Re: M-TH: Re: Smith and Cuckson on Lenin philosophy

2000-07-07 Thread Hugh Rodwell
Gidday to you too, my slippery eel! You write: I hope we focus on the categories SC make salient, but fail to tell us just what these might be... rather than do that old "Lenin was Marx in practice!" "No he wasn't!" quote-mongering dance, again. We've an archive choc-full of that stuff

Re: M-TH: Lenin and the working class

2000-05-23 Thread Hugh Rodwell
Title: Re: M-TH: Lenin and the working class LO All, Consequently it would seem that Lenin's vanguardist elitism was a necessary tool. But the theory of the vanguard is predicated on Lenin's (false) assumption of an inherently revolutionary working class - i.e. that if the working class is

M-TH: Making friends

2000-05-16 Thread Hugh Rodwell
Love to, Bob, only I'll be alphabetising the spicerack for the foreseeable future ... Yours-in-search-of-a-party-who-reckon-agreeing-on-the-social-ownership-and-contr ol-of-the-means-of-production-is-more-than-enough-reason-to-be-friends, Rob. Burn the spicerack,Rob, make yourself comfortable

M-TH: COMP: Honor System Virus (mutation)

2000-05-12 Thread Hugh Rodwell
=== This virus works on the honor system If you are running a Macintosh, OS/2, Unix, or Linux computer, please randomly delete several files from your hard disk drive and forward this message to everyone you know. = ---

Re: M-TH: Membership etc

2000-05-07 Thread Hugh Rodwell
G'day George, There is a way to do this, but I'm not sure whether everyone has access to it (I really don't grasp the technology's workings, I'm afraid). I don't think this list has discussed a policy on disclosing the e-identities of subscribers. For my part, I am happy for such disclosure to

M-TH: Re: Revolution and the tasks of the day

2000-04-04 Thread Hugh Rodwell
Gidday Rob, Sez Hugh of the little disagreement of late: it's part of the struggle for the leadership of the working class, It might be an analogue of some such struggle in some place and time, but I doubt anyone here really seeks to lead the working class. I don't anyway. Always the

M-TH: Revolution and the tasks of the day

2000-03-31 Thread Hugh Rodwell
Dave thinks: This discussion is a load of shit. Not really, it's part of the struggle for the leadership of the working class, which at the moment is in the hands of the Social-Democrats and is being mainly contended for by equally worthless ex-Stalinists, sceptical New Lefters (often one and

M-TH: Market socialism the 90s

2000-03-29 Thread Hugh Rodwell
If market socialism is such an attractive alternative, and vastly to be preferred to party dicatatorships, and capable of arising more or less spontaneously in periods of mass mobilization, then why a) did it not arise spontaneously in the wake of the collapse of the Soviet Union, either there

M-TH: Re: Market socialism the 90s

2000-03-29 Thread Hugh Rodwell
Hugh Rodwell wrote: If market socialism is such an attractive alternative, and vastly to be preferred to party dicatatorships, and capable of arising more or less spontaneously in periods of mass mobilization, then why a) did it not arise spontaneously in the wake of the collapse of the Soviet

M-TH: Re: Market socialism the 90s

2000-03-29 Thread Hugh Rodwell
Michael P writes: Can't say I'm a very happy left social democrat, Why ever not? but in the absence, of a mass, radical democratic left, I'll take working in the less reality impaired precincts of the social democratic swamp. Try draining it. At least they have read and thought and

Re: M-TH: Re: superexploitation

2000-03-28 Thread Hugh Rodwell
George G writes: I wouldn't mind your comments on this particular issue related to Marxist economics. In a discussion on the situation of the working class under the neo-liberal push towards globalization and the effect that this is having on the people's of the developing countries. It was

M-TH: Re: Capital is wrong (production for sale, or not)

2000-03-28 Thread Hugh Rodwell
Rob huffs and puffs a bit: C'mon Hugh! I argue that a socialist economy might need the market mechanism (for I can see nothing else that would do the particular job of producing and distributing use values) and you tell me there's going to be abundance, that "there is *no* scarcity", that

