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Erik wrote:
> Leaving a bit the graphic novels, the other great African American c
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"The artist for It Rhymes With Lust was Matt Baker, one of the few black
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While not technically "cartoons" or "comics" the "wordless novels" of Lynd Ward
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From: Erik Toren
> Maybe then Will Eisner?
Eisner is a good guess. Apparently his
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Maybe then Will Eisner?
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On 11/6/11 8:53 PM, Erik Toren wrote:
Before: maybe Robert Crumb.
Not as far as
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Before: maybe Robert Crumb. After: Love and Rockets by the Hernandez
On No
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On 11/6/11 8:09 PM, Ethan Young wrote:
There were graphic novels before and after
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For the general reader as well as for someone like me who grew up in
what amounted