Hi Mike,
MIPro doesn't support null dates afaik. A retrieved null date results in
a bogus date of "Dec 31,1899", "Jan 1,1900" or "Jan 1,1970", I forget which.
If you're using MS/SQL, you can utilize its isnull() function in your
query, and set a specific date in case of a null value, e.g.
My thought was to use the Int() to check whether there was a date in the
column, but this doesn't seem to be working:
Set Map Layer 1 Label With Left$(FormatDate$(ABDDATE),
I think the problem is that the expression will try to evaluate the
Not sure if this is what you want.
But you could pass your dates (converted to strings first) to this
function to test them before doing the labelling:
Function IsDate(sDateText as string) as logical
OnError goto Error_IsDate
dim iDay as smallint
iDay = Day(sDateT
Hi Mike
Its a quick response, not thought through properly but why accept null
dates in your database? Could you allow a "formatable" date like
Microsoft's 1/1/80 to mean "null" . Then update your databases "once and
for all" to these values. Any programs adding data would need to enforce
this rul