Re: MI-L Discussion: Should a version of Integrated Mapping replace MapX?

2002-05-17 Thread LVN
Hi Brad, You're tapping into the frequently occuring discussion about having a full fledged COM model in Pro, just like several unnamed competitors. As far as I understand, this COM model's on it's way, but it involves porting Pro to the same code base MapX is derived from, and that task seems

Re: MI-L Reseting Centroids

2002-05-10 Thread LVN
Hi Domingo, The only way I know to have MapInfo Pro recalculate centroids of regions etc. is to export to MIF, remove the lines with Center information, and re-import. MapInfo has the in-built inconsistency, that a centroid is maintained seperately from the object, and can be forced to be even

MI-L Vedr.: MI-L RE: GISList: Protecting GIS data (cross-posted)

2002-04-30 Thread LVN
Hi, I've opted for this functionality a long time. But MapInfo Corp. unfortunately don't seem particularly interested in providing the framework for implementing protected data sets in MapInfo products, which is a shame. Especially since it would be fairly easy for them to enable adding a low

RE: MI-L Mapinfo/VB

2002-02-22 Thread LVN
Hi Dave, Alternatively you could add a Global flag variable in your MapBasic app, keep track of it's value from your VB app, and set it from in the MB app whenever you need the VB app to react to some situation. It's not a genuine real time interrupt, but a polled (e.g. timed) one, but it will

Re: MI-L Integrated Mapping: Selection changed

2002-01-24 Thread LVN
Hi, I don't think you can do that without haaving a small embedded MBX helping you out. But if you have, there might be an analytical solution. Some time back Mike Katz proposed using the SelChangeHandler to obtain the original rowids for selected records in this way: 1. Loop thru the

RE: MI-L Creating a TAB from a Visual Basic Program

2002-01-18 Thread LVN
Hi Alejandro, Alas, integrated mapping won't work if you don't have MI Pro installed. And MapX doesn't support Mif/Mid. You may build the layer from scratch in MapX, as Deepak Kaul suggests, but it seems like a long-cut (if such an expression exists :-)). Instead you may be able to integrate

RE: MI-L Charset change on empty table

2002-01-10 Thread LVN
Hi Laurence, You should definitely log this errornous behaviour as a bug with MapInfo, if you haven't already done so. Imagine if MI Pro tried to be just as smart by resetting the projection/coordsys (to lat/long) if the table was (accidentially) emptied !!! Best regards / Med venlig hilsen

RE: MI-L Set map XY Units bug or WAD?

2002-01-09 Thread LVN
Hi Jacques, I think it's very importent not to be confused when dealing with this question, since it's both very complex and actually one of MapInfo's strong points, so we better get it straight once and for all. This is what I know: Basically there are three independent views of coordinate

Vedr.: Re: MI-L Integrated Mapping: Calling a function in MBX

2001-12-11 Thread LVN
Hi both, Kaul: You can't use an ActiveX DLL from MapBasic, so that idea won't work. Only plain DLLs are usable, which puts VB out of the question. You'll need C++ or Delphi to build your DLL. David: Yes, you can call individual MapBasic subroutines in Integrated Mapping, but not as easily as

MI-L North Pole imagery ?

2001-08-09 Thread LVN
Hi list, Anyone on this list have an idea to where I can find a decent, but not too detailed, satellite image of the North Pole region, e.g. down to latitude 60 ? Preferably one that fairly easy to register into MapInfo. Best regards / Med venlig hilsen Lars Nielsen

Vedr.: RE: Vedr.: MI-L Embebing text to jpg files

2001-06-05 Thread LVN
Juanse, If you overlay the picture/layer with a vector layer stuffed with (e.g. invisible) regions, these regions may be used to hotlink to your ressources. This is quite equivalent to image maps in HTML, and should work right away.The hotlink spots will appear to be situated on the photo

Vedr.: MI-L Event Recording

2001-06-01 Thread LVN
Hi Brian, First of all you'd need to make a custom (e.g.) VB app to get full control of the needed menu items. If you want to use MI Pro as your platform, you'd have to battle it for the lucrative key strokes like F1-F10 and ctrl/shift combinations. Secondly, for interfacing with the GPS, you

Vedr.: MI-L Embebing text to jpg files

2001-06-01 Thread LVN
Hi Juanse, Any picture/raster image opened in MI Pro is done so in a mapper window. This also applies even if the image is only viewed and not geo-registered. The only difference from a real mapper window is the projection, which in case of the viewed image is NonEarth (paper-like coordinate

Re.: MI-L Intranet/Internet Mapping Solutions / MapXtreme vs. ArcIMS- general comment

2001-04-06 Thread LVN
Hi Tony, "Low-cost" usually implies either a simple solution or a solution based on a lot of non-integrated parts. Which are you looking for ? :-) The only professional off-the-shelf solution for simple deployment I've seen, is Push'n'See from Korem (, but that may be

Vedr.: Re: Vedr.: MI-L Large PDF output

2001-03-08 Thread LVN
Hi both, Uh-oh. Seems I got my neck in a noose. Gotta see if I can ease it out again :-) I was referring to a snippet from the documentation for a programming library we just purchased to generate PDF files: PDFlib ( First of all, the manual states (on page 11) : (...) In

Vedr.: MI-L Large PDF output

2001-03-06 Thread LVN
Hi Tim, I just encountered an information snippet stating that the PDF format in version 1.2 (a ka Acrobat 3) has a page limit of 45". Acrobat 4/PDF v 1.3 has a limit of 200", which should be adequate in your case. So it might be a PDF format/Acrobat version related problem. Best regards Lars

Vedr.: RE: Vedr.: Re: MI-L Unexpected SQL Select Results

2000-12-13 Thread LVN
Hi Rinus, You're right, I was wrong. I've always regarded all subselects as joins, but that's not correct in all cases, e.g. in this. And it's a bug. In an alphanumeric scenario, you get what you expect. But when you use objects, MapInfo gets all confused, and acts very strange. You get a