Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Lady Gaga

2010-10-11 Thread steiger2001
__ Od: c b Komu: Forum for the discussion of theoretical issues raised by Karl Marx and thethinkers he inspired , Datum: 11.10.2010 17:07 Předmět: [Marxism-Thaxis] Lady Gaga Lady Gaga

Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Lady Gaga

2010-10-11 Thread steiger2001
Lady Gaga may be a remarkable cultural phenomenon of the beginning of this century but I still do not understand why a reprint of the Wiki information on her should be sent around on a forum for the discussionof theoretical issues raised by KARL MARX. Are we therefore supposed to be thinkers

Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Lady Gaga

2010-10-11 Thread steiger2001
by Karl Marx and thethinkers he inspired Datum: 11.10.2010 20:38 Předmět: [Marxism-Thaxis] Lady Gaga steiger2001 Lady Gaga may be a remarkable cultural phenomenon of the beginning of this century but I still do not understand why a reprint of the Wiki information on her should be sent around

Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] People's Democracy

2010-03-13 Thread steiger2001
Having lived through the  whole period  - as well as before - of people´s democracy as well as real socialism which followed in Czechoslovakia I can only shake my head when reading on something like creative application of what used to be called Matxim - Leninism. I was even a member of the CP

Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Foucault’s Discursive Subject by Blunden

2009-11-25 Thread steiger2001
Not being able to download the article I would appreciate being sent the password. Thanks! __ Od: CeJ Komu: Datum: 26.11.2009 03:33 Předmět: Re: [Marxism-Thaxis]Foucault’s Discursive Subject by

Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Now out: The Gramscian Moment. Philosophy, Hegemony and Marxism - Peter D. Thomas

2009-11-12 Thread steiger2001
I wonder how many readers)subscribers on this list can afford to spend 170 dollars for one book. My library will unfortunately hardly be able to buy it - not to speak about myself. That is my only objection. Stephen Steiger, Prague __

Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Ghosts of Germany's Communist Past Return forElection

2009-08-31 Thread steiger2001
This is a partly at least misleading report not taking into account the changes that one of the constituent elements of Die Linke - ie the former PDS which arose from the eastern Communist Party, SED - went through nor does it take into account what the West German element, originally called

Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] My Essays Are Available

2009-07-25 Thread steiger2001
Dear Dogan: Thanks a lot for your essays. I am sorry not being able to read those in Turkish but those in English or German are interesting as much. I do hope I can read (and perhaps even comment) some of them soon I have to apologize for not having translated yet the Losurdo discussion sofar -

Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] An anti-imperialist perspective

2009-06-25 Thread steiger2001
Being not of the old list members I would very much appreciate being told the source of this extremely interesting document. Thanks in advance. Stephen Steiger __ Od: Komu:

Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Reports on Hu Jintao's visit to Cuba:

2008-11-25 Thread steiger2001
It is an irony reading about a meeting of two men both of which claim -- though the Chinese do not do it very poften these days any more -- being Marxists when none of them actually is neither a democrat nor a socialist. They both rule over people who did not elect them and, would they wish to

Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Moral hazard

2008-10-10 Thread steiger2001
Would you kindly tell me where I could read the full text of this message ie including the notes? Thanks. Stephen Steiger P.S. If you answer me please send the answer to [EMAIL PROTECTED], as my server does not serve with incoming messages.

Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Babylonia - Mesopotamia

2008-08-13 Thread steiger2001
Having just read David´s announcement on his edtion of Marx´ Ethnological Notebooks I would like to know what - if any - differences - improvements, changes - this edition may have compared what I have in front of me and which is Lawrence Krader´s edition of 1974 published by Van Gorcum, Assen,

Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Studying philosophy at the New School

2008-08-13 Thread steiger2001
I fully agree with CB´s point of view but would add only this to his last paragraph: unfortunately, it i not only the weapons of mass destruction that make the bourgeoisie (BTW an almost outdated term - it´s the ruling classes which is not a simple identification with the bourgeoisie) - so

Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Fidel Castro on Czechoslovakia in 1968:

