> On Fri, 12 Nov 99, Leston Drake wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I've got a "countdown" clock in my app that shows time remaining. For example,
> > I want to have it start at "5:00" (five minutes) and count down to "0:00". The
> > formatting is important so that it reads
> I've got a "countdown" clock in my app that shows time remaining
Stick the following into a cd fld script and you're set.
on mouseUp
global CountTimer
ask "Count down how many seconds?" with 300
put the milliseconds+(it*1000)into CountTimer
set the backcolor of me to r
Is there a way of "copyrighting" a standalone?
I was thinking of inserting an "if the short date is x then quit" line
so that, after a trial period, the stack/standalone would no longer
start up. Are there other/better/politer ways of controlling access?
Thank you.
Nicolas R Cueto