M-TH: Re: Capital is wrong (production for sale, or not)

2000-03-27 Thread Hugh Rodwell
Doug Henwood quotes me: This is clearly the stumbling block. Joanna sees a kind of transitional phase between bourgeois ownership of the means of production and proletarian ownership. As if the bourgeoisie would let go of them without some other force immediately taking over the reins of

M-TH: Re: Capital is wrong (production for sale, or not)

2000-03-27 Thread Hugh Rodwell
Rob quotes important bits of Trotsky relating to the market. This doesn't mean that Trotsky in any way viewed the system he is talking about as *market socialism*. He's talking about a dictatorship of the proletariat in which the smooth running of central planning depends to a great extent on

Re: M-TH: Re: Capital is wrong (production for sale, or not)

2000-03-26 Thread Hugh Rodwell
Dave B writes: Further to Hugh's. Isnt capitalism generalised commodity production which includes labour-power i.e. wage-labour? Very much so. Prior to capitalism commodity production was secondary to use- value production, and typically not by means of wage labour. Therefore the socially

M-TH: Re: Capital is wrong (production for sale, or not)

2000-03-26 Thread Hugh Rodwell
But to say this is to say that productivity is a purely bourgeois concept. Yes, it is. Which is crap. No, it isn't. Oh yes it is!!! Bourgeois productivity is a purely bourgeois concept. Productivity as such isn't at all. Smallest possible input of materials and labour time for greatest

M-TH: Re: fixed capital

2000-03-18 Thread Hugh Rodwell
Jerry quotes from Capital II: For instance, consider the following, from Ch. 8 , on the subject of labour expended on the repair of fixed capital: "The fixed capital however requires also a positive expenditure of labour for its maintenance in good repair. The machinery must be cleaned from

M-TH: Re: fixed capital?

2000-03-16 Thread Hugh Rodwell
Russ writes: This commoditiness is social, it is not in the object itself. It extends only so long as the object is _available_ for exchange. Robinsonades are always useful here: when a buccaneer steals some treasure it is still a commodity, but when he buries his treasure it ceases to be one.

Re: M-TH: Re: fixed capital?

2000-03-16 Thread Hugh Rodwell
On Thu, 16 Mar 2000 14:25:56 +0100 Hugh Rodwell said: ... And it's the same with factories I guess. But I wonder whether, from a Marxist angle, if this is all an absurdity: can capital _ever_ be truely fixed? The reason he called it fixed was that unlike labour-power it wasn't a factor

M-TH: Re: Capital and Capital

2000-03-12 Thread Hugh Rodwell
When I wrote: Selling your own labour-power is not where power and prosperity is at. Selling other people's labour is. I was asked: Well, unless you're an artist or a novelist -- someone who produces something completely "useless". Or? And I replied: The petty-bourgeoisie is in-between the

M-TH: Capital and Capital

2000-03-11 Thread Hugh Rodwell
What else does Marx do in "Capital" besides offend Owzyerfather's complacent notions of Common Sense? Well, among other things he gives us the most adequate analysis yet provided of capitalism in the form of a NATURAL HISTORY OF THE COMMODITY. The transformation of the product of human labour

Re: M-TH: Livingstone stands in London

2000-03-08 Thread Hugh Rodwell
At 10:28 07/03/00 -0500, you wrote: If this guy passes Hugh's test, he ain't no sellout. CB He's not a sell out. He is courageous and shrewd. But that does not stop him being an opportunist. If he wins, and it is more than likely, since he will get the largest first preference votes, and will

Re: M-TH: Livingstone stands in London

2000-03-06 Thread Hugh Rodwell
Chris B informs us that Ken Livingstone has taken the plunge, broken his word, and announced he is standing for the new post of Mayor of London, against the official Labour candidate Frank Dobson. Very briefly cos I'm absolutely whacked... While Livingstone has indeed gone back on what he said

M-TH: Re: Monthy Review - friend or foe

2000-03-02 Thread Hugh Rodwell
Doug H amazed us all by writing about the shenanigans at the Monthly Review: Internal disputes. My lips are sealed, except to say it's more a clash of personalities than political principles. Such loyalty! And yet so revealing! Now let's see -- a megaphone for bureaucratic-academic scepticism

M-TH: Counter-factual?

