This is an interesting and difficult question to answer. I am fortunate to have access to the 2 devices you are inquiring about. I recently purchased the u2. Both have definite strongpoints. It really depends what you need to do on your new job. While I currently use the

Re: braille display vs braille note takers.

2013-08-18 Thread erik burggraaf
Hi, Well, strictly speaking this is OT for the list. I do training on these devices and also recommendations for employment supports. If you want to email me off list, go right on ahead. I can tell you that the braille sense u2 is a smaller braille display than the brailliant. The U2 has an