[Matplotlib-users] [basemap] EASE grid projection

2012-08-28 Thread Jose Gomez-Dans
Hi, I'd like to plot some EASE Grid global data (the EASE grid is defined for a cylindrical equal area projection). In proj4 parlance, it is defined as +proj=cea +lon_0=0 +lat_ts=30 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +a=6371228 +b=6371228 +units=m +no_defs My data are gridded, and I want to use either pcolormesh or

Re: [Matplotlib-users] Histogram without binning

2011-01-08 Thread Jose Gomez-Dans
Hi, On 8 January 2011 18:57, OKB (not okblacke) brenb...@brenbarn.net wrote: Is there a simple way to get a histogram that does not bin any values together at all, but simply creates one bar for each distinct value in the dataset? You can just use the bins keyword to plt.hist (or np.hist):

Re: [Matplotlib-users] interpolate inside a circle

2010-05-26 Thread Jose Gomez-Dans
On 26 May 2010 17:20, Carlos Grohmann carlos.grohm...@gmail.com wrote: I can interpolate my data using rbf, but only inside a rectangular area (mesh). I'm looking into how to interpolate data inside a circular area, that is, disregarding anything outside a circle (or a polygon, like a convex

Re: [Matplotlib-users] Arrows between points in a plot?

2009-11-29 Thread Jose Gomez-Dans
Hi, 2009/11/29 Michael Cohen mco...@caltech.edu Hi all, I have a plot that has say 6 black X's, each separate, and 6 blue X's, also separate, denoting where x's 1-6 have moved to (from black to blue). Currently each point is plotted with a separate plot function. I would like to generate a

[Matplotlib-users] Refer to matplotlib sphinx plots

2009-11-26 Thread Jose Gomez-Dans
Hi, I'm not sure this is entirely on-topic as it relates to the matplotlib sphinx extension. I hope it's still acceptable! I am writing some documentation using sphinx, and I would like to refer plots that are rendered from an external python script. I can do the plot and it gets imported fine

Re: [Matplotlib-users] Plotting MODIS data in Python / basemap - a MODIS workflow solution?

2009-10-27 Thread Jose Gomez-Dans
Hi, I asked him if he had a solution for plotting standard MODIS hdf products available here: http://rapidfire.sci.gsfc.nasa.gov/realtime/2009300/ In more general terms, what are people using for a 'MODIS workflow'? I can't imagine I'm the first to want to plot MODIS images using basemap.

[Matplotlib-users] Density slice scatter plot

2009-05-05 Thread Jose Gomez-Dans
Hi, I would like to plot a density slice scatter plot (when you have lots of points superimposed, it's very useful). An example from IDL/envi is here: http://www2.geog.ucl.ac.uk/%7Eplewis/geog2021/practical1/scatter3.gif My rustic approach to solving this problem has been to bin all my data

Re: [Matplotlib-users] Saving a basemap plot background

2009-03-05 Thread Jose Gomez-Dans
Jeff, Solved, I think! 2009/3/3 Jose Gomez-Dans jgomezd...@gmail.com: OK, I wasn't aware of this. However, memory consumption still flies. I am aware that it could be other bits of the program that are eating up loads of memory, but I don't know how to test where the bottleneck is. In the end

Re: [Matplotlib-users] Saving a basemap plot background

2009-03-03 Thread Jose Gomez-Dans
Jeff, I've been doing some more tests today. 2009/3/3 Jeff Whitaker jsw...@fastmail.fm Jose: I think the key is to only create the basemap instance only once (for the main plot and for the inset), then re-use that basemap instance each time you create an animation frame. That

[Matplotlib-users] Saving a basemap plot background

2009-03-02 Thread Jose Gomez-Dans
Hi! [I think the message didn't get through the first time I sent it. Resending, and apologies if you get it twice] I have a rather complex basemap-derived plot that I want to save as animation. In essence, it uses the blumarble() to add a nice background, plots some stuff on top of that, and

Re: [Matplotlib-users] Saving a basemap plot background

2009-03-02 Thread Jose Gomez-Dans
Jeff, thanks for your comment 2009/3/2 Jeff Whitaker jsw...@fastmail.fm Jose: I think the key is to only create the basemap instance only once (for the main plot and for the inset), then re-use that basemap instance each time you create an animation frame. That helps in memory consumption,

Re: [Matplotlib-users] Show shapes on scatterplot legend?