2000-03-01 Thread Hugh Rodwell
Rob writes: Time for Doug (to whom, many thanks for letting Hugh's little gratuity glide past) to put his finger to the pulse, I reckon. Wassa story, Doug? Not gratuitous, pregnant with significance as always. However, why wake a sleeping dog to tell it it looks so peaceful when it's asleep?

Re: M-TH: Erratum

2000-03-01 Thread Hugh Rodwell
Er, perhaps I should point out it's the sentiment I find so pleasing, not necessarily the sanguine 'new economy' exceptionalism implicit there-in. Human work (as opposed to the inhuman work that rules the roost today) will ever be part of the world, and no-one should be denied their whack. Being

M-TH: Re: Our Mainstream

2000-02-29 Thread Hugh Rodwell
An example in point, my favorite list (as Rob knows) is currently discussing whether Liberation Theology still exists! Many on this list seem to think that LT has almost totally evaporated off the face of the planet. If they were living in Texas as I do, they would quickly see that the

M-TH: Virus hoaxes and the health of capitalism

2000-02-10 Thread Hugh Rodwell
Headwood wrote: Congrats, Hugh! You've fallen for two hoaxes in one message (and I'm not even counting the death agony of capitalism. If you don't believe me (and why should you?) check out and

M-TH: Indian strikes

2000-01-25 Thread Hugh Rodwell
A useful address for India. Hugh = If you want news on Indian strike which are continuing unabated, go to, where news below from Uttar Pradesh, comes from.The government is putting the navy into the docks. Bill The Hindu.

M-TH: Re: German politics acquires sleazy tinge

2000-01-25 Thread Hugh Rodwell
Chris B gets into sleaze. At least he realizes that there's: More than a tinge!! Most of his comments are the usual smashing through wide-open doors, however: For the leading party in the perfect artificially-constructed bourgeois democracy to go through this, shows that in every country

M-TH: Indian strikes hotting up

2000-01-23 Thread Hugh Rodwell
This just came to my notice. Anyone got any info on contacts between dockers and wharfies in other countries and the Indian dockers? Cheers, Hugh * Indian Navy Moves In As 100,000 Dockers Strike Almost 100,000 Indian dock workers began an indefinite strike for more pay on Tuesday, prompting

M-TH: Massive strikes in India

2000-01-19 Thread Hugh Rodwell
This was just posted to Labor-List. Cheers, Hugh Massive strike wave in India To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] LabourStart - *** Please re-post to other mailing lists, newsgroups, bulletin boards, etc. *** In the last week alone, LabourStart has

M-TH: Insurrection in Ecuador -- first news

2000-01-16 Thread Hugh Rodwell
I just received the following forward. Obviously more news will emerge as the day continues. Keep your eyes open! Note the websites given! Cheers, Hugh Sent: Sunday, January 16, 2000 4:41 PM Subject: Insurrection Against Neo-Liberalism in Ecuador

Re: M-TH: Re: Gramsci on the State

2000-01-09 Thread Hugh Rodwell
I wrote: So what do you prepare for -- the thousand automatic adjustments in the bourgeois democratic regime or the decisive moment of political transition when it will be possible to remove bourgeois political institutions and replace them with socialist ones? Chris B replied: Well, I think

M-TH: Re: Gramsci on the State

2000-01-08 Thread Hugh Rodwell
Chris writes: As far as revolutionary change in the west is concerned Hugh seems to make the mistake of arguing that because Gramsci's approach implies 10,000 changes in the superstructure will be part of the process, it will nevertheless be a gradual evolution. Turbulence and sudden change