2008-08-06 Thread steiger2001
If there would be nothing else but Fidel´s judgment on Czechoslovakia in 1968 for those who like me have been living in this country at the time and been experiencing the unique process called Prague Spring - including its end by the Soviet invasion - that judgment would  stop us to regard

Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Interview with D Losurdo and A Arndt

2008-07-29 Thread steiger2001
Dear colleague (or comrade): I would very much appreciate your sending me the text of your interviews as I am very much interested both in the Hegel-Marx-dialectics and Professor Losurdo´s opinion. Thanks. Stephen Steiger __ Od:

Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Interview with D Losurdo and A Arndt

2008-07-29 Thread steiger2001
Lieber Dogan, vieln Dank für Deine prompte Antwort einschl. des Textes. Ich werde in den nächsten Tagen versuchen die Interviews ins Tschechische zu übertragen und sie mindestens auf der Webseite eines (kleinen) Diskussionskreises genannt SoK (Sozialistischer Kreis) zu veröffentlichen. Mit

Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Ruthless critic of actually existingrevolutions

2008-05-25 Thread steiger2001
ballistanc I agree completely -- am not opposing you but CB. Not many would probably accept your view of Octoberbut I find it a good formula. __ Od: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Komu: Forum for the discussion of theoretical issues raised by Karl

Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Is there a political crisis in the U.S. rulingclass ?

2008-02-17 Thread steiger2001
Dear Charles, could you please concretize your theory of the subversion of the Democrats by working class forces? The unions´ bureaucracy is not a glaring example of workers´ - and even if the democrats were subverted what does it mean for the elites = ruling class? Excuse a Central European

Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] October Revolution and Kolonialism

2007-08-27 Thread steiger2001
Lieber Genosse, Leider ist des von Ihnen angesprochenen Papers nicht beigelegt. Ich würde es gerne lesen. Werden Sie so freundlich und senden Sie mir es by Email? Vielen Dank Štěpán Steiger, Prag __ Od: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Komu:

Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] #21487; #31505; #28040; #24687; #65292; #20826; #21592; #27599; #26376; 800#22359; #34917; #36148; #12290;

2007-04-26 Thread steiger2001
I am sorry but receiving numbvers (figures) as you see below doesn´t mean anything for me. Stephen __ Od: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Komu: Datum: 26.04.2007 06:30 Předmět: [Marxism-Thaxis] amp;#21487;

Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] shamefaced materialism revisited

2007-02-18 Thread steiger2001
Dear Mr. Dumain: Trying to read Marxism-Thaxis I appreciate it very much -- as much as I do concerning [EMAIL PROTECTED] To my surprise, however, I found only today that the name of Maximilien Rubel is missing among Marxist writers in the Archives. Would you please explain to me how such an

Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Eastern Europe in political disarray

2006-10-23 Thread steiger2001
This is a typical Westlook on the part of Europe which in zhe old cold-war fashion is called Eastern thouh a look on the map shows it to be Central and not Eastern at all. I may react with some more details tomorrow but I cab say in advance that to quote this report on a supposedly Marxist

Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] 1956 Hungarian Revoolution

2006-10-21 Thread steiger2001
Dear Dogan: Providing asylum for those who have to seek for it does not make a country neither progressive nor liberal -- and not at all socialst. Your are right on contradictions. But basically -- the character of the regime with its one-party system, suppression of any opinion that the ruling

Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] 1956 Hungarian Revoolution

2006-10-21 Thread steiger2001
An attempt at answering some of your questions -- since ansqwering all of them would need erither a book or a two-day conference. (Maybe I can answer some other points later.) Workers´ councils. Formed at some factories outside of Budapest (the capital which otherwise was the centre of the

Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] 1956 Hungarian Revoolution

2006-10-19 Thread steiger2001
If those who do not remember that the Hungarian uprising created the first (and only) real soviets - workers´ councils - in Central Europe do not want to celebrate this anniversary -- what do they understand of Stalinist regimes? I lived the whole period there, in socialist Czechoslovakia, so I