Hello Vagelis,
You should make the amendment in the mpc.branch array. I am not sure
about transformers, but thinking about their model probably it will
work there,too. Why don't you just give it a try? Try first with a
very tight limit, so that the OPF will not converge and then run again
with zer
Hallo Panagis,
and thanks for your answer.
so just making the mpc.gen(:,6)=0 will disregard the constraint without having
to change the impedance. This is great.
and if for example I do not want the transformers to be a bottleneck, can I
just make their 6th column 0 while keeping the same correct
Dear Vagelis,
I think there is no flow constraint if you set the MVA limit to 0 in
"branches". I remember such an if/case in the code, but I am not sure
if this is about the constraint.
Best regards,
Panagis Vovos
On 5 December 2012 20:52, Evangelos Galinas wrote:
> Dear all,
> I have a smal