Hi Laurent, first your English is not poor. I can't even find a single
grammatical error, LOL.
I find that many a times, it is very hard for me to open my files or save my
edits and I get this download index.php box popping up instead. I spend a
lot of time on my website and I quite often face acc
Hi PM Poon,
Why do they ask you to upgrade if you are using less than 0.5% of hard
disk / bandwidth allocation??
I'm asking this because I'm using the same host as you.
Thank you for your answer and sorry for my poor english.
MediaWiki-l m
Hi Peachey, you are right. That's what is required by Hostgator. But my two
present webhosts don't require that. This problem is minor but it makes me
worry about other problems.
As you know, webhosts install a lot of security features in their
shared-hosting servers that makes it difficult to imp
Unless your using the root account which is unlikely on a shared
hosting platform you will have to create a user account with the
correct privileges to create a db, or you will have to create a db
(and leave blank, eg no tables) and then attach a user to it so it has
permissions to use it and then
I've just checked and they have extended their Valentine's offer until Feb
16th; a year's dreamhost unlimited for $10! - fill in the sign-up form and
then enter the promo code "777" at the bottom. That reduces the fee to $10
or so for the year ...
I bought one as an onl
I use dreamhost @ $10 or so/month for unlimited bandwidth & space plus
1-click installs.
I would recommend them.
- Regards, Mike
On 16/02/2009, Ekompute .info wrote:
> Hi Peachey, thank you. I hear GoDaddy is for those who don't need technical
> support, ie. those who can handle their own pro
Hi Daniel, thanks for your advice. I can't afford a VPS yet and also my hard
disk usage and traffic is not big. 0.5% of harddisk allocation and 0.3%
bandwidth allocation is not even 1% of my shared hosting allocation. But one
day, I may have to look into VPS. Hopefully by then, there is advertisin
Hi Peachey, thank you. I hear GoDaddy is for those who don't need technical
support, ie. those who can handle their own problems. Yes, I also hear that
Dreamhost is good.
What do I mean by "I have to set up my own database manually"? Usually when
you set up your wiki, the program will help you ins
99% of shared hosting packages will not be very good for hosting a fair
sized MediaWiki environment.
Your best bet is a VPS. I've been using Linode.com for mine for awhile,
though if you are pretty large and want some scalability you might try
using Amazon ec2 (I'm thinking of experimenting wit
On Mon, Feb 16, 2009 at 3:55 PM, Ekompute .info wrote:
> Hi, can anyone recommend me a good *multi-domain webhost* to host my
> Mediawiki? I am with Siteground. They are good but they are now asking me to
> upgrade to VPS hosting @ US$99 a month although I only use 0.5% of my hard
> disk allocatio
Hi, can anyone recommend me a good *multi-domain webhost* to host my
Mediawiki? I am with Siteground. They are good but they are now asking me to
upgrade to VPS hosting @ US$99 a month although I only use 0.5% of my hard
disk allocation and 0.3% of my bandwidth allocation.
I tried Hostgator but th
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