M-TH: Re: Gramsci on the State

2000-01-07 Thread Hugh Rodwell
Hugh, are your really calling Gramsci a revisionist? And if so what type of revisionist is he, and what is your evidence? (I will still allow that you might want to call many self-declared *Gramscians* revisionists, but that is not necessarily the same question.) Chris Burford Yes. Let's

M-TH: Re: From another list on nation

2000-01-04 Thread Hugh Rodwell
Sorry Charlie, but this is typical say-nothing bollocks from the "other list". Note that Jim B neither reproduces nor summarizes Stalin's theory or definition, nor Lenin's. Regardless of definitions, Lenin worked concretely with the national question many times after 1913-14, and is very clear

M-TH: On which the sun never sets

2000-01-02 Thread Hugh Rodwell
BBC person of the millennium results: 1. Mahatma Gandhi Black (sort of) subject of British Empire (unwilling, jailed) 2. Leonardo da Vinci 3. Jesus ChristPalestinian leader, not tolerated in Roman Empire 4. Nelson Mandela Black subject of British Empire

Re: M-TH: Gramsci on the State

2000-01-02 Thread Hugh Rodwell
Chris B writes: Gut revulsion at opportunist political leaders seems to combine with a reading of Lenin's polemics against opportunism to create a view that the bourgeois state can never have a progressive aspect, nor can government policies be a terrain of struggle. It is a controversial area,

M-TH: Re: Millennial greetings

2000-01-01 Thread Hugh Rodwell
Chris B writes: But I agree with Hugh, (even though I suspect he may wish to leave me out of the greetings to revolutionaries) that sometime in the next millenium, and probably within the next century, we should be celebrating a socialist thanksgiving, with turkey the main item on the menu. The


2000-01-01 Thread Hugh Rodwell
Hugh declares: HAPPY NEW MILLENNIUM TO ALL REVOLUTIONARIES WORKING TO MAKE THIS THE BIG ONE! The above is a lot of sentimental claptrap. What does happy mean --mammy tuck me in at night; god look after me. Warm regards George Pennefather Be free to check out our Communist Think-Tank web site


2000-01-01 Thread Hugh Rodwell
Many thanks to Jari-Pekka for his clarifications. And for the knowledge that there are some Trotksyists in Finland -- rare birds indeed. Maoists (at the time) I knew, but I only met one Trotskyist there, who moved to Sweden and was active in the USec. Pekka Haapakoski, who wrote about the

M-TH: Re: the fascist stuff and a HAPPY NEW YEAR

1999-12-31 Thread Hugh Rodwell
In message 001e01bf529a$768c2340$8af3143e@malecki, Bob Malecki [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes On Wed, 29 Dec 1999 20:41:20 -, "Geoff Collier" [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Now you have more time can you update us on your local fascist problem ? Geoff Sure! Um in


1999-12-30 Thread Hugh Rodwell
A vote for the Stalinists in Finland is hardly in support of class struggle historically or today. Warm Regards Bob Malecki As there isn't any Bolshevik-Leninist to vote so we have to vote for what we have. Of course we don't support Manner as a Stalinist but because his work for example in the

M-TH: Re: Nation

1999-12-27 Thread Hugh Rodwell
Charlie's right in his reply to George, but of course he should have mentioned the best Marxist treatment of this problem so far, that is Trotsky's work on the Permanent Revolution. Based on the work of Marx, Engels and Lenin, and quoting copiously from them, Trotsky shows how the progress of

M-TH: Re: South Africa

1999-12-27 Thread Hugh Rodwell
Perhaps some people have views about the settlement to end the apartheid regime in South Africa bringing the ANC to power. My opinion is that the white regime agreed to a settlement because of the weakness of the mass movement in South Africa as led by the ANC and the trade unions. Please

M-TH: Marx/Engels Internet Archive

1999-12-20 Thread Hugh Rodwell
Good news! After Chris B's note about the Marx/Engels Internet Archive not having a search engine I checked it out and wrote to the Archive to ask about it. This is their reply. Cheers, Hugh ___ Greetings, and thank you for your inquiry. We're in the process

