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The struggle for Palestinian liberation continues to develop in interesting
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How abject can Abbas be?
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As a non-Apple consumer this article seens a useful corrective to the
ongoing deisat
> and peaceful solution, in the exercise of self-determination.
> Cuba claims that nothing can justify killing innocent peopl
Greg Adler
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A goo
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John Pilgers take on the suddenly brave pollies and "quality"newspapers
on th
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This amazing you tube clip shows Rebekah Brooks the editor of the soon to be
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TV report shows Australian complicity In Abu Grahib atrocities
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Does anyone on the list have access to this article -the AHA one
aand able to post i
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A brief but interesting history of imperialism bombing Arabs.
to be impressed by that.
At no time did it seem to be the remotest possibilty of getting a 100
cents-so I never sought the press money.
Greg Adler
On Mon, Jun 6, 2011 at 8:29 AM, Ozleft wrote:
> ==
> Rule #1: YOU MUST cl
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Imran Khan is a former captain of the Pakistani cricket team
and a vocal opponent of corruption in the country.
Greg Adler
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The PA was a trap for the Palestinian people that has worked wonderfully
for Israel
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It's not imperialism at fault its those whacky Afghan parents who dip their
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Fisk remains the best mainstream reporter on the "Middle East"
the only major proble
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For once Bono appears to have got it more or less right.
world is awake.
The old spectre haunts Washington'Tel Aviv London Canberra and all
the capitals of imperialism and its lickspittles.
What next-yes we know there are a multitude of dangers but for the moment
Rejoice Rejoice
Viva Egypt
Viva the revolution
Greg Adler
On Sat, Feb 12, 2011 at 4:
the USSR
The Revolution Betrayed by Leon Trotsky
Greg Adler
On Mon, Feb 7, 2011 at 10:28 AM, Ethan Young wrote:
> ==
> Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a m
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A different perspective on Egypts struggle
ideas in theory
and practice and
happily miring themselves in coruption and cronyism.
Finally he was killed by a Hindu extremist.
I think its highly likely that Ghandi is more revered by some non-Indians
than he is by
many Indians.
Greg Adler
On Mon, Jan 31, 2011 at 4:21 PM, J
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The Egyptian authorities resort to desperate measures
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Wonderful gallery of women in the developing revolution
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We will not be silenced.Whether you are Muslim, whether you are Christian
whether yo
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A powerful exposure of the brutality of Israels war on Gaza in the words
of its own
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This is amazing getting the coverage from various sources inspite
of attempts to gag
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Very interesting to contrast the braying of Obama in the sotu address
claiming to su
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