Re: divide by zero erro

2000-06-07 Thread Nelson Zink
Rick, >Avoids the repeat loop and potential problems there. For one-stop shopping for random numbers: put random(gUpper-gLower) + gLower into MCH Nelson Archives: Info: Please send bug report

re: divide by zero erro

2000-06-06 Thread Nelson Zink
Rick, >When I run it on >the Windows platform I preiodically get a divide by zero error Try the following: on generateMCH global MCH, glower, gupper if gUpper>1 and gLower>0 and gUpper>gLower then put empty into MCH repeat until MCH >glower put random(gupper) into MCH

numeric sensitive (?)

2000-04-28 Thread Nelson Zink
nswer quote&it"e&" is not a number I like! Enter something reasonable." exit mouseup end if Nelson Zink Archives: Info: Please send bug reports to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, not this list.

Re: Script Editing in Browse Mode

2000-04-06 Thread Nelson Zink
Sivakatirswami, > But what about a global implementation? I tried to put that into the front >script, but after the first mouseUp which open script editor. Try this in the stack script: on mousemove if the optionkey is down then edit script of the target else pass mousemove end mousemove W

Multi-card glorified Find Again

2000-03-20 Thread Nelson Zink
Mary, >> gTextToSkip needs to be reset in the Find Again script. >Let me know what you're thinking. I don't want to reset it outside of >the FIND button because I always want to find the next occurrence after >the previous found occurrence. In the single-card stacks, I could just >hit Find Again

Multi-card glorified Find Again

2000-03-19 Thread Nelson Zink
Mary, > I sure could use some help wrappin' my head around this one. Try the following: FIND BUTTON SCRIPT: on mouseUp global gTextToFind,gTextToSkip,gChunk ask "What text do you want to find?" if the result is "Cancel" then exit mouseUp else put it into gTextToFind -- to

cut copy paste buttons on the mac

2000-03-15 Thread Nelson Zink
Jeff, >just hard to stop >my brain loop of hitting the f keys... any solutions out there??? The following is mine--placed in the home stack. I use it mostly for F5 and F8--they both toggle. F1 (undo) is a little quirky sometimes, but I don't think I understand what 'undo' means in MC. on

button bounce script

2000-03-05 Thread Nelson Zink
Brian , >The idea is to make a button react when you click on it. Is this the kind of thing you're looking for? on thumb put 30 into RR --number of repeats put 5 into WW --speed setting repeat RR --contract put the rect of the target into temp add 1 to item 1 of temp add 1 t

MetaCard & CGI

1999-12-28 Thread Nelson Zink
By request, the personal story of "Setting up a website to do e-commerce using MetaCard as the CGI component" has been updated and is back online at: Nelson Zink This is the MetaCard mailing list. Archives:

CGI's starting from a Mac

1999-11-27 Thread Nelson Zink
Marc, > I'm running Metacard on a Mac, and I was wondering how to convert, into >a CGI application My saga continues at: some of which may apply to your situation. Nelson

Apache Server and Metacard CGI's

1999-11-16 Thread Nelson Zink
I, so it should be easier for you. I decided to write about my experience and what I learned. Find it at You won't need to do anything with either Apache or Linux. Nelson Zink

Apache Server and Metacard CGI's

1999-11-16 Thread Nelson Zink
d what I learned. Find it at You won't need to do anything with either Apache or Linux. Nelson Zink

converting seconds to minutes & seconds

1999-11-14 Thread Nelson Zink
Leston, > I've got a "countdown" clock in my app that shows time remaining Stick the following into a cd fld script and you're set. on mouseUp global CountTimer ask "Count down how many seconds?" with 300 put the milliseconds+(it*1000)into CountTimer set the backcolor of me to r

escaping a repeat loop

1999-11-10 Thread Nelson Zink
milliseconds getOuttaHere hide group "bin-bon!" wait 600 milliseconds getOuttaHere show group "bin-bon!" end repeat on getOuttaHere if the commandkey is down then show group "bin-bon!" exit repeat end if end getOuttaHere Nelson Zink


1999-11-01 Thread Nelson Zink
RenÈ >Thanks for using an appropriate wording of the subject of your mail. Check >out NETIQUETTE if you do not know what I am talking about, please. Where would I find NETIQUETTE? Nelson Zink

Re: Digest metacard.v003.n121

1999-10-31 Thread Nelson Zink
ler somewhere in the message path of the cd btns. Nelson Zink

Apache Server and Metacard CGI's

1999-01-16 Thread Nelson Zink
David, >The one bit in your >article that could do with a bit more detail is to do with permissions and >the various checkboxes/combinations that fetch and other graphical >interfaces allow? For the time beginning at least, set all the READs to true. (you, the group and the world) Same with EXE

Distant Finding

1999-01-03 Thread Nelson Zink
R¸diger, >There are better options: if "007" is in fld "Agents" of cd "Espionage" then ... H, the old 'it's obvious' trick again. Thanks, just what I wanted. Nelson

Distant Finding

1999-01-02 Thread Nelson Zink
"007" in cd fld Agents of cd Espionage is "not found" then MailThePackage Nelson Zink