Re: M-TH: Ali BBC sportsperson of the century

1999-12-19 Thread Hugh Rodwell
Chris B writes: Like Hugh, (who essentially agrees with me apart from having to take a customary swipe at reformism) I also remember the black power salute at the Olympics. That took courage. I don't essentially agree with Chris. I essentially disagree with him precisely because of the

Re: M-TH: Debt relief

1999-12-19 Thread Hugh Rodwell
Does anybody have any view on the West's apparent attempts to extinguish much of the third world debt? Yes, it's exactly that -- "apparent". It's like a slave-driver on a Roman galley giving the rowers a day without the whip, so they won't die on him. Sometimes the regime is "humane", like

M-TH: Re: Show us yer spit...

1999-12-06 Thread Hugh Rodwell
I asked: Now if any of you cleverclogs's can show me a single quote in which Engels or Lenin or Trotsky claim that dialectical materialism is a finished body of philosophical doctrine, or that their own contributions to its first steps are more than just that, then we might have a discussion.

M-TH: wouldabeen nice to talk about, eh?

1999-12-02 Thread Hugh Rodwell
Rob whinges: Whilst I obviously tend to Simon's general point of view (although I'm closer to Hugh on the finance/'productive capital' question) - and I do find it strange to be considered 'pb' when we own nothing, 'parasites' when we ask nothing, 'offering blueprints' when that is precisely

M-TH: Re: wouldabeen nice to talk about, eh?

1999-12-02 Thread Hugh Rodwell
RIP from the tomb intones: Wouldn't it be nice if Hugh were right? (It *is*, Russ...) It's called an upsurge In your dreams. No cauldron about to explode- this is just a tempest in a teapot- the last fart of hippydom whinging about selected contradictions of capital and hoping that street

Re: M-TH: China and LOV

1999-11-29 Thread Hugh Rodwell
Simon makes some points: Workers like these two toiled for a pittance for decades, with the lifetime promise of a communist state's "iron rice bowl." Now, caught between two economic eras, they feel betrayed. Capitalism tells us all that we will be well off if we work hard. China, as

M-TH: US lies about Chinese embassy bombing

1999-11-28 Thread Hugh Rodwell
This piece I'm forwarding below from today's Observer, which persuasively argues that the bombing of the Chinese embassy in Belgrade was deliberate, demonstrates: a) the risks the most powerful capitalist nation on earth is prepared to take to get its way; b) the lies it (and its lapdog English

Re: M-TH: Re: Meszaros article: Communism Is No Utopia

1999-11-26 Thread Hugh Rodwell
Dear Rob, Where I am with Simon is the sensibility that we're not at the planning stage until lots'n'lots of people are engaged. And then they'll be part of the planning, too, eh? I've never worn that 'saviours waving the programme at the masses' stuff. Don't reckon it gets you to

M-TH: A fish in water

1999-11-25 Thread Hugh Rodwell
Bob M writes from the far north (actually just the middle if you look at the map, he lives near UmeƄ) of Sweden: Buy the way the school principle yesterday announced at a mass gathering of students that Bob will be employed another year at school. This only after being confronted with all the

Re: M-TH: Red Ken or plain old Labour

1999-11-25 Thread Hugh Rodwell
Dear all, I was wondering what others here thought of the issue of Ken Livingstone standing for Mayor of London. He has made it quite clear that he would want to work with the City of London Stock Market and although he has made some concessions to his old Left allies on the Underground (with

M-TH: Re:LOV, butterflies and babies

1999-11-24 Thread Hugh Rodwell
Simon writes, poetically: Our job is not to pull the baby out of the womb. We are the baby, to use the metaphor, being born. Or rather, we are a butterfly in the making, reconstituting from a caterpillar via the pupae phase (the political understanding, i.e. the form) to bursting from the

M-TH: Mother

1999-11-24 Thread Hugh Rodwell
How's this for a great piece of journalism? Mother Knows Best Once convinced that they should expend their precious parental energy, mothers go to great lengths to rear their young. Most impressive is the Australian social spider. As her spiderlings mature, she