2008-03-01 Thread Jose Gomez-Dans
Hi, On Thu, Feb 28, 2008 at 7:45 PM, chombee [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: The problem is that the legend displays only a rectangular block indicating the color for each plot. Is there a way to get the marker shapes of scatter plots into the legend? I faced a similar problem some time ago, and

[Matplotlib-users] Redraw axis

2008-02-28 Thread Jose Gomez-Dans
Hi! I have two datasets with different data coordinates, which I want to plot on different subplots, all showing the same extent. I want to be able to zoom into one of the subplots, and have the other follow (through some conversion of the former's extent). Initially, I just want one plot to

Re: [Matplotlib-users] Redraw axis

2008-02-28 Thread Jose Gomez-Dans
Hi, On Thu, Feb 28, 2008 at 1:47 PM, John Hunter [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: If I understand what you are trying to do, you should be using the sharex and sharey settings for ax1 Mmm, I don't think so. The extent of one image and other are in different units, so I need to transform whatever

Re: [Matplotlib-users] Geo raster

2007-09-20 Thread Jose Gomez-Dans
Hi Lionel, On 9/20/07, Lionel Roubeyrie [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi Jeff, thanks for the reply. Effectively, I saw the warpimage example, and based on that I just want to know if somebody has already used the PCL module to retrieve geographical informations (or another module). With GDAL,

Re: [Matplotlib-users] legend bg color?

2007-09-11 Thread Jose Gomez-Dans
Hi Patrick, Thanks for your message! On 9/10/07, Patrick Bradley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: lg = legend() lg.get_frame().set_fill(False) Mmmm, this is OK, let's say I wanted a figure with a transparent background. I can't find a set_fill() method for this class. I have tried the facecolor

Re: [Matplotlib-users] legend bg color?

2007-09-10 Thread Jose Gomez-Dans
Hi, On 9/5/07, Patrick Bradley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: lg = legend() lg.get_frame().set_facecolor('black') Does anyone know how to set this background to transparent? I think I sent a message to the list a few days ago, but I think it never made it... Cheers! Jose

[Matplotlib-users] Saving just a colorbar

2007-09-03 Thread Jose Gomez-Dans
Hi, I am using Matplotlib to produce colormaps which I use with other programs. I would like to produce a PNG file with the used colormap (so that I can overlay). Rather than doing an imshow(something) followed by colorbar, is there an easy way I could pass the colorbar my cmap instance to have it

[Matplotlib-users] Setting zorder for twinx plots

2007-05-18 Thread Jose Gomez-Dans
Hi, We are trying to plot a climogram (where you have temperature on the left hand axis, and precipitation on the RHS). The data need to be properly scaled as well. We have used twinx() to get the two axes. However, the precipitation (plotted as bars) goes over the temperature line, when it should

Re: [Matplotlib-users] imshow restricted to circle

2007-05-16 Thread Jose Gomez-Dans
Hi, On 5/16/07, Thorsten Kranz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Hi, I have a question about the command imshow. Is there a way to have such a colorplot only limited to a circular area? I want to have it look like the colorplots in

Re: [Matplotlib-users] plotting data from a csv file on a basemap

2007-01-19 Thread Jose Gomez-Dans
Tim, On 1/19/07, [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: how can I read data in that x gets the latitude y gets the longgitute z gets the data which will be shown in different color accoring to their values? Use pylab.load to load the data into an array. Then, the rest of what you want

[Matplotlib-users] Date conversion

2006-11-07 Thread Jose Gomez-Dans
Hi! We are tryint to access time data stored in an SQL The query returns a date object of type DbiDate. When printed, we get a nicely formatted text date. If cast into a float or int, you get the number of seconds elapsed since 1/1/1970. The way we are dealing with the conversion from this format

[Matplotlib-users] Stacked subplots

2006-09-14 Thread Jose Gomez-Dans
Hi! I am coding a little application that shows a number of subplots (of the 511, 512...515 type) stacked up. They all have the same x-axis, and I want them to only have the xticks labels on the downward most axes. The subplots are defined in a matplotlib.figure.Figure object, and have been

[Matplotlib-users] White squares in Unicode strings

2006-06-28 Thread Jose Gomez-Dans
Hi!I have some unicode strings to insert accents into plot titles, axes and labels. As output, I produce both PNGs and EPS files. I don't select any backend (I guess TKAgg is chosen by default), and run the program on Windows. I use matplotlib 0.87.Anyway, the problem is that in the EPS files,