Did I hear an optimizing challenge
Just kidding- many of you probably have noticed I tend to get a
little over-zealous when a script gets to being optimized on-list.
I'd be happy to take a crack at the colorizing script over the
weekend provided nobody is anxious to do it themselves before t
I like courageous users ;)
Now i'll be forced to install 2.6 ;)
ok, should be easy...
First you can revert the installation be
restoring a fresh 2.6 mctools stack.
Hopefully you dont tinker with the MC engine
yet... ;)
The stack should be run from the same folder as
the MCtools stack whi
Did I hear an optimizing challenge
Just kidding- many of you probably have noticed I tend to get a little
over-zealous when a script gets to being optimized on-list.
I'd be happy to take a crack at the colorizing script over the weekend
provided nobody is anxious to do it themselves before t
Firstable, the colorizing script in MC is the fastest I've seen.
That and commenting could be made faster if the screen was locked first,
and faster still if done with htmlText.
Anyone want to tackle that for the IDE?
Richard Gaskin
Fourth World Media Corporation
6/2/2004 4:18:37 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> You can also try my alternative script editor but it may
> take just as long to colorize the script or more because it does a much
> better job at parsing the script and comments - the price of features!. I
> haven't tested it with the new MetaC
> The problem is
>that colorize scripts is a global setting and if I forget to turn it off before
>exiting some smaller script then I'm
>hosed when I try to open the stack script. I tried using Ctrl + . which quits
>the operation but leaves me with
>a blank script editor. If I close the scri