Re: M-TH: Re:LOV, butterflies and babies

1999-11-24 Thread Hugh Rodwell
In his reply to me Simon just gives us more of the same. But he adds: And on value, well, we've been over this. You are talking about suspending the PRICE mechanism. No, Dave's right here, there's no capitalist price without value, as Marx makes perfectly clear in the Grundrisse, the

M-TH: Re: Meszaros article

1999-11-24 Thread Hugh Rodwell
Ian H writes: I do not have the time to say too much, but would like to say that I also found Meszaros' article a really good read, and would like people to take up the challenge to articulate a clear vision and strategy for socialism unemcumbered with the baggage of our political past I'd

M-TH: Re: China and law of value.

1999-11-23 Thread Hugh Rodwell
Dave B's excellent summary of the workings of the Law of Value ends this way: This discussion began with China. The point about getting the LOV right is that it allows us to recognise that once the LOV is suspended the potential is there to replace it with a healthy workers plan that can escape

M-TH: Preobrazhensky - the LOV - Primitive Socialist Accumulation

1999-11-20 Thread Hugh Rodwell
This might hold if Marx had ever restricted himself to the theoretical bits of the first volume of Capital, or had not been aware of the relationship between the laws determining the movement of capital and their empirical manifestation, or had not intended to write sections of Capital dealing

M-TH: RE: C'mon you lot!

1999-11-15 Thread Hugh Rodwell
Hi all, Being a newcomer on this list, I don't know what you're talking about. It seems to me that we shouldn't be attacking people and we should concentrate more on critiquing their ideas in a constructive manner so that we can formulate better positions and act in the interest of the working

Re: M-TH: C'mon you lot!

1999-11-12 Thread Hugh Rodwell
Nice as slapping bottoms might be, Rob, and I never thought you were a Madonna fan, a more appropriate measure might be to put offenders in the front row of the scrum in the coming final between the Springboks and the All Blacks. Five minutes at tight head would just about do the trick ... If

M-TH: The Left Military Dictatorship (Pakistan)

1999-10-31 Thread Hugh Rodwell
Here is a brief article from the Labour Party of Pakistan summarizing the first week after the coup. It is apparent how utterly indifferent most of the political forces of that country are to democracy and the freedoms this is supposed to guarantee with respect to organization, assembly and

M-TH: Pakistan--statement on coup, its causes and labour's interests

1999-10-16 Thread Hugh Rodwell
Here's a statement by the Labour Party of Pakistan, giving the causes and the probable effects of the coup and declaring the interests of the working class in these events. The LPP is a revolutionary Trotskyist party close to the LIT. Cheers, Hugh ==

M-TH: Pakistan Urgent -- mobilize against the coup

1999-10-12 Thread Hugh Rodwell
I just received this from a comrade in Brazil. The events in Pakistan affect a huge and rapidly radicalizing working class. Not to mention the effects on Pakistani workers abroad. Cheers, Hugh _ Comrades, Today, October 10th there was a military coup in

Re: M-TH: History and institutional malignance

1999-09-10 Thread Hugh Rodwell
Rob confesses: I have to rant. Australia still hasn't a - withdrawn recognition of Indonesian sovereignty of East Timor b - expressed open support for Habibie against Wiranto c - withdrawn aid d - withdrawn our embassy staff from Djakarta and expel the Indonesian staff from Canberra e - stopped

M-TH: CWG-NZ statement on East Timor

1999-09-07 Thread Hugh Rodwell
Good one, Dave. More considered reaction later. The important thing of course is that calling on the imperialists to clean up a mess they created themselves is like giving patients with typhoid cholera-infected water to drink. Or as Moreno loved to say, it's the solution of the "bombero loco"

