Re: M-TH: Fw: A new regular feature in LM magazine

1999-10-28 Thread J.WALKER, ILL
George, Surely this cannot be a serious column. Not only is the format, of Furedi as agony aunt simply bizare, but the politics that lie behind it (which is the real point) are beyond comprehension. That we live in a world where one can wander up to the employer and quietly explain that it

Re: M-TH: A plea

1999-08-25 Thread J.WALKER, ILL
Rob, One of the great fears about asking a question is to have too many too long replies. So can I ask the most difficult question which merits the lengthist of answers BUT to ask for only a *brief* reply. The question is: What are we waiting for? What do comrades consider is the MOST

Re: M-TH: Re: dialectical materialism/activist materialism

1999-08-13 Thread J.WALKER, ILL
Why should we, as socialists or Marxists, adopt such a perspective? In what way does it contribute to the struggle for socialism? Lew Lew, The importance of dialectical materialism to the struggle for socialism is in my opinion twofold. First, people like Engles wanted to appeal to the

M-TH: Re: M-TH Republican Movement GFA

1999-08-04 Thread J.WALKER, ILL
Comrades, In my opinion as someone from Britain, the Republican movement though now far from it revolutionary arder of previous years is still the legitimate voice of the national liberation struggle against British Imperialism. It might not have the aims we might like, it may have made

M-TH: Re: Living Marxism and over-accumulation

1999-07-29 Thread J.WALKER, ILL
Comrades, Sorry I'm a bit confused by all this over-accumulation and under- consumption debate (as my earlier unresolved Gold question revealed I haven't got far through Book I of Capital, never mind Book III !). So it would be useful to know what exactly the old RCP/now LM were actually

M-TH: Re: NATO wins

1999-06-11 Thread J.WALKER, ILL
Dear Neil, One doesn't have to believe that Yugo, China and Russia are 'Worker's States' to know that a scramble for the ex-communist states is being mounted by imperialism. And that the further advances of capital into these countries is not in the interests of the working class

M-TH: Marx's GOLD

1999-06-08 Thread J.WALKER, ILL
Dear all, If you could slow down this debate slightly, please can anyone tell me if in Marx's own day what the relation between the amount of gold in the economy and the amount of other commodies being exchanged was. Was there (at that time) enough gold he;d to honour all the transactions?

Re: M-TH: Re: Paragraph on Balkans

1999-05-28 Thread J.WALKER, ILL
Chris, I think you might want to note that this list is aimed at MARXISTS not left reformists (to whom I would hope it would be opposed!) and the Guardian has never been Marxist. In fact it was set up as a Liberal paper and is still funded by the, politically Liberal, Scott Trust (named

M-TH: re: Paragraph on Balkans

1999-05-25 Thread J.WALKER, ILL
Steve, Thanks for the info. on London. Up here, in Manchester, Workers Power are the only active Marxist organisation (I'm not sure if Socialist Outlook is Marxist) which is campaigning hard and vosiferously for the K.L.A. Regards John Walker N.B. I have not even seen WorkersFIGHT on sale

M-TH: The EU the Balkans

1999-05-25 Thread J.WALKER, ILL
Everyone's reply to my 'Paragraph on the Balkans' was quite interesting even if it was longer than a short paragraph on your view of the situation. I6t would be much more useful to have a brief note on what everyone's position is (both theoretically and in their propaganda), who you do and

M-TH: Re: paragraph on Balkans

1999-05-20 Thread J.WALKER, ILL
Just a BRIEF reply to Dave's reply to Rob. Without wanting to sound too sectarian there were a few points in the repy which don't seem to make much sense to me. The arguement appears to be that we should defend Yugoslavia as well as supporting the right of Kosovars to defend themselves. Rob's

M-TH: paragraph on Balkans

1999-05-18 Thread J.WALKER, ILL
In response to Rob, my expaination would be that with the collapse of the socialist bloc, and the catastophic effects of capitalism on Russia, Imperialism (in the dual guise NATO the EU) is attempting to pick off all of Russia's neighbours before it has chance to recover. Yugoslavia was the