RE: M-TH: Bolshevism lives

1999-07-01 Thread Hugh Rodwell
Its interesting how the national question has come up as THE difficult one. Why? Because it's still unsolved, because the bourgeoisie and the petty-bourgeoisie have no solutions at all nowadays, and because the oppression and exploitation of weak nations (semi-colonies and to an increasing

M-TH: Re: NATO wins, state caps basics

1999-06-11 Thread Hugh Rodwell
Neil throws a turnip: Trotskyisms shameless defense of state capitalism..., etc Shume mishtake shurely- or does anyone else, apart from Trots, indulge in this befuddled conceit? Russ What befuddled conceit? State capitalism or the idea of degenerated and deformed workers states? Trotskyism

M-TH: Re: Does the labor theory of value hold?

1999-06-08 Thread Hugh Rodwell
A couple of remarks in relation to Hans's nice answer on the labour theory of value. Hugh asked me the "Gretchenfrage" whether I think the labor theory of value is valid. Lovely German expression there, the "Gretchenfrage". Collins German dictionary doesn't do it justice with "crunch question"

M-TH: Re: Marx on GOLD

1999-06-07 Thread Hugh Rodwell
[This post was delayed because majordomo thought the word "unserviceable" was meant to be an unsubscription request] Rob is very defensive of Doug: Explains Doug (following Marx every inch of the way, Bob), credit to producers funds greater capacity beyond consumption, while credit to

Re: M-TH: Marx on GOLD

1999-06-07 Thread Hugh Rodwell
John W writes: Thanks for all your replies but now I am completely confused. How can money - as the universal measure of value - function if it does not itself have any value? If value is determined by the labour time necessary for its production. Money does have value the same as any other

Re: M-TH: Re: Reforming Capitalism

1999-06-01 Thread Hugh Rodwell
Doug Henwood wrote: Hugh Rodwell wrote: The reason our indirect (not so bloody indirect actually) apologists for capital (such as Doug and Chris, with Rob flapping around them like one of Dante's trimmers on the banks of the Styx) [...] keep trying to make us think that capital is doing OK

M-TH: Re: Reforming Capitalism

1999-05-31 Thread Hugh Rodwell
Buford writes: At 15:36 30/05/99 +0200, Hugh wrote what was only his second contribution in 4 weeks, despite a post at 4 weeks ago emphasising that we are in a revolutionary situation. My political activity is not directly proportional to my activity on Thaxis. A period with few posts does not

M-TH: Re: Reforming Capitalism

1999-05-30 Thread Hugh Rodwell
Rob writes among other things: Yeah, some argue that we in the west are now internalising a contradiction that used to manifest at the class level (many of us are both workers and depend for our retirements on extractions via stocks). This places the contradiction, according to a nice English

M-TH: Two things at once (NATO *and* Serbian aggression)

1999-05-21 Thread Hugh Rodwell
Dave B writes in reply to John W in Manchester: In response to John; 1. Dual defensism? Defense against imperialism takes priority. But Kosovars should defend themselves also against any Serb oppression. Right. Note that the Serb regime represents on the one hand an oppressed nation being

M-TH: Re: NATO aircraft losses in Yugoslavia untill 04-20-1999

1999-05-01 Thread Hugh Rodwell
Forwarding information on NATO losses from a Serbian source. The second website (hosted by Cybercities) referred to has a discussion of the reliability of the reports and details of the aircraft used, and it's done by a Russian. Cheers, Hugh ___

M-TH: Re: hitting the nail on the ehad?

1999-04-15 Thread Hugh Rodwell
Charlie wrote.. I agree with Rob that NATO and the U.S. are the fascist danger in this war. The U.S. neo-colonial empire is built in part of many fascist governments that are fully fascist because of their connection to the reactionary sector or military industrial complex of transnational

M-TH: Re: Swedish fascism

1999-01-17 Thread Hugh Rodwell
Charles B (in the article he forwarded) and James F (in his remarks on the reactionary bourgeois cultural icon Ingmar Bergman) highlight the strong streak of right-wing reaction in Sweden. I'd like to comment on some of the statements in the article from the Internet Anti-Fascist/LA Times that